"I am very afraid…". Is it possible to set a child in a dream? Dispel maternal fears


Many moms since the birth of the kid practices joint sleep. But the eldest

Often frighteners when a woman pressed the baby in a dream, which led to the saddest consequences. But it is so nice and

: No need to get up at night to feed the baby's chest, jump whenever the baby pays. What Pediatricians and Moms say with

On this occasion, you will learn from our article.

What do the doctor's say

Our ancestors slept with children to protect them and not to die from the cold. But modern mothers are afraid to put babies nearby, because there are cases when women in a dream stood with their weight of babies. Specialists from the American Academy of Pediatrics also suggest that a joint sleep with a small child can carry a danger to the life of the baby. But adherents of joint sleep claim that such a radical position is associated with the inability to check the living conditions of each individual family, their daily life, therefore it is easier to prohibit than to look for outs.

Russian pediatricians also speak out against sharing. They scare young moms terrible stories when women fell asleep next to the baby, and woke up with a non-living baby. Naturally, each mother listens to such advice and will do everything that an experienced doctor will say.

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How dangerous is the Mom and Baby Joint Sleep

Women who from birth put babies next to them, argue that the danger is not in a joint dream, but in the lifestyle of parents. If the mother takes strong calming agents, falling down in the evening, because no one helps to care for the baby, and also uses alcohol or drugs, naturally, it is not able to control the situation. Also important factor is the degree of softness of the bed, and whether other family members or animals are sleeping in it. All this must be considered when deciding on a joint dream with a baby.

But there is also the reverse side of the medal. Mother and child are physiologically "configured" at each other. The child calms down when the smell feels near the smell and the body of the mother. Cute women in a dream feel the baby's breath, so the risk factor is minimal. Sleep rhythms have a young mother and baby coincide, so the woman becomes responsive to any change in the state of the baby. In the shallow sleep phase, Mom can hear the heartbeat chips or feed it with breasts. It does not need to get up several times at night, and this is very important for the tired organism, which is necessary to rest.

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Young mothers tell

Nina, Mom Two-year-old Ksyusha:

"When my daughter was born, I was even afraid of taking her hands, such she was tiny. But Ksyusha badly slept at night, and had to remove one side of the bed to put it close to our bed. It is very convenient if you are afraid that damage something baby. At 4 months, I slept with Ksyusha together, and it is so cute, so cool - feel a little man nearby. It seems to me that by nature in a woman laid down that she sleeps very sensitively and hears her child. "

Oksana, Mom year old Vladika:

"Pediatrician in the children's clinic frightened that a woman can crush the child if the first months they will sleep together. But then I talked on the mummy forums, and many, turn out, put the kids next to them. Of course, when the woman is very tired, suffers from postpartum depression, takes sleeping pills, it is not worth risking. But in other cases, I think, every mother hears his child in a dream, because we are very sensible for the first year and wake up from every rustle and pisch. "

Alexandra, Mom 6-month Arina:

"Daughter sleeps with me from birth. The first nights tried to put her in the crib, but it was a real hell. She screamed, did not fall asleep, and I had to shift to myself. I do not regret it, because children grow so rapidly, and do not have time to enjoy these moments when the baby is quietly sniffed. "

Sofia, Mom Arseny (1.5 years):

"For three months a massage therapist came to us. And now she told the story that she came to make a massage in one family. For those parents of the eldest son, Mom crushed in a dream. Very tired, did not fall out, and here is the result. I was so impressed by the story that I solved firmly for myself - no joint dreams. Although before this Arseny slept separately, but sometimes in the morning I left it in my bed. Unfortunately, the risk to harm the child is present, so we decided not to risk. " All over the world, Moms practice joint sleep and receives pleasure from it. Kids are located next to the most important person and feel safe. And the sensitive young mother can fully relax, while not harming the health and life of the newborn crumbs. But parents themselves should decide, weighing all the "for" and "against" a joint sleep.

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