Hockey history with a ball: Peter's favorite sport, which almost became Olympic


Hockey with the ball is one of the most dynamic and efficient sports. He is popular since Peter I, and in the Soviet Union was even on a par with football. This sport was supposed to become an Olympic, but this did not happen.

We tell the history of hockey in Russia and the world.

Hockey history with a ball: Peter's favorite sport, which almost became Olympic 7883_1

How to play hockey with a ball?

Hockey with the ball strongly resembles football. There, too, 11 players on the field, the colors last 45 minutes, and the site is similar to football. Is that players move skating with sticks and beat on a small ball.

This leads to the fact that in one match, players can easily throw more than 10 heads. Thanks to this performance, attacking players score about 60 goals per season.

Petrovsky hockey

Initially, this sport is mentioned in the history of Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. And he came to Russia at the time of Peter I. The emperor was a big fan of the game. He brought metal skates from the Netherlands and held a tournament for the early version of hockey with the ball right on the frozen Neva. After some time, Peter I accepted a set of rules for the game, which did not change until the middle of the 20th century.

Hockey history with a ball: Peter's favorite sport, which almost became Olympic 7883_2

Hendrik Averkp. "Winter landscape with skaters"

Recession during wars and boom in the USSR

By the beginning of the 20th century, hockey with the ball became the most popular in Europe, and it even took place the first and only tournament for a long time. The first and second world wars prevented further development of the game. After their completion, another obstacle was the absence of uniform rules and an official organization that would regulate them. The international federation of hockey with the ball appeared only by 1955, and after 2 years spent the first world championship.

Especially popular hockey with the ball was in the USSR. The Soviet national team became the world champion 11 times in a row. Moreover, the game was distributed not only in the central part of the country, but also in the regions. The cold is staying there for a long time, and also does not need a separate box, as for ordinary hockey.

Hockey history with a ball: Peter's favorite sport, which almost became Olympic 7883_3

Photo: Alexander Yakovlev

How is the hockey tournaments with the ball today?

Since the beginning of the 60s of the 20th century, the World Hockey Championships with the ball are regularly held, where more and more countries are involved. In 2014, the national team of the African country Somalia was made. 20 clubs from all over the world participate in the World Cup World Cup. The most titled participants in the competition are Swedes. They won a tournament 33 times.

At the World Cup, one half play 30 minutes, the matches are held almost a round day almost without interruption, and the entire tournament lasts only a few days.

Hockey history with a ball: Peter's favorite sport, which almost became Olympic 7883_4

Photo: Pavel Tatarnikov

The Olympic Committee does not want to add it to the program

Another 120 years ago, the northern games were held in Sweden, which were the prototype of the Winter Olympics. The main contest on them was hockey with the ball. The International Olympic Committee held a week of winter sports from these games, which did not entered hockey with the ball. Later, this competition turned into the Winter Olympics, and the northern games were rushed into the fly.

Hockey with the ball in the 20th century appeared only on two Olympiads, and then as an indicative sport. After the Winter Olympics in Sochi, it turned out that in this sport is more registered players than in Sunny sports and Bobsleye, and he is inferior only to hockey with a washer. But the IOC does not add it to the Olympic program, explaining it only disadvantage of popularity.

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