How to get rid of panic attacks yourself forever: Tips and recommendations of experienced hanstones



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If your heart beats rapidly, there are not enough air, the limbs have become ice, the head is spinning and rushes the feeling of fear, most likely you have undergone a panic attack. This condition is also called the exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Of course, many, having experienced panic attacks, immediately run to doctors. But it is possible and how to get rid of panic attacks on their own and forever. Tell how to do it.
How to get rid of panic attacks yourself forever: Tips and recommendations of experienced hanstones 7573_1

How to get rid of panic attacks yourself forever

It is not necessary to drink expensive tablets at all, take appointed drugs, literally settle in the doctor's office to track the dynamics of treatment.

Those people who passed through panic attacks advise to pay attention to the "5 steps" system. With it, you can get rid of the terrible state forever. Correct meals

Many will be survived, but the daily menu directly affects not only physical, but also to a mental state. If you use a harmful fast food every day, pick up the hamburgers to Kola, and in the evenings are not off dinner with fried potatoes and drink beer before the TV, what kind of health can we talk about?

How to get rid of panic attacks yourself forever: Tips and recommendations of experienced hanstones 7573_2

The first step towards getting rid of panic attacks is the correct diet. What to focus on:

  1. Exclude coffee and tea from the diet, drink clean, non-carbonated water in sufficient quantity. You can use herbal tea, but preference gives soothing herbs: Melissa, mint, chamomile.
  2. Avoid the use of sweet milk and fermented dairy products. You can cheat yourself by the fact that in the sweet fruit curd a lot of calcium, although it is not. But sugar and synthetic additives in such products really grabs. It is better to make a choice in favor of savory, natural yogurts and kefir.
  3. The menu does not have sugar and wheat flour products, it is also desirable to abandon honey. It is allowed to eat 25 g of bitter chocolate. Those people who do not use buns and sweets, argue that after a week after the abandon of candy and baking do not even want to watch.
  4. Refuse Fast Food. We all know how bad hamburgers, potatoes, cola and other dishes, which many prefer to use instead of a full lunch or dinner. You should also exclude crackers, chips, crackers, carbonated drinks and other food garbage.
  5. Do not eat before bedtime. 2-3 hours before sleep, you can eat light vegetable salad and protein food (boiled or baked chicken, turkey, fish). If you feel right before bedtime, you will feel the desire to eat something, drink a cup of herbal tea. Another secret of calm sleep: spread the teaspoon of the alcohol tincture of the peony in the glass of water and drink before bedtime.

Harmful food gives a serious burden on the liver, and that, in turn, connects to the active work of the kidney. The body in the stress situation produces adrenaline, which negatively affects the nervous system. Hence stresses and regular panic attacks.

How to get rid of panic attacks yourself forever: Tips and recommendations of experienced hanstones 7573_3

Many are interested in which pharmacy drugs can help cope with vegeto-vascular dystonia. In fact, it is resorted to complex treatment only in the launched cases when other methods do not act.

Read also: alarming symptoms of mental and emotional burnout, which is worth paying attention more move

Our grandparents did not know what panic attacks are. All because they fed right and moved a lot. Previously, people did not sit behind computers, did not lie on the sofa with chips and cola, and were undoubtedly much health of the modern generation.

What exercises will help get rid of panic attacks?

Many turn to yoga and Pilates, as a way to calm down and put in order not only the body, but also thoughts. Also helps the usual morning gymnastics or performing simple exercises. If the morning starts with gymnastics, blood and lymph accelerate through the body, the mood is improved, a positive attitude appears. In the evenings, do stretching exercises. And during the day we walk more walk, forget about the elevators, walk in the park, enjoy nature.

How to get rid of panic attacks yourself forever: Tips and recommendations of experienced hanstones 7573_4
Examine what phenomena lead you to stress

Modern life is impossible without experiences and stress, but you need to learn to resist them, and most importantly, not accumulate in the body. Present a closed saucepan with water that stands on fire. Water slowly boils, and then pours over the cover on the stove. So with stress: they accumulate inside, and then "shit" with panic attacks.

To begin with, find out what makes you nervous: an evil chief, hated work, lack of money, partner - "Vampire" or something else. But how can you cope with panic attacks when there is a conflict? There are 2 options:

  • get rid of the problem;
  • Exit a conflict situation.

Depending on the situation, you can use any of the options. At first glance it may seem that it is impossible to solve the problem. It's hard to find a new job, it is even more difficult to destroy the family, to earn a million in general unreal. In fact, you can cope with any difficulty. If you have every day you feel unhappy every day, it's never too late to find a new place. Or seek the advantages of the previous work, because for sure they are.

How to get rid of panic attacks yourself forever: Tips and recommendations of experienced hanstones 7573_5

Permanent quarrels with her husband? Children do not obey? It's easier, of course, to arrange scandals, and then suffer from the attacks of panic attack. And you can figure out the situation, talk to your own people, to find the cause of their behavior.

As a rule, people are experiencing most because of their future. But you need to live here and now, because no one knows what awaits us in a few months or years. So is it worth spending nervous cells on reflections on the foggy future? Love yourself, please, indulge, enjoy today's day, and you will forget about panic attacks.

Work on your fears

Another working way that will answer the question of how to get rid of panic attacks - work on your fears. It is always difficult, and alone can not cope. But relatives, friends or psychologists will always come to the rescue. Remember, in what place do you laugh the first wave of panic attack? If this happened in the subway, for sure, from the moment you are afraid to descend underground. Ask a friend to accompany you in the subway so that it is not so scary. Do not dwell on negative memories, just refuse your fear and ride underground. If you feel that fear is fighting your movements, and the heart begins to fight rapidly, start deeply and slowly breathing.

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Positive attack - an important step in the fight against panic attacks

Try to seek reasons for joy. The sun shines the sun, the beloved husband brought coffee to bed, the child firmly hugs his little handles - is it not happiness?

From panic attacks you can get rid of themselves forever, because this is not a chronic disease, but the result of our lifestyle. When panic attacks will retreat, you do not need to return to the old habits, otherwise you risk again in the stressful situation. Properly eat, move more, walk in the fresh air, enjoy pleasant trifles, meditate and enjoy life.

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People tell people who independently got rid of panic attacks


"At some point my life turned into a solid stress. At work Eternal Abral, houses displeased husband and screaming children who require attention. I was like a stretched string that could burst at any time. Once I broke the car, and I, in order to save time, went to work on the subway. In a stuffy car, underground, I had the first panic attack. It seemed to me, I'll die now from the lack of air. Then the panic attacks overtook me in the office of the director, at important negotiations, in the elevator. It was necessary to do something with it, and I went to the doctor. After a full survey, it became known that I do not have any diseases. The girlfriend suggested to walk with her on yoga, and from the moment everything became different. I revised my life, I realized that the eternal race for a profit and a new post would not give me pleasure. I changed the job, I began to spend more time with my family, we went to nature on the weekend. Panic attacks do not bother me anymore. I am happy and pleased with my life. "


"Previously, panic attacks appeared often. But I completely changed my lifestyle: I quit smoking, I do not drink alcohol, I eat it right, I am engaged in sports. I try less nervous, spend more time in the fresh air. My doctor did not prescribe me pills, but gave useful recommendations. I walk a lot, I go on foot, I ride a bike. A healthy lifestyle is a pledge of a strong nervous system. "

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