February rating of Chinese car autobradids in Russia

February rating of Chinese car autobradids in Russia 7000_1

Following the sales of February 2021 in the first place of the "Chinese Top" of the Russian car market again, HAVAL with a result of 2 158 sold a car and growth of + 77% in relation to the last month of the winter of last year and + 38% by the first month of this year (there was 1567 cars). The two thousandths of monthly sales overcome!

According to the total sales in January-February in the Chinese sector, Chery is leading CHERY with a sales number of 3,912 cars (187 more than HAVAL) and an increase in the same period last year 348%. But at the end of February, Chery seconds among the Chinese automakers presented in our market - 1,998 cars with the same three-digit growth rate to the closing winter month 2019 - + 337% and an increasing increase in sales in relation to January - + 4%.

He pleaded in third place Geely - 1 203 auto result of February sales, + 60% of the dynamics in relation to last year's February and more than a double increase in sales + 117% compared with the initial month of the year. The total indicator of the first two months of the year is 1758 cars.

February rating of Chinese car autobradids in Russia 7000_2

I went to minus Changan - a decline in sales -8% compared with last year's February and a significant lagging against leaders - 395 customers transferred to customers (658 from the beginning of the year). But this is a little more (at 132 cars) than in January. Fourth place.

Closes the top 5 of the underground manufacturers of FAW with the result of 187 cars - almost twice as much as in January (96 pcs), but with an annual increase of + 78%. By the beginning of the spring "First Automotive" sold on the Russian car market 283 cars.

Following the first Chinese premium car autobrade of the Russian car market CheryExeed, which realized in February 130 cars - exactly the same and more than last year, when it was not yet. But 60% more than in the start month of the season (81 cars).

February rating of Chinese car autobradids in Russia 7000_3

The seventh place in Lifan - 64 more cars from the residues (147 from the beginning of the year) were sold at the shortest month of the year: -48% to last year's sales. The eighth line occupied the GAC with 21 sold cars, the ninth Brilliance (18 units), closing the top 10 Foton (7 pcs).

This year, the Chinese presence in our market dozen is not exhausted - at the end of the year he went to our market CheryExeed, a year after the start of sales began to submit reports to AEB GAC, but those who promised to leave our market were not fully sold out.

Eleventh in the Chinese rating Zotye (4 cars), the latest DFM with zero sales (a year ago was 86).

Total, all Chinese car autobralds in Russia in February 2021 sold 6,58 cars. A year ago was almost two times less - 3,208 cars. Progress is obvious.

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