In good hands: Who can pick up from shelters on March 24-30

In good hands: Who can pick up from shelters on March 24-30 8753_1
In good hands: Who can pick up from shelters on March 24-30 Anastasia Ageev

Taking a pet out of the shelter, you will not only get a faithful friend, but also make a good deed. Together with the Foundations "to the Future", "All World" and private curators, Time Out continues to be a weekly heading, which tells about animals from the shelters looking for the house right now. Perhaps among them there is one who is waiting for you.


Age: 5 years

Accustomed to a leash: yes

Height in the withers: 50 cm

Vaccination: Yes

Castration: Yes

Shelter: Ostrachot contact: +7 (916) 435-69-68 Catherine (call, write in WhatsApp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Fanya is a wonderful and good-natured dog. He lives in a shelter for several years, but does not attract the attention of the coming, does not run to hugging each, does not pull the paws, does not bother. He just quietly waiting for his man, timidly and hesitantly hoping that the finding of happiness is possible for him.

Sometimes he thoughtfully and carefully peers in the people passing by his enclosure, very happy every time someone stops stroking him. Then Fanya is enlivened, and his smart brown eyes as if they start glowing joy.

He is very valuable for hours and even minutes to communicate with people. Fanya is a middle-aged dog, he is about 5-6 years old, he is a small sofa-room size. He is healthy, pick up, neutered and perfectly suitable in a relaxed family, loveless walks - during them he does not pull a leash, and leisurely goes around.

The shelter volunteers are very waiting for the best and beautiful person for this wonderful dog. Rather, call and come to get acquainted with FANEY.

If you doubt:

How to understand that you are ready to make a pet

5 myths about animals from shelters


Age: 2 years

Accustomed to a leash: yes

Height in the withers: 60 cm

Vaccination: Yes

Castration: Yes

Shelter: Oak GroveContact: +7 (915) 249-94-09 Alina (call, write in whatsapp)

+7 (916) 115 92 96 Anastasia (call, write in whatsapp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Marley is kind, cozy and friendly dog. He loves people very much and in general the world around. Marley with pleasure explores the territory for walks, he is attentive as Sherlock Holmes, and inquisitive, like first grade.

Marley loves to play, for example, with laces, so that in it in addition to all other talents there are also cheerful puppies. Is that what are you big, strong and serious with sight, maybe a hindrance to the soul to have fun and how should the fool?

Marley has special eyes and an incredibly intelligent look. Looking at him, confidence arises that actually he is an excellent interlocutor and is able to give every wise advice. Only here is the words he does not waste and believes that sincere conversations still need to behave with that very, only his man.

Marley will easily become a member of any family, make friends, heated and heated, will bring happiness and will be happier himself. Marley is attached to the family under the contract of responsible content to Moscow or the Moscow region with accommodation in an apartment or a private house. Strictly not aviary and not on the chain.

How to help if you do not have the opportunity to shelter a pet:

The TEDDY FOOD platform broadcasts the life of ward shelter on the site through webcams on the site. An animal can be fed online, help him with care and treatment. In addition, you can assist the shelters, buying or giving a sticker with a March cat in Mamba.

Master to help the shelters by making a donation to the Fund

11 ways to help homeless animals: instructions for residents of the metropolis

Electronic gift certificate for animal assistance


Age: 2 years

Accustomed to a leash: yes

Height in the withers: 55 cm

Vaccination: Yes

Sterilization: Yes

Shelter: Solntsevo

Contact: +7 (905) 795 51 76 faith (call, write in whatsapp)

+7 (903) 578 55 09 Inna (Call, Write in WhatsApp)

Facebook Instagram VKontakte

Life the guns began on the street, later she got into the shelter. At first, the KNOP was afraid of everything in the world, but today is a very social dog. She is already quietly walking on a leash and learns to basic teams.

KNop loves to be close to man, and any pastime with him to her joy, be it a cheerful game or scratching behind the ear. And even the KNOP will definitely meet you at the threshold, help with household chores and in difficult moments to raise you your mood with your cheerful temper.

Externally, the knob resembles a lot of chanterelle - very thin, longolate, aristocratic. She is slightly jealous, but very devoted and, like everyone, wants to find his home and be the most beloved dog in the world. Call Rather, the KNOP is very waiting for you.

If you encountered difficulties:

Adaptation of an animal from a shelter in a new house: Help for those who helped


Age: 6 months

Accustomed to the tray: yes

Vaccination: Yes

Sterilization: Yes

Shelter: Biryulevokontount: +7 (916) 210-27-75 Elena (call, write in whatsapp)

+7 (925) 509-18-14 Marina (Call, write in Whatsapp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Bun - a fat cat with plush wool. By the nature of the bun of the aristocrat - it is very pin and affectionate when it has a mood to communicate. The rest of the time will not bother you and will deal with your cat affairs: it will sleep, play and combat.

Bun loves to play with toys, and then tasty eat. During the afternoon rest, she chinno next to the Lena, not welcoming a sharp invasion of personal space.

The bun friendly applies to all if it is not offended, but it can also stand up for herself, although he is still a completely teenage kitten. Therefore, it is very energetic and fun jumping, catching solar bunnies. The bun is very waiting for its family and is given subject to the presence of grids "Antikushka".

Where to go with a dog in Moscow

Time Out figured out how to make a walk with a favorite pet in Moscow comfortable and safe for myself and others, and in what institutions of the capital are waiting for guests not only people, but also dogs.


Age: 4 years

Accustomed to the tray: yes

Vaccination: Yes

Sterilization: Yes

Shelter: Biryulevokontakt: +7 (926) 346 95 59 Catherine (call, write in whatsapp)

Instagram Facebook VKontakte.

Young Nelly cat is tender and modest. From the side it seems to be a notching: sits by a hacker, folding the paws, and carefully observes all. In fact, it is very affectionate and only waiting for her to be stroked and loved. Nelli will grindly purr on your knees.

Nelly houses will be unobtrusive and quiet companion. On temperament it is a sofa cat, but when there is a good mood, then Nelly is not off and cut down. Especially, if you pay attention to her, and then give a delicious treat - then it will be the most grateful cat in the world.

Nelly healthy, grafted, sterilized. Suggested only if there are anticress grids on the windows. Call and come to get acquainted with this plush miracle. Nelli is very waiting for you!

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