17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life


Hardly not everyone wanted to write a book or even a film scenario on experienced life adventures. And although such events often do not find incarnations on the screens of cinemas, their presence in our fate leaves a noticeable imprint in any case.

We are in ADME.ru confident that life is fascinating and sometimes even an exciting thing, complete unexpected turns. For those who still have doubts about this account, we have developed many vivid evidence.

"10 years ago I played my dream and drove the entire Pan American Magistral"

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_1
© Grecy / Reddit

"For almost 10 years I dreamed of a house that I would build on my own. My dream finally turned out. "

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_2
© BruceInc / Reddit

"Last week I returned to college. After 13 years, I'm starting again. "

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© RunningDownhill / Reddit

"My 95-year-old aunt first started drawing at 90 years. It's never too late to learn something new! "

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© Thetonz / Reddit

"At last weekend at the 32nd age, I finally met my biological father for the first time."

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© ThepeterPot / Reddit

"I won cancer, but now my aunt got sick. I challenged my head in order to show her that we will handle together "

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_6
© HangToEnail / Reddit

"Yesterday my sister's groom had to be urgent to visit the hospital a day before the wedding"

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"The groom could not let go, because of what they had to cancel the planned holiday. Then the clinic staff arranged a wedding in the hospital. "

"When I just entered the university, I was lost and felt completely useless."

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© PinkBbon007 / Reddit

"A few years later, I graduated from the Best University of my country, and next week I arrange to work my dreams."

"After the year of life in the trailer, I finally had my own apartment. Life is Beautiful!"

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© Braq1509 / Reddit

"After 3 years of relations at a distance, I finally flew to the girl I love ... in life she was even better"

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_10
© PilotSB / Reddit

"A little tired, but still happy. This is how our wedding party looks like a traffic jam "

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© rorimpotafj / reddit

"In November, I asked Facebook users to write a letter to my 19-year-old son with autism, who likes to go to the mail on foot"

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© Swazmom74 / Reddit

"As a result, he received more than 3,200 letters and parcels with good words from more than 24 different countries of the world."

"I was waiting for a heart transplant for as many as 9 years old, but despite this, my heart still works by 25%. Doctors still shocked "

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_13
© DOM_33 / Reddit

"Woke up at 22:30 for 7-hour lifting through a 12-degree frost and ice rain. Conquered Kilimanjaro Mountain "

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_14
© haahnsoloii / Reddit

"After the fight against infertility, experienced countless chases and disappointments tonight, a pregnancy test was positive"

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_15
© Eggshellisacolor / Reddit

"Now I know what tears of joy!"

"2 years ago I started drawing different birds from Germany, but then suddenly stopped due to depression. Today I finally took up drawing! "

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© FarmlifewithSommer / Reddit

"I won the terminal stage of cancer. Incredibly raised life "

17 photo histories about people who seem to have excellent exam in school life 7300_17
© ragequit_87 / Reddit

And what exciting situations happened in your life?

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