Castabre cultivation (thyme) at home


    The chabret (thyme) is a fairly common plant. It grows everywhere: in the fields, meadows and even on ordinary wasteland. The chamber is one of the 400 varieties of thyme. This is a low-spirited plant of a semi-staple type. It has a weathered and branchy stem.

    Castabre cultivation (thyme) at home 867_1
    Castabre Castabre (Timyan) at home Nelya

    Timyan Growing (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Thyme is very unpretentious, so virtually common on all continents. Most often you can meet 3 types:
    1. Creeping (this species is usually called a chamber). This is a long-term shrub that has a large number of quenching, thin and easily rooted twigs. Gradually, the stalks are decorated near the base. As a result, they form the flower shoots, the height of which can reach 25 cm. Creeping thyme has small oblong leaves with a short camp. Plant blooms in mid-summer. Flowers can be pink, blue or purple. Creeping thymes well tolerate drought and frost.
    2. Ordinary. This is a small shrub plant, the height of which usually does not exceed 15 cm. It has small leaves, whose inner side is a downset. Flowers can be white, purple or red (depends on the variety). This is also an unpretentious plant that is well tolerates frost. Often used in landscape design due to its decorativeness.
    3. Citric. This type of thyme has small egg-shaped leaves. In young plants, the color of the leaves is yellow, but with age he becomes green. Lemon thyme is very popular due to its saturated smell, which has lemon notes. It can grow practically on any soil except wetlands. Normally tolerates strong frosts. So that the plant is thick and with a large number of greenery, it must be cut regularly, removing old twigs.

    For planting this plant, you need to choose the solar or weakly shaded site. If you plan the thyme in the shade, the shoots will begin very quickly, and the bush himself will lose its decorativeness.

    Castabre cultivation (thyme) at home 867_2
    Castabre Castabre (Timyan) at home Nelya

    Thyme (Chabret) (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Thyme can be grown on any basis, but the best of all this culture feels on a light and fertile soil. It is advisable to provide drainage.

    If the land is heavy, then during the rescue it is worth making sand. This will significantly increase the water permeability of the soil.

    This culture is well tolerate drought, but begins to hurt with water stag. The root system is quickly loading.

    Before planting to the ground, it is desirable to make a humus. This will provide a shrub of the necessary substances for the whole year. On one plant, 0.5 buckets are under construction.

    Castabre cultivation (thyme) at home 867_3
    Castabre Castabre (Timyan) at home Nelya

    Chabret (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    In the following seasons, thyme feed mineral fertilizers. Do it you need spring or at the very beginning of summer.

    Pruning must be done in spring time. During the procedure, developing evolving shoots.

    Castabre cultivation (thyme) at home 867_4
    Castabre Castabre (Timyan) at home Nelya

    Thyme at home (photo used by standard license ©

    Also, pruning is performed after flowering. At this time, you should cut all the dried flowers.

    This procedure allows you to preserve the shape of the bush and make it more dense.

    Modifying the plant with the help of seeds, cuttings or division. It should be noted that thyme is perfectly multiplied by self-sowing. Therefore, after a certain time, it will have to limit the growth area.

    Seeds in this culture are very small. Because of this, it takes about a month for germination. Before their sowing, the plot must be carefully cleaned from weeds. In addition, after the germination of thyme, they will have to gour out a garden all the time, as the plant develops quite slowly.

    Best with seed reproduction first grow seedlings in containers. It will save from unnecessary worries. When seedlings grow up, it is transplanted to the site.

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