Morning Digest KN: What answered Shapsh Bidenu, whom the king of the American trash will come to Kaluga and why

Morning Digest KN: What answered Shapsh Bidenu, whom the king of the American trash will come to Kaluga and why 8237_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

Kaluga Governor criticized American President Byyden

Kaluga Governor Vladislav Shapsh in his TG-Channel criticized the words of the American president of Bayden.

- Regarding the recent statement of the US president.

American democracy, apparently, can no longer function without feeding myths about the Russian threat. But the statement that Mr. Biden admits, is unacceptable under any circumstances. - Posted by Vladislav Shapsh.

It is worth recalling that the other day the leader of the United States stated the media representative, which he believes Vladimir Putin "the killer" and accused his Russian colleague in interference in the election of the United States.

An explosion thundered in the Kaluga region on the river

In the Farzikov district of the Kaluga region, an explosion thundered in the village of Dignation. The explosion was targeted, so the river was released by OKU from ice to secure a pontoon bridge designed to travel transport.

In order to organize such an exercise, it took 300 wells and a special explosive, reported in the regional government.

As for the bridge on the river, next week it will be divorced, and when the ice comes down - will be returned back.

Eyewitnesses in social networks report the found corpse on one of the Kaluga streets

Eyewitnesses through the social network reported on the body found without signs of life on Guryanov Street in Kaluga. Presumably, the body belongs to a man.

Photo from the spot was published in TG-Channel "Kaluga Tin".

Official information on this occasion could not be obtained.

Investments in the Kaluga region amounted to 112 billion rubles

On March 18, the head of the region, Vladislav Shapsh, presented a report on the Government's activities to the deputies of the cacution.

According to the data presented, the volume of investments amounted to 112 billion rubles.

- Last year most investment plans were implemented. Investments in fixed assets amounted to 112 billion rubles. None of the previously started projects closed. Investment portfolio Posses with new major projects. They will contribute to the organization of almost two thousand jobs. This year it is planned to open seven enterprises, "said Vladislav Valerievich.

Also, the governor noted that the city of Kaluga region Condrovo received the status of the territory of advanced socio-economic development (TOSER), and therefore there are about 500 jobs that are not related to the activities of the city-forming enterprises will be organized.

Will they remove the coronavirus restrictions in the Kaluga region, as the hat assumed?

According to the Russian newspaper, with reference to the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popov, in Russia, the mask regime does not plan to cancel in the near future. And the further weakening of coronavirus restrictions is possible by the summer.

According to Popova, now in the country there are still quite many patients with coronavirus, new cases are revealed.

"Treat about any serious changes in our lives or on the cancellation of the mask regime, for example, today it is not necessary," Popova emphasized.

At the same time, in February, the head of the region, Vladislav Shapsh, stated that the coronavirus epidemic in the Kaluga region goes to the decline and this spring is expected to withdraw coronavirus constraints. But, judging by the estimates of Popova, the forecasts of the Kaluga governor may be too optimistic.

Recall, in our region until March 31, there is a mode of increased readiness, in particular, the obligations of the Kaluga region in public places are protective masks.

Testing on COVID-19 in the Kaluga region wears selective character, reported in the Ministry of Health

As we wrote earlier, the Check in Coronavirus was launched in the Kaluga region. Prior to this, COVID-19 tests were made to patients with suspected infection, or those who had the appropriate direction of the attending physician.

Deputy Minister of Health Ilya Sovakov clarified the KP40 situation, saying that it is not about mass vaccination of all Kaluzhan.

Test only children from some Kaluga schools and kindergartens with the permission of their parents. Institutions were included in the sample, in which a high level of morbidity was recorded.

The purpose of such testing is to assess the incidence of the population in the region, in order to make a decision on the cancellation of the mask mode.

Space Film Festival in Kaluga will judge the 95-year-old king of the low-budget American trash

The jury of the International Film Festival of Films and Cosmos Cosmos "Tsiolkovsky", which will be held in Kaluga on April 12 - 17 will head 94-year-old (by the time of the beginning of the festival, it is already 95) Roger Kormman. This is reported by the press service of the regional government.

This film director, producer and actor has a large track record. At the same time, almost all films filmed (and there are no more than 52 of them - 52) - these are low-budget horrors, westerns, fantasy, etc., with characteristic names like "Day, when the Earth has come to the end," "Attack Krabov - Monsters "," Woman - Osa "," Badja Blood "and so on. In this list, the work of 1971 "Von Richtgofen and Brown" is allocated - a historical picture of the famous German Ace of the First World War.

The list of production works of Korman is also impressive - including films names. "Akulosaurus", "Dinokroc against a dinosaur", "Akuvimnog", "Piranyaconda", "Akuvaminogi vs. Penyachuda", "Akuvimnogi vs. Mitter" ...

In the US, Roger Korman is considered a classic - albeit in the "Film categories b". For the contribution to the cinema in 2009, he was given an honorary "Oscar". Many Celebrities Hollywood - Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, James Cameron and others began their way to cinema in cooperation with theft. In turn, then they gave him episodic roles in their paintings. So Roger Kormman starred in the "Cross Father-2", "silence of lambs" and other famous films.

Shapsha asked Kaluzhan to choose what to landscaping in 2022

Governor of the Kaluga Region Vladislav Shapsh, as part of the annual report on the activities of the Government, called on Kaluzhan to take part in online-Harvesting on the choice of public territories, which will be landscaped in 2022.

According to the head of the region, the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" is one of the largest in the degree of population involvement.

"I invite residents of the area to participate in the All-Russian online voting for the territory that, in your opinion, need improvement next year, said Vladislav Shapsh.

Dmitry Denisov: about happie, fluffy bunnies and superstar Karene from Facebook. Exclusive interview in KN, part 2

Kaluga Mayor Dmitry Denisov gave the "Kaluga news" a great interview, the first part of which was already published. At a meeting with the city head, we raised the most relevant for the regional center of the topic: from Kaluga transport and housing and utilities problems before the construction of a batch plant near Kaluga and unauthorized January rallies. We are grateful to Dmitry Alexandrovich for this open dialogue.

We publish the second (and the last) part of the interview.

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