"Was shock": the whole truth about the son of Dmitry Malikova from a surrogate mother


On the eve of his 48th anniversary, Dmitry Malikov became a father again! The child was born in one of the St. Petersburg elite clinics specializing in reproductive medicine. Close artist told about how the first days of the life of the baby passed!

Dmitry Malikov with his wife

The boy was born on January 24, in the clinic of reproductive medicine Ava-Peter in St. Petersburg. Everyone knows that Dmitry has long wanted his son, like his 54-year-old spouse Elena. They understood that, given their age, it could be dangerous, so the couple turned to the services of a surrogate mother.

Dmitry Malikov and his wife, her daughter Stephanie and the newborn son, is the main event of the past year of my life. I'm absolutely happy!

- told Dmitry.

On the first photo session of the child, the boy of Malikova and shock, tested by the daughter of artist, friends and native Dmitry told "Starkit".

Dmitry Malikov with family

It is clear that the grandfather and grandfather saw the first child! Dmitry and Elena with a baby arrived home just on the birthday of Malikova - January 29th.

I touched the grandson in my arms, shook, shed. The boy is fixed, height and weight correspond to the norm. Immediately we also spent the first shooting that lasted five minutes. The role of the photographer was the eldest daughter of Lena Olya Izakson, she was a professional in this matter. The kid calmly moved everything, did not cry, carefully looked at the surrounding. Then the parents put a child to sleep, and we drank champagne for his health,

- said Father Malikova Yuri Fedorovich.

Dmitry Malikov with his father and her daughter Stephanie

Malikov-seniors did not wait for such a surprise as the birth of a child. Somehow everything is unplanned!

We waited for this event, but did not know which day it would happen. Yes, and did not really ask, after all, a personal matter. " When Dmitry and Elena reported the eldest daughter Stefania about the desire to make another child, it became a complete surprise for it,

- Says the new grandmother.

Dmitry Malikov with family

There was a shock. But then the awareness came that this is the best gift for my father's birthday and my upcoming 18th anniversary. Baby is a real doll, you can only dream of such

- admitted a stesh. Of course, now the girl will come to share attention with the younger brother - such a "focus shift" can make worry! But she seems very prudent, for its 17 years.

I have already come out of that age when jealousy can take me up. I am sure, parents belong to Ole, to me and brother equally. I present myself a large mother. Did I could love someone less, and someone else? This is simply impossible.
Dmitry Malikov with his daughter Stephanie

It is known that the girl is very reverent to his brother and his appearance in the house was waiting for a holiday. She even decorated the house!

The whole house was decorated with blue balls and lilac - these are mother's favorite flowers. I and the children helped to furnish, chose everything the best. Now the brother is still small to sing the lullaby for him. While he only sleeps, eats and walks. When it becomes an older, I will definitely read it a fairy tale about a prince on a white horse and a princess in a blue dress. It's so cool!

- tells the girl.

Stefania Malikova

Everything is clear with the family, but how did colleague responded? It is known that the actors of the musical performance Dmitry Malikova "turn over the game" learned about the upcoming event per day before it became the public domain.

We have a group in whatsapp, where we are discussing the news. When heard about the child, at first they thought that this is a draw. They decided that Dmitry, probably joking. But it turned out that there is no. Filled his congratulations. He kept secretly in secret, never mentioned - neither on rehearsals, nor on performances,

- told Gleb Podgorodinsky.

Dmitry Malikov with his wife

The appearance of a son is a real holiday, which, of course, relies to go off! So the artist celebrated his birthday and the birth of the Son in the Georgian restaurant "Kazbek" January 31. The guests of the holiday were close friends, including the composer Vladimir Matsky, Singer Valery Syutkin, an actor Igor Galnikov. Many came with gifts for the newborn.

Dmitry Malikov and her son sounded congratulations and toasts, everyone shared the sensations that experienced, having learned about Dimin happiness. In principle, the appearance of a child to the light is the usual thing, but the surrogate motherhood is an unusual thing. Well done Malikov, what decided to take this step! They spoke about what profession the heir would choose whether he would go to the footsteps of the Father. I wished a friend of joy, because it is a great luck - to become a dad in adulthood. Dima said that the name of the boy was not chosen yet, and I asked Leonardovich at the patronymic to call Son Leonard. I do not know whether

- tells Matec.

Dmitry Malikov

I am glad that Dmitry is all right now. He last year survived terrible grief, because

. So this child is long-awaited and exactly loved! But possible

No one was waiting - this is the news! Close

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