Processing vegetable garden - and the potatoes will go


    Good afternoon, my reader. Everyone who sits the potatoes, knows how it happens to look at the only pests with a shame of green sprouts. They are mercilessly eaten not only the leaves and stems, but most importantly, they are atocating inflorescences.

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    Processing vegetable garden - and the potatoes will be asleep

    Potato Processing (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Which methods did not come up with resourceful gardens to cope with the annual hazard that seesing the potatoes on the beds. The Colorado Beetle, the larvae of the wire, living under the ground of the Medveda - and this is not a complete list of pests.

    How to protect the harvest, leaving it for yourself, and not for the point of the crowd of pests? There is a reliable, proven option.

    Biologists, chemists and agrotechnics have been working on the development of such a universal means. This is "Commander +"

    Divited in water drug during processing falls on thin skin of potatoes, which are prepared for landing.

    Processing vegetable garden - and the potatoes will go 7775_2
    Processing vegetable garden - and the potatoes will be asleep

    Means "Commander" (photo with

    The planting material can be lowered into the solution and hold it there for several hours, then give to dry or immediately disembark. You can also handle potatoes with a spray gun.

    In the process of growth, the substance penetrates into the stalks and leaves that are so like pests. It does not affect the plant, but for beetles the drug is deadly.

    • After processing the potato tubers are protected within three months from the date of landing;
    • 1 The bottle of the drug is designed for processing 50 kg of planting material. It is very profitable. Especially for those who come to potatoes for their family;
    • It is used to destroy the colorado beetle, the pool and the wires;
    • The drug includes a humic component, it stimulates the plant to good growth and prevents the penetration of nitrates;
    • increases yield, forming potatoes immunity;
    • Weather conditions do not affect the effectiveness of the drug;
    • Does not affect the taste of potatoes.

    Remember that the drug must be breeding strictly according to the instructions, pay attention to its shelf life. After its expiration, the use of "Commander +" is strictly prohibited.

    Many gardeners refuse new developments of the chemical industry, trusting only by folk remedies in the fight against pests.

    1. In the fall on the field, where next season you plan to smear potatoes, lay the Siderats - mustard, rye, oats or fireliness. They will enrich the soil with useful substances, and will also serve as a prophylactic agent.
    2. In the spring when planting potatoes into each well, you can put a handful of wood ash, egg shell and a husk from onion. Such additives will not only feed the planting material, but also scare the wire.
    3. Many gardeners are at the summer of the special breed of chickens who love to be touched by Colorado beetles. As an option - why not.

    Protect potatoes when landing from pests can be varied. What is the choice for you!

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