Complex of exercises for the development of force


On average, the person loses about a quarter of his muscular strength by the age of 70 and her half to the 90s. Make only aerobic exercises are not enough. If you do not exercise strength training, you will become weaker, and mobility and functionality will decrease.

"Take and do" painted a complex of classes for the development of force. You may need an additional inventory in the form of dumbbells and fitness rubber. But if you are new, you can work only with your own weight. Also, do not forget to perform a small workout before the main training - aerobic activity for 5-10 minutes will be enough. Make 1-3 sets for each exercise depending on your physical training.

1. Fucks

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_1

What is involved: buttocks, trampled tendons, quadriceps, caviar. How to perform:

  1. Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders.
  2. Step forward with the right foot, bending your knee at right angles. Make sure that it does not go out for the fingers of the foot. The thigh should be parallel to the floor. The knee of the left leg is adopted to the ground, but does not concern it. Hold your back straight, pull up. Hold in this position for 5 seconds.
  3. Return to the starting position. Repeat all the same else's foot.

⏱ Repeat 10-12 times.

2. Squats with hands lifting

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_2

What is involved: buttocks, quadriceps, caviar, triceps, muscles of the bark, back and shoulders. How to perform:

  1. Stand straight, put the legs a little wider thighs. Hands are freely stretched along the body. Take the dumbbells if you want to increase the load.
  2. Hands bend in the elbows, lift the brushes above the shoulders, palm expand the back side.
  3. Slowly squat, dropping hips down, and tighten the buttocks back. Make sure that the knees do not go over the fingers of the legs. Keep your back straight.
  4. Pull the body up and straighten your hands above your head.
  5. Return to the original position.

⏱ Repeat 8-12 times.

3. Planck

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_3

What is involved: the muscles of the legs, bark, back, chest, shoulders. How to perform:

  1. Lie on the stomach. Lift, leaning on elbows and forearm. Foot on your fingers. Straighten the body in a flat line. Make sure that the loin has not saved, and the buttocks did not drank up.
  2. Hold in this position at least 30 seconds. You can reduce or increase this time based on your physical training. To complicate the task, lift one of the legs and fix this item.

4. Push up

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_4

What is involved: press, triceps, shoulders, breast muscles. How to perform:

  1. Stand in the bar on the elongated hands. Palms at the level of shoulders. Feet stand in the stop on the socks of the feet. The whole body is straightened, visually reminding the board.
  2. Strain the muscles of the bark and go down down, bending your hands in the elbows. Your chest should almost touch the floor. Elbows pressed to the body. If you want to facilitate the task, arrange your hands wider and divor the elbows to the sides. To further reduce the load, perform pushups, standing on your knees.
  3. Return to the starting position.

⏱ Repeat 8-12 times.

5. Lifts of dumbbells above their heads

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_5

What is involved: the muscles shoulders, hands and chest. How to perform:

  1. Stand straight, lay legs on the width of the shoulders, knees slightly bend. Take into each hand on dumbbells, lift them to the shoulder level. Elbows pressed to the body and look down. Palm expand the back of the back.
  2. Pull hands up, raising dumbbells over head. Shoulders lower down, do not clamp the neck. Hold in this position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Lower your hands to the shoulder level by taking the original position.

⏱ Repeat 8-12 times.

6. Extension of the hands

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_6

What is involved: triceps, shoulder muscles. How to perform:

  1. Stand straight, put your feet together. In each hand, take the dumbbells. Bend your knees and lean forward at an angle of 45 degrees. Raise your elbows, they should be tight pressed to the torso. Bend them at right angles.
  2. Straighten your hands and get the palm behind your back. The back is straight, the loin is not bent. You must feel muscle tension in triceps.
  3. Return your hands in the original position.

⏱ Repeat 8-12 times.

7. Hand breeding to the parties

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_7

What is involved: breast muscles, spin, shoulders, hands. How to perform:

  1. Standing straight, put the legs together, bend the knees. Take the Eppender for both ends and pull your arms in front of yourself. The gum must be parallel to the floor.
  2. Divide your hands in different directions, creating tension in the expander. Make sure that the elbows are not flex. Keep your back straight, shovels together.
  3. Slowly twist your arms back.

⏱ Repeat 15-20 times.

8. Footheads Back

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_8

What is involved: buttocks, hips, legs. How to perform:

  1. Stand straight, twist the legs together, slightly bend your knees. Put your hands in front of you. Wrap a fitness gum around the ankles.
  2. Slowly remove the left leg back. So far as can. Do not lean forward, only legs and pelvis work. If you are difficult to hold the balance, go about the chair or wall.
  3. Return the leg in place. First, perform the entire set with the left foot, then right.

⏱ Repeat 12 times on each side.

9. Lives legs

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_9

What is involved: the four muscles of the hips, buttocks, trambled tendons and caviar. How to perform:

  1. Lie on the back. Bend your legs and tighten your knees to the chest. The loin is tight pressed to the floor. Put on each foot fitness gum, the remaining parts lock in the hands.
  2. Take the knees, pushing the foot up. You must feel the tension in your feet. If it is not enough, increase the tension in the rubber band.
  3. Return to the starting position, again bending your knees at right angles.

⏱ Repeat 10-12 times.

Complex of exercises for the development of force 7417_10

Optional to do every day to get a good result. You may notice a significant improvement in the physical form by performing 20-30-minute workouts 2-3 times a week.

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