Traditions of Estonians - Wests of the forest and bride in the apron

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Traditions of Estonians - Wests of the forest and bride in the apron

In the traditions of Estonians, sincere devotion is expressed by the old customs, family rites and rituals who spent their ancestors. Despite the fact that in the long history of Estonia there was significant changes that affect the culture and religion of this country, its people with trepidation refers to many customs of the past centuries.

Modern Estonians are the keepers of the ancient folklore, a special place in which songs resembling a speech. Today, Estonia is famous for its teams that perform folk songs and dances. What does Estonian culture opens up? What are the traditions of Estonians?

Pagan beliefs

Today, the dominant religion of Estonia is Christianity. Among the residents of this country there are many Catholics, Lutheran, Orthodox and even atheists. Despite this, many pagan traditions of Estonians are still alive. For example, Yanov the day is no less bright and favorite people's holiday than christmas. On this day, after sunset, people go to search for a fern flower, and the youth suits mass folk festivities.

Another echo of pagan times was the attitude of Estonians to nature. In antiquity, their ancestors believed that each plant or animal had their own patrovers. From the generation to generation, the inhabitants of Estonia learned respectfully to the forces of nature, because it was the main buckle and a protector of man.

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Estonians at the People's Festival

Magical rites Estonians

Many Estonian customs are closely related to magical rituals and faith in a special power of various items and spells. A special day for rites was considered the time of summer solstice. At this time, the girls went to the field, where they broke exactly nine flowers. These simple trophies put under the pillow and, as believed, in a dream it was necessary to appear narrow.

But on the day of St. George the Victorious, which became one of the main holidays of Estonia, there are some bans. For example, it is impossible to sit on the ground. Of course, pragmatic people explain this by cold immentable spring soil and risk to get sick. But there is a different explanation that it has long been in the people. According to him, on this day, the Earth still began to breathe, and therefore exudes the "winter" poison.

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Estonian National Suit "Estonian Encyclopedia", 1932

If you get acquainted with the ancient mythology of Estonia, then surely note how often various forest perfumes are mentioned as many of them in the surviving legends. The forest occupied a special place in the life of Estonians, and today his role did not become less significant. Spring symbol is considered birch juice, which is collected in the tank. He was identified with the forces of revival, prosperity, health and well-being.

While in the forest, it is important to adhere to his laws. Estonians believe that this is a special enormous organism that requires respect for yourself. It is impossible to scream in the forest, shout, to allow bad thoughts. All this has long been considered the default of the "temple of nature", which could entail bad consequences for a person.

Wild beasts can not be called their own names. For example, a wolf should be called "gray", and the flight birds should not be approached at all. Estonians believe that on their wings, guests from distant countries can bring disasters to people. If a person went through the forest trail and met the Ryabina tree on the way, it was a great success and fulfillment of desires.

Family traditions of Estonians

Estonians are hospitable and mental people, but there are some rules prescribed for guests that are important to know foreigners. So, for example, in the Estonian tradition not only to come to visit, but also go to the sauna with the owners. If a person refuses to drink at the table - Estonians think that he has something to hide.

Some "lower" customs are based on the transformation of "someone else's" in "their", for which the newcomer in the company should be drunk. True, the etiquette in Estonia provides for the use of alcohol in the framework of reasonable - just enough to make a walk.

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Estonian dance / © Toomas Tuul

Many family and wedding traditions of antiquities are alive in Estonia to this day. One of the brightest rituals during the marriage is considered to be "reincarnation" of the bride during it on the head of the girl put on the headdress of a married woman, and the waist is tied to the apron.

Now she is not a bride, but a wife and hostess. In addition, the people are negotiated by the wedding procession road, checking the household skills of a young spouse, all sorts of comic competitions and tests.

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Estonian decoration is sometimes striking with sizes / © Kaspar Orasmyee

Not only on holidays, but even with an Estonian traditional costume, interesting beliefs are connected. If you at least once be in Estonia on the ethnic festival, for sure, note that clothes are decorated with all kinds of embroidery and macrame. In this case, the country's masters reached unprecedented heights. As legends tell, in the old days, similar patterns and ornaments are created for sailors.

Having shot down from the course, they could find the way home in their costumes. How? The fact is that the map of the sea route became stripes and drawings on clothes. However, it is impossible to exclude that this is just one of the beautiful beliefs, what a huge set in Estonia.

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Holiday song and dance in Tallinn / © Marco Mumm

The traditions of Estonians are very similar to the customs of other nations of Europe and even Slavic beliefs. These features prove some kinship of cultures, which has strengthened over time. Despite such unity, there are many peculiar elements of culture in Estonia, and the local folklore is not at all counting to one of the most unusual in Europe. Estonians were and remain the people unique, colorful and distinctive.

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