Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly


A good owner knows where what lies when what to use and most importantly - which devices must be in every home. And what of this do you have?

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_1
1. Electronic nose

Adaptations with this bizarre name - the prototype of the natural body of human sense of smell. "Nose" perceives the set of all odors that comes from the product or dish, and helps determine its freshness.

This is possible due to highly sensitive sensor sensors, which react to all volatile molecules, after which they issue information about the product status. The miniature gadget can "remember" and determine up to 500 odors.

The device can be put inside the packaging, and if the dish starts to deteriorate or pathoral bacteria will appear in it, it will give a signal. Such a gadget is needed in any house: where it is customary to prepare for a large family or, on the contrary, a saucepan with a soup is waiting in the o'clock in the refrigerator within a few days.

Also, an electronic nose can be taken with you to the store, so as not to run into meat or fish, which it is time to go to the trash bin.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_2
2. Kitchen safe with timer

These stylish bright containers are designed not so much for storing sweets, how much to protect the figure from extra volumes and children's teeth from caries.

If you are then flying at night candy, and children eat sweets before dinner, fold all the delicacies into the container and set the timer. You will not be able to open the container until the "hour of X is", so this is a good opportunity to get rid of habits to snack and grab the cookies from the table.

Many parents use these safes not quite in direct appointment and close in them, for example, gadgets while the child does lessons. Multifunctional, stylish and useful thing!

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_3
3. Holder for the blade
Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_4

During the cooking, the blade (spoon, a half, nippers) have to be folded on a special stand or saucer, which are still laundered with difficulty. The holder is much more convenient, compact and does not require careful cleansing with a sponge and detergent.

After making a dish, it is enough to rinse under the jet of water and remove until the next time. By the way, holders can have a very interesting design.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_5
4. Scissors for greens

It is impossible to spoil the greens, so many mistresses are trying to gear in the summer and frozen more "garden gifts". Special scissors with five blades that speed up the process will help ease this task, which accelerate the process and allow you to get smaller pieces.

Even a child can adapt to this device, and it is much safer than, for example, a sharp knife.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_6
5. Dispensers for drinks

Lovers invite guests well known how sometimes bored to run into the kitchen: then for additional devices, then for the additive, then for salt. But most often you have to climb into the freezer behind ice so that all those present were cold drinks.

Dispensers for drinks allow the owners to relax the owners: just fill in the container capacity, add more ice and relax at least an hour. And if you choose a large volume dispensers (5 liters), then for the whole evening.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_7
6. Silicone tapes for hot

Each at least once in his life burned around a hot pan, a baking sheet or a plate, which heated in the microwave (unlike its contents). For those who do this with enviable periodicity, these small silicone helpers will be an excellent solution.

Unlike textile, they do not need to be washed, they do not absorb smells and do not occupy a lot of space when stored. It is also much more convenient to operate, and the entire departure is regular washing under the jet of water.

Bright colors and interesting design will attract the attention of children, so they can be accustomed to the safety of hot dishes from childhood.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_8
7. Cutting board with garbage compartment

This is perhaps one of the most useful inventions for the entire existence of humanity. When cooking soups, salads, and in principle, any multicomponent dishes, various waste interfere with, increase cooking time and irritated.

The edges of the cucumbers, the "tails" of peppers and bones of zucchini can now be folded into the special separation of this magic cutting board, and not drag it every time the trash can. After the culinary masterpiece is ready, the secret container is easily withdrawn and transports all the accurate "wealth" in the bucket.

Well, not a miracle?

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_9
8. Universal silicone covers

Nakhodka for those who live in a big family, and regularly faces the fact that the refrigerator is filled with a bunch of containers, jars, outcropped vegetables and fruits and associated with this unpleasant odors.

Silicone covers can be used for all: cans, containers, plates, fruits, vegetables. They are very durable, so they can be stretched even to the size of the watermelon! And if you replace ordinary covers from saucepan and containers, it will be possible to save free space.

Silicone covers on vegetables and fruits prevent the propagation of pathogenic bacteria, the spread of the characteristic odor and the rapid flow of fruits.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_10
9. Silicone bowls for making eggs Pashota

If the standard egg feed is tired of breakfast, and I want to try something new, it means you need to purchase these multicolored silicone forms for cooking eggs.

They are needed for cooking or frying eggs, which can then eat for breakfast, add to sandwiches and burgers and even decorate salads. In addition, they can immediately put all the necessary ingredients: ham, cheese, greens, spices. Such breakfast is obtained not only with delicious and satisfying, but also very useful.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_11
10. Rectangular ice shape

It would seem that the form of ice is, besides, miniature cubes are much more convenient than elongated rectangles. However, this wonderful fixture will accurately like those who save on the purchase of water and drinks and prefers to take a bottle of home.

The elongated rectangular ice glands perfectly pass through the neck of the bottles, so you can take a refreshing cool drink with you every morning, which will remain so for a few hours.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_12
11. Separator protein from yolk

Many recipes require to separate the protein from the yolk: it is for sure the hostesses that love to experiment with baking and regularly indulgeted with a homemade protein cream.

A special spoon allows for a few seconds to separate the protein from the yolk without much effort. With this device there will be no hassle, as, for example, with a homemade separator from a plastic bottle.

A bowl with squirrels in one direction, a spoon with yolks - to another. And then everything is prescription.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_13
12. Bowl with garbage compartment
Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_14

A few years ago, this bowl literally blew up the Internet and conquered millions of inhabitants all over the world. Lovers of seeds, nuts and berries, which regularly find on the floor of the husk and bones, were adapted when they saw a device with two compartments: for the product and for garbage.

But a little later, advanced bowls appeared with a garbage separation, which are distinguished by the presence of a special stand for a smartphone. Very convenient for those who watch movies through the phone and nurses something.

Everything fell: Top 12 useful devices for the kitchen, which you did not know exactly 8456_15

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