How to achieve abundant raspberry fruiting: basic recommendations


Good afternoon, my reader. Malina is a traditional garden culture for most country sites. However, not all gardeners are satisfied with the harvest of berries - sometimes it matures them not so much, as I would like, and that is mostly small and completely not sweet. Most often, this is a consequence of violations of the Rules of Agrotechnology, expressed in insufficient fertilization fertilizers and ignoring their preparation for the winter.

How to achieve abundant raspberry fruiting: basic recommendations 7557_1
How to achieve abundant raspberry fruiting: Major recommendations Maria Verbilkova

Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

For normal growth of raspberry bushes, they need fertile loose soil. You can make it by sowing in Malinnik Sideratov. In this capacity, Lupine has proven perfectly. When he grows up, his shoots are cut and crushed with shovel or acute saules to the state of the green mass, which is used as a mulch. Its layer will prevent the appearance of weeds, and after the overloading it will serve as a source of soil saturation with useful substances and trace elements.

If the root root system is sufficiently developed, the chances of obtaining good crop berries increase repeatedly. It is possible to achieve the enhancement of rhizomes using growth stimulants. The humate of the gray shade, for example, will help not only strengthen the roots, but also accumulate sugar in the berries, which will eventually make them sweet and tasty. You can buy the drug in specialized garden shops. They prepare it in accordance with the instructions attached, but bring into the soil, pouring a bush around the base, spending on each of about 1 l composition.

How to achieve abundant raspberry fruiting: basic recommendations 7557_2
How to achieve abundant raspberry fruiting: Major recommendations Maria Verbilkova

Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

The raspberry should be done in several stages, tieting it to the stages of plant development. The first is a period of formation of inflorescences and flowering, the second is the time of fruiting, which can last until the autumn occurs.

For first feeding, which coincides with the phase of active growth of culture, it is better to use organic fertilizers. You can prepare them yourself, using the biomaterial existing on the site - for example, make an infusion on a mixture of woody ash and bevelled grass or weeds, which are crushed, fold into a plastic barrel, filling out that green mass by one third, then poured warm water. Cut the barrel with a lid, its contents give a week, after which they are filled and taken for watering. It follows it every day during periods of flowering and fruiting, spending 1 liter on the bush.

Enrich the soil with useful substances, as well as additionally disinfect it, the usual woody ash will help. It makes it in the spring (at the very beginning of the bloom of raspberries) and in the fall, when the fruiting will end, and the crop will be assembled. For feeding one bush, 0.5 l of ash will be sufficient.

How to achieve abundant raspberry fruiting: basic recommendations 7557_3
How to achieve abundant raspberry fruiting: Major recommendations Maria Verbilkova

Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

It is necessary to prepare for it. The soil in Malinnik loose, in parallel, removing weeds and the young piglery that appeared between the rows. It is digging, introducing into the ground the shovel on the entire bayonet.

In the fall, there is also a seasonal trimming, removing dried, sick, curved, as well as spinning shoots. Cut them with the root itself. As a result, on time, the trimming of raspberries, her young shoots will have time to wait and gain more strength to the coming frosts. It remains only to burn them to the ground and insulate, covering with a rare or a special underfloor material.

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