"I am life without Alla I can not imagine" - Maxim Galkin about his beloved wife



Together for about 20 years, but to this day, the spouses nourish each other the same gentle feelings as once at the beginning of the relationship. Humorist delightedly talks about the merits

who gave him a daughter and son. He recently told which of


Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, photo: Vladtime.ru

Star colleagues of the Great Artist claim that Alla has a very strict temper. However, the husband's husband assures that Pugacheva is a very attentive and thoughtful woman.

"When I first saw Alla Borisovna, I like anyone who speaking in Russian, wanted to meet her. And then I recognized a person. Almost immediately the kinship of the souls ",

- Shawman shares.

Now the 71-year-old performer practically does not come out of the mansion, paying all the time to first-graded children. Maxim declares that he is the main breadwinner in the family.

"You contain, but the woman is still the keeper of the hearth. Cooking, cleaning ... Well, you understand that Alla with a broom does not run, although it can. She prepares fine. Alla is a stunning mistress. And when we lived in an apartment in Moscow, we did not have anyone in the service at all. We ourselves did everything. This was a buzz. Naturally, when the house, children, volumes - here without the help of people who are ready to spend their lives on us, impossible, "

- says the lead.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, photo: krsk.sibnovosti.ru

The artist also revealed, in what the secret of their family happiness is:

"The main thing is to love and not lie to each other. Not bad to be like-minded ... Everyone knows that passion passes quickly. I believe that feelings for a person, love, uniformity does not pass over the years, only stronger. You germinate in a person, and you as part of one whole. For example, I can't imagine life without Alla. Moreover, I do not really remember the life of my soul before she fell into my field of view. "

Galkin noted that he was grateful to his wife for the sincere feelings and the birth of heirs:

"If not Alla, they would not be - completely stunning children. The third for which I am grateful is - she suffers my bore. "

By the way, the other day Alla Pugacheva struck fans with honest photos without makeup. In addition, Galkin published the video, where Alla Borisovna Liho danced on New Year's Eve with younger friends. And it became known about very complex rides of the prima donna.

And what do you think Maxim Galkin is a good husband? Write your opinion in the comments.

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