The contractor told about large-scale plans for the construction of the M-12 highway in the Vladimir region

The contractor told about large-scale plans for the construction of the M-12 highway in the Vladimir region 7121_1

It became known that construction will take about 3 years. Up to 1,000 workers will be involved with the support of 300 units of special equipment.

The federal route will have two car junctions, 15 artificial structures and one multifunctional road service. This is reported by our colleagues from Zebra TV.

Under Vladimir, preparatory work was already launched on the construction of a high-speed paid motorway M-12 "Moscow - Kazan".

Construction will be engaged in the LLC Regional Construction Company. She is known to have contracts with such organizations, such as Vnukovo International Airport JSC and the Department of New Territories of Moscow.

At the moment in the territories in the area of ​​the villages of Column, Koloksha and the neighborhood of Mostostroy, cutting down the forest. The width of the corridor is 60-100 meters.

Production bases are also prepared, temporary roads are designing for construction sites, temporary bridges are built through the River Musche and Koloksha. It is planned to transfer communications communications, gas supply, air and cable power lines.

As part of the project documentation for the 2 stage of the track, the device of two transport junctions is planned: transportation №2 - by 91 km of the river (intersection with the M-7 Volga road);

Transport junction number 3 - by 117 km of the rod (the intersection with the R-132 Highway "Golden Ring").

At the same time, in the plan there is a broadening of the carriageway. Work begins on the approach to the bridge through r. Moors, then in the northeast direction, the object crosses the r. Koloksha, at km 88, the track turns to the southeast crosses the M-7 Volga road, then the branch of the railway between the stations "Yuryevts" and "Koloksha" and before the intersection with the Klyazma River, the track passes in parallel to the southern round of Vladimir in 300 -100 meters from the south side, km 102 passes within the borders of the village of Mostostroy and Next. Total route will cross 4 water objects with bridges across the rivers: Moors, Bellsha, Klyazma, Jurik.

Project documentation provides for the construction of noise protection shafts and acoustic screens. This is done in order not to create inconvenience to local residents. In addition to noise insulating measures, entrances and departures will be saved on M-7.

This year it is planned to be executed: 70% of the extraction of the earth cannon, to lay 100 thousand tons of asphalt concrete, build 60% of artificial structures. In 2022 - to complete the device of bridges, 100% embankment of the earth canvas, 100% of the strengthening work. Within 2023, to obtain a conclusion about the confinement along with the commissioning permit.

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