19-20.03 The premiere of the play "November" on the new stage of Alexandrinsky

19-20.03 The premiere of the play

On March 19 and 20, Oleg Nesterov and the Megapolis group will perform in St. Petersburg with the premiere of a musical performance and at the same time the presentation of the new album "November" on the new stage of Alexandrinsky.

"From the life of the planets" - the previous performance of Oleg Nesterov and Megapolis Group was a story about the unvented films of the whole generation of cinematographers. "November" is an attempt to be inside one kinocara. A musical program, which is based on the poems of Russian poets, a hundred recent years, from the beginning of the twentieth century to today, symbolically covers the life of a person. This is the movement of the hero from the chance and fragmentation of everyday experience to awareness of the quantum nature of the world, the simultaneity of the existence of all options for the development of events. We are inside a very detailed household picture - one frame, printed in the consciousness of the hero. Inside one point that unfolds itself in our eyes. Something extremely simple, familiar becomes a cosmic fractal. "Everything is a circle."

19-20.03 The premiere of the play

For the record of the same plates, Oleg Nesterov used her own know-how - the method of intuitive improvisations, and the choice of texts for compositions entrusted to the director's director and the connoisseur of modern poetry Roma Lieberov. As a result, the "November" poems are poems of 11 poets: Osipa Mandelstam, Vsevolod Nekrasova, Ivan Ahmetiev, Alexei Ilyicheva, Grigory Dashevsky, Mikhail Kuzmina, Vladimir Khanan, Sergey Shestakova, Jacques Prevert, Andrey Voznesensky, George Ivanova. These songs will be the basis of the new musical performance of the group. "Theatrical context, theatrical scene determine our interaction with the viewer, our music with the audience. When we did this music, we have already kept in my head that it will be presented in the theater, "the musicians say.

One of the tasks of the performance is to blur the tough borders of the concert shape with established laws of the genre: a soloist-protagonist, an accompanying group, a sequence of songs, a direct message to the auditorium. Here the point of view is shifted, offering the audience the principle of intraframe edge, arbitraryly moving the sight of the observer. The look slips on the item to the world, losing and newly finding musicians. The space breathes, unnoticed transforms. And the viewer does not even always determine where the sound comes from, and where they are generally those who create it.

19-20.03 The premiere of the play

"November" in great sense permeated by life. Because the concept of the album and the performance - everything is a circle, and any paths are true, going to the left or right, all these streams and rivers, we all meet in the sea, "says Oleg Nesterov. - November is the outcome, the outcome of life, the outcome of the year. Such a straightness, the absence of everything. It is not even autumn, it is still terrible than December. December already smells with the Christmas tree. Yes, talking about November some decent good words will not come to anyone. But our November is such a fading, it is such a negative extremum, where we depend on some moment, and the next moment will go a sharp takeoff. Freezing on the eve of anticipation, premonition of new music, new life. But any movement of the upstream begins with this fading. Next will go a new story, a new circle. Our "November" is painted in bright colors, it is a fading as a premonition of a new life, the sweetest is ahead: there is no lively life, not yet played music. And the freedom that understands that all the paths are true, we are all, as the streams and rivers, inevitably finish the sea. "

The author of the idea: Oleg Nesterov. Director: Boris Pavlovich. Artist: Ksenia Peretrukhina. Light artist: Elena Perelman. Music "Megapolis": Oleg Nesterov, Mikhail Gabolaev, Dmitry Pavlov, Anton Dashkin. Interludes: Dmitry Kurlyandsky. Sound engineer: Maria Bogomolov. Selection of texts: Lieber Roma / Actors: Alexander Uposhanskaya, Andrei Anisimov, Georgy Grischenkov

19-20.03 The premiere of the play

March 19 and 20, 19.30. Petersburg, new scene Alexandrinsky. Premiere. "November". Oleg Nesterov and Megapolis. The number of tickets is limited - clck.ru/tk3m6

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