Franz Ferdinand: All about the British Indi-Rock Group of Glasgow ...

Franz Ferdinand: All about the British Indi-Rock Group of Glasgow ... 8314_1

History of the Rock Group Franz Ferdinand ...

Franz Ferdinand - Indi-Rock Group formed in 2002 in Glasgow. Band is widely known at the British POSTPANK RIVYAVL-Scene: their plates diverged the staggering circulation of more than 3 million copies (and this is only counting for 2009!) In the populatus film prestigious musical awards, among which Brit Awards. The success story of Franz Ferdinand began with the release of the album Darts of Pleasure: the title single broke into the top 50 Britain, which made the musicians with the stars ... The Take Me Out track also gained recognition of the public and critics! He became the pearl of the repertoire of Band ... The stages of creativity, composition, as well as the origin of such a unique name ... about all this in order!

The beginning of the way…

Franz Ferdinand: All about the British Indi-Rock Group of Glasgow ... 8314_2
Group Franz Ferdinand

The story of Franz Ferdinand takes his beginning in the Glasgow - the port town on the Klyde River, located in the western part of Scottish Lowland ... It is worth emphasizing that from the very beginning the team chased problems with the law ... Alex Capranos and Bob Hardy were familiar with each other before the creation of a group: both Studied at the same Institute of Arts. At that time, Alex played Yummy Fur, in which he met with a future counterpart in Franz Ferdinand - Drummer Paul Thomson. It was Capranos who decided to form his own band, which, soon, recognizes the whole world ...

Alex's acquaintance with Nick McCarthy, the fourth member of the group, has a rather entertaining story! It happened on one of the parties: then Between Alex and Nickname, a fight was not faced! The reason for this is pretty banal among rock musicians (and more young): alcohol ... fortunately, the conflict was resulted surprisingly! Capranos asked McCarthy, whether he plays on the drums, which was followed by an affirmative positive answer. Subsequently, the guy became friends with the electricity and provided his apartment from Franz Ferdinand as a "rehearsal studio". Is it worth saying that it caused a terrible indignation by the neighbors of Nick ...

Franz Ferdinand: All about the British Indi-Rock Group of Glasgow ... 8314_3
Franz Ferdinand

The group for a long time could not find the perfect place for rehearsals, because of what I was honored with my skills on ... Abandoned warehouses of the native town! Thus, - the darities guys were rehearsing with might and main, and in the evening they gave an enchanting show for though small, but still the public! Their favorite place even got the informal name "The Chateau"! However, as expected, all this led to problems with law enforcement agencies. Soon the rock team left the exhausted place, but quite quickly found a new - an abandoned courthouse!

The meaning of the name ...

Surely many group fans, or simply inquisitive music lovers, at least once thought over the history of the origin of the name ... But she really deserves attention! It turns out that the team was inspired by the Austrian ERCGERCOM ...

Franz Ferdinand: All about the British Indi-Rock Group of Glasgow ... 8314_4
Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, whose murder became one of the fundamental factors for the First World War ... As the legend says, the group enjoyed the broadcast of horse racing. One of the stallions wrapped Herzgertzog, which inspired someone from the memories of the memories of Killed Franz Ferdinand ... However, there is another story, based on which the group looked at that day auto racing:

Debut album success!

The first time Franz Ferdinand earned a name to himself, speaking in the building of the former court, in the so-called "The Chateau" (after changing the situation, the name of their site remains the same). Their glory as the groups grew, and already in 2003 they entered the market with the album Darts of Pleasure. It is worth noting that Alex Capranosa's team is incredibly lucky! Several labels were ready to sign the contract, but the choice fell on Domino Records. As for the debut EP, he entered the Top 50 Britain.

The first full-length album was released in 2004. Recorded with the participation of the notorious Torah of Johanson, - work quickly gained success! The disc was warm reviews, and at the same time the popularity of Franz Ferdinand began to confidently gain momentum ... The main hit of the album was the Take Me Out track, a recognized "best song of the year"!

In the same year, the team participated in a number of major festivals, and also managed to speak with Matrah, such as Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas and others ...

New entries and new successes ...

During 2005, the group actively freezed in the studio, preparing to release the second album, which was called You Could Have It SO Much Better. The disk came out in October, and ... Quickly attribute attention to his extraordinary cover in the spirit of Soviet Oldies posters! As it turned out, the cover was inspired by the work of Russian avant-gardeists, such as A. M. Rodchenko. As the basis of the cover was taken by the famous portrait of Lily Bric ...

Franz Ferdinand: All about the British Indi-Rock Group of Glasgow ... 8314_5
Studio Album Group Franz Ferdinand (You Could Have It So Much Better)

In general, the disc was warmly accepted by critics and the public. He was leading in the UK, and in the States entered the top 10! The overall circulation of the disk was about 2 million copies ... The main hit of the issue was "Do You Want To" - a track that took 4th line in the UK Singles Chart!

The next album was released only in 2009. The disc was called Tonight: Franz Ferdinand, which ideally reflected its content! As Capranos said:

And indeed: the influence of the disco-era is clearly traced here ... by the way: the album record took place in the walls of the abandoned Glasgow Theater ... The main hit of the disk was the track "No You Girls", which has gained a huge success among the listeners!

Later, the group made her cover on the famous hit "Womanizer". Soon the tours began ...

Interesting Facts…

Franz Ferdinand: All about the British Indi-Rock Group of Glasgow ... 8314_6
Rock Group Franz Ferdinand
  • Since childhood Nick McCarthy passed in Munich, the texts written tracks often include phrases in German! For example: "Ich Heisse Super-Fantastisch!" ("Darts of Pleasure")
  • For a long time, Capranos called his pop group team: "It's worth shaking your foot to the music, be sure it is the cleanest pop! Sex Pistols, Nirvana ... All played pop music. Many famous rock bands did that! "
  • The song "Love and Destroy" is inspired by the legendary novel M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"!

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