How did Peter first wanted to buy an eternal engine?

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Monument to the first "Copper Horseman", St. Petersburg Photo:

In the history of mankind, so many different fun cases, which is not believed in their reality. Such cases can be shielded, and the audience success of such films will be provided. One of the stories involved three hundred years ago, combined Peter the First, Russian Science and ... Eternal Engine.

However, about everything in order. It happened that in 1680 in Saxony (territory of the current Germany) Boy Ernst Besser was born. The boy was clever and even got into a local gymnasium. There he succeeded in mathematics and mechanics.

Without having done to the end, Besser was broken in the wanderings in Europe. However, he was not a classic vagabol, and traveling in different cities, a mind-reason was gained in the spheres of interest.

And the moment came when Besser decided to get rich. There was no desire for this, but in its implementation, Ernst was quite ingenious.

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Ernst Besser photo:

To begin with, Ernst Bessel changed the name and became referred to as the Johann Other Ophirus. He did it not from idleness, but because the new (especially mysterious) name at that time was promoted increased interest in his person. Moreover, if this person began to argue that it can successfully treat people, design cunning mechanisms and write useful scientific treatises.

Then the "newborn" ORFERUS, according to an interesting coincidence, in a small German city, cured the daughter of the Lamanie Lekary Shuman, who later became the burgomistrome. Schumann, regarding this event as a miracle, issued his recovery daughter for the ORFERUS-Besser, and even with solid dowry.

That's it seems to be all, would have solved another person at the Otherwerus Place. But it was not there. Our hero, as already mentioned, succeeded quite well in different sciences. And the time was then interesting - the beginning of the XVIII century, the people believed in miracles, in different drugs, in the witches, as well as in ... Eternal engine.

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Drawing of the shared form of the Eternal Ophterus Engine Photo:

So ORFERES and decided to strengthen his position as a scientist, creating an eternal engine. In addition, this could be nice to work well. Perhaps he was not a spotted cynic and a sinister. But he wanted to create an eternal engine.

And he created him in 1712. However, we are almost unknown about this thing, because quite soon the inventor destroyed his creation.

In 1715, our hero created a second version of the perpetual motion. Simple people, attempted to this "miracle" of technology, Diva was given, and soon the glory of Orpherius stepped out of his native city.

Interestingly, the Orpherius Scientist Commission did not allow to look at his invention, although the members of this commission were given money for this. Therefore, there was no unambiguous verdict about the creation of the German inventor. What did not prevent Orpherius to establish next to your car mug to collect donations, which was replenished with enviable speed.

In 1716, Count Hessen-Kassels invited our hero to his castle and gave him the title of a survival adviser. With the generous support of the graph, the inventor opened the "second breathing", and he began to build a third version of his eternal engine. This car was ready in 1717.

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S. A. Kirillov, Petr Great Photo:

Well, what about Peter first? And despite the fact that our emperor was vividly interested in all sorts of technical pieces and about the invention of Orpherius also knew.

In 1715, Peter instructed Chancellor Osterman to collect as much information about the wonderful invention of the German mechanic. The case on the collection of material was delayed for several years.

And already in 1721, Peter gives the same order by the librarian Schumacher. The latter was sent to Europe to buy valuable scientific books.

Schumacher thoroughly approached the instructions of the Russian emperor. Regarding the eternal engine, the librarian communicated with the famous scientist Wolf. He, without completely rejecting the ideas of an eternal engine (the law of energy conservation has not yet been known), advised Schumacher himself to talk with the inventor himself, and at the same time to inspect his car.

But it happened that Orpherius flatly refused to show his invention to the Russian Messenger. Instead, he, as a degenerate merchant, was literally immediately selling his brainchild the Shumacher, who, who is understandable, were money with him.

However, Schumacher did not risk. In addition, several other scientists who tried to examine the eternal engine of Orpherius could not do that. On this occasion, they left their comments in the address of the invention, not flattering.

All this Schumacher reported to the sovereign. He carefully listened to the report of his subject and decided personally in 1725 to visit Europe, and at the same time visiting Orpherius. And if everything is fine, then to buy the invention of the German. Moreover, he voiced its price - about 100,000 rubles, the amount for those times is colossal.

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I. N. Nikitin, "Peter the first on mortal odds" Photo:

As you know, Peter first died in 1725. And Oreferius remained without Russian money. And then - in general without any means of existence.

It turned out that his car is not an eternal engine, but a mechanism driven by a person in the next room. He dought a man for the rope - a huge wheel of Orpherius, issued for the eternal engine, and spinning.

However, the eternal motors and after this incident continued and continue to invent ...

Author - Maxim Mishchenko

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