Karaev: "I am not a supporter of an absolute monarchy ..."


Blogger Alexey Golikov published the second part of the interview with the former Minister of Internal Affairs Yuri Karayev. This time we are talking about the "Durable Foundation" of the house and "fabricated children", which in it live (but they cannot be expelled). An inspector on the Grodno region argued about democracy, the monarchy and quoted Churchill. It was even about the famous video, on which the detainees are driven through the Corridor of Silovikov Dubinkami (though, left not far).

About durable foundation

Regarding the smallest views of "parents" and "children" living in our house with a "durable foundation", Karaev said:

- The foundation is just strong. But this, probably, is that the children were a little fond of. And once this is "Apartment", these children can not be rejected, expelled. This is all ours. We must see what we did not do with the children and what will have to revise the views. Maybe explain what they did not notice what their rights are beneficial. Or maybe even duties clarify. And the moment did not come that with the foundation you need to do something. The foundation is very strong.

Oh monarchy

Talking about your attitude to democracy, Yuri Karaev said:

- I am not a supporter of the absolute monarchy ... But it turns out, strong power is more effective in difficult times. During the period of disaster, pandemic, wars, other shocks. More efficiently than democracy. Mass of examples from artistic books, life, stories. Strong power will quickly cope with the consequences of an earthquake, with an aggression of external and many others. Faster makes itching the wheels of the mechanism. And with less loss of society, the country will come out of this cataclysm.

In peace times, when everything is good around, no one claims for anything, the neighbors do not want to pull anything - probably the laws of democracy, the market is more effective. And now the world is such that you have to save what is.

About growing welfare

Demonstrating their knowledge of life in our country, the ex-minister quoted a friend's joke: "Belarusians have two problems: how to lose weight and where to park."

- I realized that he was right. Welfare is invariably rising. Comparing several decades, I see it, looking at Minsk and other cities. I personally see more than bad. Some love only problems to highlight: the village extinct, then the fence was glanced. But if, in general, the country looks no longer becomes more, and at home we grow like mushrooms. So, the same number of people settled on large meters ... The number of cars is growing, their brands are still more beautiful and more beautiful.

About wealth

Golikov asked about the current salary of Karaieva. He answered like this:

- She seems to me worthy. I don't want to talk more on this topic. The car on which I arrived is polo. No matter what Mercedes class s can not go. When I was appointed to the post, one of the media came to see what property, the real estate is. The chairman of the cooperative asked: where? He showed - they did not shoot and left ... I say again: I didn't notice something hungry, we have a social state. Oligarchs, officials who live in heaven, no.

About "Perevochy"

It was about the "convertible" security officials, which "switched to the other side." The Karaev immediately with negligence and sarcasm noted the low rank of these people:

- If those who have shown at the Great Meeting abroad, some captains and senior lieutenants are, yes, very solid and authoritative people in the system of power structures. Apparently, they achieved some heights of extraordinary. This is the same, the lowest level, those that "rebuilt". Those who did not find themselves from us who will rejust or, most likely, would be rejected by the system. Those who did not become real patriots. This percentage is so insignificant that it is not worth talking about him. And inflated well and beautifully filed. If you talk to the guys from the teams, from where they left, - I am confident and a couple were interested in how they served, - enthusiastic reviews did not hear.

About protesters and dolls

Karaev is confident that the protest participants were purposefully influenced by experts, according to methods; Worked on targeted audiences:

- The goal of the ducks is understandable. Medic is a very respected profession, they are associated with humanism. We have a sense of gratitude to them. It sounds very sound when Professor University to protests is involved ... There is a reception: mobilize students, as the most mobile part of society, use their maximalism, increased fairness, sunbathing. And necessarily - professors. Always in the university there is so underestimated. But we must not forget that he does not understand everything if he is a professor physicists, it does not mean that in the social and humanitarian sphere he is clear and wisely understands.

For analysis - you need to think about what they lack them, why they came out. Look at the moral and psychological component, and on the material - maybe they did not dat. Maybe it was more processed, he revealed something else ...

Yuri Karaev is convinced that peaceful protesters who are not going to do anything, they use as a shield:

- How many frames we have seen how peaceful protest flows into a non-smile ... See: Block the movement, go beyond the sidewalk - is it peaceful? You interfered with someone who is not interested in politics and just goes from point A to point B. So you hurt it, very complex processes of life, violate the function of the state ... From a hundred who came out with peaceful intentions in the crowd will definitely be That a terrorist anarchist, which from this crowd does a stone, a bottle. These civilians were able to organize that from their protest, anything threatening law enforcement agencies, other citizens, the state did not "arrive."

Some, maybe they went with peaceful intentions, but did not think about the fact that they were a living shield and manipulate them. There is a part of the people who want adrenaline, drive. Many perceived Sunday Fitters as a quest. This desire to have fun. Always people want not only bread, but also spectacles. Indeed, sometimes it is boring in this plan, stability.

About the corridor with batons and supporters of the devil

The conversation touched and fused to the Network of the famous video, on which the detainees through the Corridor Siloviki drive the batons. Karaev, however, did not comment on this episode. But he made an unexpected conclusion from it: they also need to show the image "From the inside", counteracting the "alternative media".

- It is always necessary to talk about what purpose these media pursue, whom they want to excite. Absolute manipulation of consciousness - to catch the desired frames from the context. Probably, it is necessary to deal with them with their weapons, respond to their lunges. I think those who are responsible for informational work will come to this.

Finally, the inspector remembered what I read somewhere:

- Remember that in fact all power from God. Therefore, to rebel against power, against society - these are neither human nor religious standards is welcome. Any rebel, rising, Protestun is a supporter of dark power. Recently met in Grodno with the prior to the monastery of Mother Gabriely. She asks: "Who is the main revolutionary?" I remember reading: "Devil." She says: "Well done, right." Indeed, the main causative agent is the devil. Those who participate in uprisings, revolutions, riots, if not servants of him, then supporters. Many are involuntary not conceived. And good people.


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