Doctors called the warning symptom of a heart attack


Doctors called the warning symptom of a heart attack 8218_1

The heart attack can occur suddenly or gradually develop, which certain changes in the body may indicate. Doctors called one of the warning symptoms of a hazardous state of a gray skin pallor.

Under the concept of "heart attack" means a symptom complex, which includes pain in the left half of the body, stubborn pain in the heart zone, difficulty breathing, high blood pressure or rapid pulse. Cardiac attacks arise when blood flow to heart is blocked, usually due to the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, metabolic disorders, alcohol and other substances.

The symptoms were analyzed in the study, the purpose of which was to determine the level of knowledge about the signs and forerunners of the heart attack and stroke in the population of Singapore compared to the world community. According to researchers, cold and sticky skin, gray pallor are visual signs of a heart attack. Skin covers can acquire the earthy hue, and lips are shine.

Other warning signs of a heart attack

The symptoms of the harbingers of the cardiac attack include: long-term gravity, compressing or burning pain in the center of the chest; The painful feeling that spreads from the chest to the neck, hand, shoulders, jaws; dizziness; dyspnea; nausea or vomiting; drowsiness; chills and increased sweating; rapid or weak pulse; frequent headaches; sudden fatigue; violation of the concentration of attention; numbness of the limbs.

Doctors note that every single symptom is not considered to be considered specific for a heart attack, as it can develop in parallel with other serious and not very diseases, but in the aggregate they may indicate an approaching attack.

How to prevent heart attack

Changing lifestyle is the most effective method for the prevention of a heart attack. One of the most important precautionary measures is to change the diet in favor of a healthy, balanced, useful for heart and eating vessels. It should be limited or to completely refuse to eat products with a high content of fats and carbohydrates. If you continue to eat fast foods and other harmful products, it will lead to an increase in the number of fat plaques in the arteries, explained in the National Health Service.

Specialists advise to avoid rich fats products, as they significantly increase the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Such includes fried foods, sausages, fatty meat, pies, confectionery. It is recommended to give preference to the Mediterranean diet and there are more vegetables, fruits, fish, legumes and cereals. Studies show that compliance with the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of a re-cardiac attack.

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