Straight from Mexico. How to cook salsa?


    Good afternoon, my reader. In combination with Salsa, any dish acquires an exquisite taste and becomes a hike of meals. Acute Mexican sauce is used as seasonings to meat and fish dishes are added to Burito and Fakhitas. Evaluate the taste of salsa and chips lovers. You can buy sauce in any grocery store, but it is much more interesting to prepare it yourself. Especially good the result will be, if the vegetables used in the cooking process you have broken with your own bed.

    Straight from Mexico. How to cook salsa? 8000_1
    Straight from Mexico. How to cook salsa? Maria Verbilkova

    Exotic products The list below does not contain. Yes, and the recipe itself is extremely simple and will not require special tricks from you. The secret of the magical taste of Salsa lies in the fact that in the process of cooking sauce cooks use very fresh vegetables - it is these ingredients that you have to find in the near market or in our own garden.
    • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg. In the choice of the main ingredient, attention should be paid to the degree of maturity. They must be juicy and spread a pleasant fragrance.
    • Spicy pepper - 1 pc. Suitable for making salsa green pepper halapeno. You can use other varieties of Chile, the main thing is that their flesh spread the characteristic flavor and burned when used.
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 3 teeth.
    • Lemon juice - 2 h.
    • Table vinegar - 1 tsp.
    • Sugar sand - 2 h.
    • Salt of large grinding - 1 tbsp. l.
    • Parsley.
    • Ground black pepper.

    Salse preparation recipe can not be called complex or confusing, but only accurate and responsible cooking can expect a good result. In the cooking process, it is impossible to neglect any of the steps described below:

    Straight from Mexico. How to cook salsa? 8000_2
    Straight from Mexico. How to cook salsa? Maria Verbilkova
    1. Tomatoes are rinsed with cold water, carefully clothed in several places and lay out in deep container.
    2. A bowl with tomatoes to the edges filled with boiling water.
    3. After 15 seconds, boiling water to drain, instead add ice water.
    4. After completing the described treatments, tomatoes are cleaned from rough skin.
    5. Tomato flesh cut into small cubes.
    6. Repeat the first five steps for acute peppers.
    7. Bulgarian pepper cut, clean from seeds, crush.
    8. The onions are free from the peel and cut into small cubes.
    9. Of the cloves of garlic make a juicy mass, skipping them through a special press or shouting with a knife.
    10. Finely cut parsley.
    11. All the above ingredients are put on the bottom of the deep pan, put the container on a slow fire.
    12. Support a mixture with lemon juice, salt and sugar.
    13. Future sauce mix thoroughly, bring to a boil.
    14. Keep on fire for 20 minutes.
    15. Pour the resulting salsa to banks, in each vessel before close, pour a small amount of table vinegar.
    16. Roll banks, turn over and hide with a dense cloth.
    17. After the temperature of the workpiece drops to 25-30 ºC, remove storage containers.

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