"We don't need Sputnik V": Eurocomissar Breton predicts that the collective immunity will be a collective immunity


Eurocomissar on the internal market of Tierry Breton expressed the opinion that the European Union does not need a Russian drug from the coronavirus of a new type "satellite V". Reports about it Reuters.

He explained his statement by the fact that the EU has already approved four vaccines, the presence of which is enough for the campaign to vaccinate the population. Breton added that to achieve collective immunity to coronavirus in Europe, it may turn out to be July 14 - the French national holiday.

The European Commission was previously criticized for the slow introduction of the vaccine, when the block there is an increase in cases of infection and at the time when a former participant of the British vaccination program is gaining momentum.

"We absolutely do not need Sputnik V," said TV channel TF1 Commissioner for the internal market of Thierry Breton, who heads the EU working group on vaccines.

"Since we are the continent, where the most approved vaccines approved by the medical regulator - four, and we are in the field of their production, we will absolutely do not need" satellite V "... and other drugs," Breton said.

He also noted that the vaccine approved by Europe should be carried out in the area of ​​association and massively apply.

According to him, "Russians have a problem with the production of the preparation" Satellite V ". The European Commissioner added that if Russia needs help in this matter, Europe is ready for discussions in the second half of the year.

At the same time, he stressed that those drugs whose production is being considered priorities to be priorities.

We remind you that he will arrive in Riga today to discuss with the Minister of Economics, Janis Wyenbergs and pharmaceutical enterprises, the readiness of Latvia to participate in the production of vaccines from "COVID-19".

As LETA reported to the Ministry of Economy, during a remote meeting with Breton, Wyenbergs assured the European Commissioner in the fact that Latvia is ready to take part in the production of Vaccine from "COVID-19".

The minister stressed that the country has an appropriate infrastructure and the pharmaceutical development is developed, and Latvia in the future is ready to begin production not only vaccines from "COVID-19", but also others.

The willingness to take part in the production of Vaccines from "COVID-19" expressed the largest Latvian medicine manufacturers - "Grindeks", "Olainfarm" and "Pharmidea". The participation of other Latvian companies in this project is also noted in the Ministry of Economy.

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