Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas" celebrates the 20th anniversary

Natural Park
Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas" celebrates the 20th anniversary

Today in the Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas" arranged a press tour dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the organization. Participants - Journalists and staff members - walked along the ecological paths of two brokeys, talked about the variety of species in the Ugra, and most importantly, how to save the variety.

"Shapshinsky tract" is one of the territories that is part of the Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas". Natural park itself occupies a territory of 6,600 hectares. It has two more tracts. This is a city, who is familiar to all residents of Khanty-Mansiysk, where to walk on the environmental trails. And there is also a tract of "Islands", where they are engaged exclusively by scientific work.

In general, the appointment of a natural park is to preserve biodiversity, that is, all these bugs, spiders, animals greasy up to bears. Scientists need to be preserved in this area where they are accustomed to live, in the amount and in that, let's say, the quality in which it was always.

As scientists themselves say, they consider butterflies and squirrels here, that is, they lead a huge year-round scientific work on monitoring biological species. But it turns out, their work is not only in this. There is such a concept as "Environmental Education". And in the Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas" this task assigned a whole department.

Nadezhda Bykova, Head of the Samarovsky Chugas Natural Park Department: "In addition to the fact that we were in the Natural Park Museum in the Institution itself, where we have training classes for conducting classes and a museum for conducting equally important lessons when children can draw The IZO studio may be present, in the hat, we have an Ecological and educational center, a bear guest house of Stepan, where master classes are held, and there is an ecological school for children, for all sorts of environmental lessons. " As for biodiversity, it is impossible not to mention the bears who are rightfully considered the owners of Ugra forests. In the territory of the "Shapshinsky Drug", perhaps the most famous in Ugra, and beyond its borders, Bear Stepan. Now he sleeps safely. In general, on the territory of the Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas" there are about 15 of his relatives in the wild.

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