How did 10 women who inspired famous artists on the masterpiece really looked like


Ophelia John Mill, "Portrait of Emilia Fleog" Gustav Klimt, "Portrait of Dari Maar" Pablo Picasso - We saw these pictures dozens of times. But all this is not the fiction of artists: real women are depicted on the canvases, once inspired creators on a masterpiece.

We are in overwhelmed curiosity, and we decided to find out how a woman really looked with famous paintings, and at the same time find out how their fate was. And from the bonus to the article you will learn who could be drawn in the painting-riddle of Ivan Kramsky "Unknown".

Elizabeth Siddal - "Ophelia", Muse John Everett Mill

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© Unknown Author / Wikipedia, © John Everett Millais / Wikipedia

Young Elizabeth worked as a modist in a hat store and did not suspect that he would inspire a whole group of artists - Pre-Faelites. It is believed that her "opened" Walter Howel Delerell - he was the first to suggest her to pose for his painting. Thanks to Walter, the girl met with his comrades on the brush. Pale and red-haired, she became a muse for them, and for Dante Gabriela Rossetti also married. Elizabeth Siddal was depicted almost on all the early works of Rossetti, posing William Kholman Khanta and, of course, John Everett Mill for his legendary Ophelia. In this picture, the artist wanted to capture the image of Ophelia from the play of William Shakespeare "Hamlet", which sings, floating along the river. The Creator sought to a reliable image of all the details, and the girl posed him in the bathroom. It was winter, and although the lamps were heated by water, Elizabeth still frozen and was very cold. Her father then demanded money from Mille money for her daughter. Whatever it was, soon and herself Syddal was engaged in painting and literature - her husband encouraged her. And although her poems did not have much success, as the artist she became famous. Art critic John Röuskin appointed her scholarship for drawings. She was the only woman among artists who participated in the Prerafaelites exhibition in Russell-Place in 1857.

Efphi Gray - Effi Gray, Muse John Everetta Mill

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© Unknown Author / Wikimedia, © John Everett Millais / Wikimedia

Effie was 19 years old when she married John Ryuskin. Their families were familiar and encouraged this union. Only after the wedding it became clear that these two were quite different. Sociable and flirting Effi was uncomfortable in a pretty despotic husband's society, who loved solitude. Moreover, 5 years later, their marriage was not consumed. Röiskin explained this by different reasons: he wanted to keep her beauty, he inspired that he did not want to make children, he was covered with religious motifs. But later he admitted that his wife simply inspired him disgust. It was confirmed at the trial when their marriage was canceled. While still married, Efphi posed for the painting of John Everetta Mill "Order of release." Later, the artist accompanied them with her husband on a trip to Scotland, as she was going to write a portrait of Röiskina. Mill and Effie during this time got together and fell in love with each other. Returning to London, the girl decided to terminate an unsuccessful marriage, not afraid of a public scandal. After the divorce, she married Mill, gave birth to 8 children from him. Family life has become a real inspiration for the artist, he often captured her episodes on his canvases.

Olga de Meyer - "Olga de Meyer", Muse John Sargen

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© Adolf de Meyer / Wikipedia, © John Singer Sargent / Wikipedia

Baroness Olga de Meyer was a secular lioness, patroness of the arts, the writer, European champion in fencing among women and, by rumors, illegitimate daughter of the King of the United Kingdom of Eduard VII. Skillfully combining the charm of a child and charm, this high slender lady became a muse for artists such as Jacques Emil Blanche, James Abbot McNel Whistler, Giovanni Bodiani and John Singer Sarjent. Many of them were seriously passionate. Olga herself chose himself into her husband at first Marino Brankachcho aristocrat, and then recognized Adolf de Meyer photographer.

Louise Kazaki - Markiza Kazaki, Muse Ogastes Edwina John

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© Adolf de Meyer / Wikipedia, © Augustus John / Wikipedi

The scandalous Italian aristocrat and an eccentric beauty was born in Milan in a family of successful owner of a textile factory that received a graph title. She was only 15 years old when she and sister lost both parents and at the same time became the richest women of Italy. Kazaki admired European society and was his star for almost 3 decades. Legends gone about her techniques. She wore snakes as decorations, walked cheetahs on diamond leashes. The girl was the center of the chosen circle of writers and artists, supporting artists. High and thin, with a lonely pale face surrounded by fire-groomed hair, she was very spectacular. And without the big eyes of Louise increased with the help of false eyelashes. It is not surprising that she made a strong impression and literally attracted people. It was inspired by artists, writers, and designers of clothing. Photos, sculptures and paintings in her honor could fill the whole gallery.

Emilia Fleog - "Emilia Fleoga", Muza Gustav Clima

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© Koloman Moser / Wikipedia, © Gustav Klimt / Wikipedia

With a talented artist, Emilia met at 17, thanks to the sister, she married Brother Climt, Ernsta. He became a frequent guest in their house, gradually they got close to. Experts believe that the artist captured himself on one of the most famous of their paintings "Kiss" and Emily. While Klimt drew, the girl learned on the seam, and then, together with his sisters, he opened a high fashion salon called "Sisters Fleog". She was responsible for the design and was one of the first who suggested the ladies to fit in loose dresses without a corset and with wide sleeves. These dresses were reform and promoted in elite circles. So, in 30 years, Emilia became the owner of a successful business. This was also facilitated by acquaintance with Clima - he painted the ladies from the highest Vienna society and introduced Fleog to them. Emilia and Gustav were not an ordinary couple: they did not make up relations, did not start children, met with other people - in general, were independent partners. But it was she who bequeathed half of his inheritance, and the society after his death considered it the official widow.

Dora Maar - "Portrait of Dari Maar", Muz Pablo Picasso

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© Wisi Eu / Wikipedia, © Javier Larrea / Agefotostock / East News

Although Dor Mahar, the real name of which Henrietta Theodore Markovich is mainly known as one of the women Picasso, she also made a significant contribution to art as a photographer and artist. She continued to create throughout his life, leaving behind a significant collection of works. In Paris, the Dora first studied by the artist Andre Lot, then took up the photo. In their works, including commercial, she was not afraid to experiment, creating sometimes surrealistic pictures. A close friend of Dari poet Paul Elur decided to introduce her to Picasso, who at that time experienced a personal crisis and needed creative inspiration. And he found him in Dore. Muse and the artist became a couple, although at that time he was still married with Olga Khokhlova, and his young beloved Maria Teresa Walter was waiting for a child from him. And although their relationship has always been difficult, it is believed that it was thanks to them that she was reborn as an artist.

Amelie Matisse - "Lady in a Hat", Muse Henri Matisse

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© Unknown Author / Wikipedia, © Album / Joseph Martin / Fototeca H.Matisse / East News

Amelie more than once became a model for paintings Matisse. One of the most famous works with her - "Woman in a hat", which was exhibited on the autumn salon and became the subject of disputes. Amelie and Henri met at the wedding, where both were invited: Matisse sat next to her on the following noisy banquet. A novel has ringed between them, and in a year they themselves got married. The girl understood that he would always be for her husband in second place after painting, and in spite of everything he loved him. The first years they had lived very poorly, but Amelie tried to make her husband had all the necessary tools. She tried in every possible way to help him: gave advice on color combinations, looking for buyers for his work and was ordered for them. But the artist sought independence. Their relationship worsened when he found an art dealer, but everything became even worse when Henri had an assistant to Lydia Delek. Madame Matisse felt that Lydia became something big for her husband than just a model. She forced him to choose between them. And although Matisse chose his wife, soon they still parted.

Dorothy Dean - "Last Watch Hero", Muse Frederick Leiton

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© Hernry Van Der Weyde / Wikipedia, © Frederic LEIGHTON, 1ST BARON LEIGHTON / WIKIPEDIA

Dorothy Dean, whose real name of Hell Alice Pullen, remained early without parents and was forced to provide 3 younger sisters. Fortunately, she met the English artist Frederick Leighton, who was fascinated by her beauty. She became a favorite muse and model for him and appeared on many of his late canvases. Leighton gave her education, introduced to a fashion society, helped to fulfill her dream: she became the actress of the theater. Despite the bright appearance and talent, on the acting field, she achieved a little - she basically got secondary roles. But thanks to the paintings of Leiton, she became a recognizable figure in the world of Victorian art. It was believed that she had a classic figure and impeccable complexion, and her willingly called to positive other artists. Dorothy appeared, for example, in the pictures of Louise Starr Kanziani, George Frederick Watts, John Everetta Mill.

Ellen Andre - "La Prune", Muse Eduard Mana

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© Nadar / Wikipedia, © édouard manet / wikipedia

About Ellen Andre knows not so much. The girl began his way to glory as an actress theater. She worked in it for several decades, until he met artists and did not become a fitter. This is what made it truly successful. She posed for pictures of outstanding impressionists: Edward Mana, Edgar Degas, Pierre Auguste Renoara.

Quiz Möran - "Portrait of the Möran Quiz", Muse Eduard Mana

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© Unidentified Photographer / Wikipedia, © édouard manet / wikipedia

Quiz Möran was born in the Grarera family. She knew how to play guitar and violin, gave music lessons and performed in the cafes. Once Edward Mana saw her on the street with a guitar in his hands. She liked that he liked that he immediately asked her to become his model. It is believed that she was his favorite simulator. After some time, quiz and the very beginning to attend painting lessons and draw. With Mana they diverged, as the girl pulled to the academic style of painting, against which he fiercely opposed. Quiz several times exposed his work, was adopted in the society of French artists. By the end of the days she called himself an artist.

Bonus: According to one of the versions, the Knygin Yuryevskaya (Ekaterina Dolgorukova) was depicted in the picture of Ivan Kramsky "Unknown"

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© Unknown Author / Wikipedia, © Ivan Kramskoi / Wikipedia

The picture of Ivan Kramsky "Unknown" is considered the most significant work and has a reputation as a riddle. No one knows who is depicted on it, and the artist himself never in a conversation, nor in the letter mentioned the identity of this mysterious woman. The only thing he said was once: "In this woman a whole era." Over time, the picture has become a symbol of sophistication, beauty and spirituality. There are several versions of one who looks at us from the canvas. Art historian Irina Chizhova, for example, believes that the princess of Dolgorukova, the Morganatic wife of Emperor Alexander II, is depicted on it. But this theory was not confirmed and still remains guessed.

Surely among our readers there are those who also had a positive for the painting. Tell us, whether the artist managed to justify your expectations, and, of course, show what it turned out.

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