The United States is concerned about the OSCE findings on elections in Kazakhstan


The United States is concerned about the OSCE findings on elections in Kazakhstan

The United States is concerned about the OSCE findings on elections in Kazakhstan

Astana. January 14th. KazTAG - US concerned about the conclusions of the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on elections in Kazakhstan, the press service of the American Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan reports.

"The United States welcomes Kazakhstan's cooperation with the OSCE Monitoring Mission on January 10 and notes an effective voting process in a pandemic. We call on the Government of Kazakhstan to fully fulfill its obligations to the OSCE for democratic elections. The United States supports the goals of the political reform of Kazakhstan, but are concerned about the OSCE conclusions on state measures that impede real competition, limiting the fundamental freedoms and participation on the part of civil society, "the embassy says on Thursday.

Recall, the elections in Majilis on party lists took place on January 10 from 7.00 to 20.00 local time for all regions.

On January 11, the OSCE observer mission stated that genuine competition was absent in the parliamentary elections. In addition, international observers criticized the work of the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan. Also, OSCE observers recorded explicit signs of bullings in the elections. The Public Foundation (OF) "Erkіndіk Kanata" on the same day announced that on January 10, one of the most serious and unfair elections in the history of Kazakhstan took place on January 10.

According to the CEC, as well as according to the results of Exit Poll, the victory won the NUR OTAN batch (76.49% of the votes on the results of the counts of the Central Election Commission). According to the official version, the necessary threshold for entering Majilis also scored the People's Party of Kazakhstan (10.94%) and the Democratic Party "Aқ Zhol" (9.2%). On January 11, Majilis VII deputies of convocation from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan were also named.

On January 13, OO "Independent Observers" stated that the appearance of the election was 15% (and not more than 63%, as the Central Election Commission approves), and 12% of the ballots were corrupted by voters. According to the League of Young Voters (LMI), the threshold of 7%, necessary for passing into the Majilis, in the past parliamentary elections overcame all parties, and Nur Otan, contrary to official data, scored less than half of the votes.

Elections were accompanied by numerous pressure facts on independent observers and activists. Thus, the observers from the League of Young Voters were reported on pressure rendered, from the Public Foundation "Ate Daians", as well as from the Q-Adam Civil Initiatives Foundation.

It was also reported that the protesters are held in the frost in Almaty, among them a nursing mother, also reported about the facts of frostbite. Two clocks held by the security forces of activists were hospitalized with suspicion of frostbite.

On January 14, the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev ordered to convene the first session of the VII parliament on January 15. Also, on January 14, the Central Election Commission registered deputies of the Mazhilis of the new convocation.

What other problems and violations are known on the election day in Majilis, read in the relevant material of the KazTAG agency.

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