Forgetfulness may be a sign of the effectiveness of the mind


Forgetfulness may be a sign of the effectiveness of the mind 8004_1
Forgetfulness may be a sign of the effectiveness of the mind

Many studies of scientists are devoted to the topic of human brain, thinking, memory capabilities. Memory capabilities are not limitless, so people can forget unnecessary or outdated information from the past, but this is not a problem at all, and may speak about the effectiveness of the mind.

This opinion is adhered to scientists from Australia, who conducted specialized studies dedicated to human capabilities to memorize information. During the observation of volunteers, it was possible to establish that the human brain is able to filter the incoming information by discarding unnecessary or useless information from the past.

The head of the memory study team was made by Associate Professor Oliver Bauman from the University of Bond. The scientist notes that his goal was to understand the mechanisms that occur in the brain in the formation of memory.

Brain processes when contacting a new person or an object differ from the processes that occur with the familiar information. The memory system is able to reconstate memories and associate a person or subject with the environment where he was seen for the first time. For example, in the office.

The brain is designed in such a way that the first contact is important for it, after which an association with acquaintances or familiar things can occur. If a person sees the subject or objects in another setting, it can create a problem during perception. This may mean that a person familiar can not know easily on the street, if the first time the meeting occurred in the room. But if this happens 2-3 times, the brain removes the association, sharing the subject and the situation.

The authors of the study called this feature of the brain "laziness", but at the same time this feature is the effectiveness of the brain. Scientists asked volunteers to look at the proposed images during the MRI scanning process. Some of the images shown has already been shown to them before the MRI. Thanks to this, experts were able to see changes in the brain while showing already familiar images.

Oliver Baumann concluded that a large amount of information in memory does not speak about a person's mind, but only about some of the peculiarities of the brain of a particular person and the effectiveness of the memory system.

If the brain is clogged with large volumes of unnecessary information, it may interfere to focus on a specific task in one or another minute. Forgetfulness helps a person focus on solving other tasks, and not concentrate attention on unnecessary thoughts.

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