Turkmenistan specialists are held online training in engineering survey of buildings


Two-week engineering training in engineering surveys of buildings is carried out for Turkmenistan's specialists in the framework of the UNDP joint project and the Institute of Seismology and Physics of the Atmosphere of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan "Strengthening the National Capacities of Turkmenistan to Evaluate Seismic Risks, Prevention and Reaction to Potential Earthquakes".

Now the first group is being trained, which includes the staff of the Institute, as well as the National Project Consultant. Training is carried out by highly professional specialists in the seismic vulnerability assessment and seismic risk: S.A. Kraigunov (Germany) and S.Zh. Omannbaev (Kyrgyzstan).

The training program includes the theoretical and practical course. In the process of learning, students will perform independently engineering examination of 3-4 buildings of various floors with the processing of measurement results.

Turkmenistan specialists are held online training in engineering survey of buildings 8367_1

Japara Karaev, project specialist:

One of the key components of the seismic risk assessment is the characteristic of the risk elements of the territory, which includes the database on all elements on the territory, damage and (or) the destruction of which is associated with social and (or) economic losses. These data are determined on the basis of engineering surveys of objects and relevant calculations.

The main task of engineering survey existing on the territory of objects is to assess their technical condition from the point of view of seismic resistance, including an assessment of a seismic resistance deficit. In this regard, this project provides an engineering examination of the representative types of buildings of Ashgabat, including in order to assess their actual seismic resistance.

To fulfill the engineering survey of buildings within the project, modern equipment was delivered to register seismic oscillations produced by Digos Potsdam GmbH (Germany). This provides for the training of local specialists to work with the equipment and processing results of measurements by experienced specialists from Germany and Kyrgyzstan, reported in the Press Release of UNDP.

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