"The killing of cows causes an earthquake": Indian cattle quiz failed


India has the largest livestock livestock in the world and, as everyone knows, cows in this country enjoy the rights of the Holy Animal. According to the 19th Census of Indian MSH, there were about 88 million milk cows, but how much they live in the territory, it is difficult to say for sure (in connection with the problem of "stray" burenoks).

Due to the fact that the sector of milk animal husbandry in India is vital for small farmers and universal food security, government officials decided to cheer out owners and hold a national quiz with good cash prizes, launching the questionnaire on February 24.

However, a very strange test was in pursuit of a sense of humor at the exit. For example, in the answers offered to choose from, there were such: "the killing of cows causes an earthquake", "Indian cow's milk contains traces of gold" and the like absurd statements. As a result, the highest leadership, which is called, "bored" the quiz and postponed its implementation for an indefinite period.

It should be noted that in India there is an initiative to maintain indigenous breeds of cows. In addition to preserving and reproducing the aboriginal breeds, the struggle against industrial security animals, which the farmers are colated on their own to increase the Nadoy. Together with the increase of the injury, the immune system of cows occurs, they are worse to transfer heat and disease.

India has tremendous biodiversity from 43 local cattle breeds and 13 breed buffaloes. All of them have survived over the past hundreds of years regarding their suitability for specific purposes in the relevant local environment.

Thus, the strategy of the Ministry of Livestock is to increase the average dairy productivity of individuals from all available breeds from the current level of 4.85 kg per day to 6.77 kg per day per indigenous animal.

In addition, steps were taken to create a national center of large cattle geneyomics for indigenous rocks (NBGC-IB). NBGC-IB will pave the way to a systematic and rapid improvement of the valuable natural resources of animals using high-precision gene technologies. All these steps are promised to give a long-term sustainable solution for both livelihoods and security about 70 million India's farmer communities.

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