Stars without complexes: 6 most stylish celebrities Plus-Size


For mostly, the stars are trying to look perfectly, as if they had just gone from the cover of the magazine. But in recent years, the situation in the world changes radically, and non-standard appearance among celebrities is becoming increasingly.

If earlier the actresses with magnificent forms could be seen on the screens only occasionally and not in the first roles, today the celebrities Plus-Size inspire their example of girls in the world.

These world stars have become icons of style, despite their distant from the generally accepted form standards.

Dasha Polanko

The actress became famous for the role of Denaars in the TV series "Orange - Hit of the season." And if it is most often dressed in a monochrome prison uniform, then in real life the wardrobe has a more diverse wardrobe.

Stars without complexes: 6 most stylish celebrities Plus-Size 699_1

Like many stars, Polanko wears brand things that meet the latest modes. At the same time, it proves - high fashion and style exist not only for slender fashion models.

Celebrity adores shortened tops, pants with high landing and all tight. In secular outputs, it often experiments with non-standard cut clothes and chooses bright, even acidic colors.

Kristina Hendrix

The star of the series "Madness" holds a win-win approach and creates most of their feminine images, relying on the fashion of the 70s.

Stars without complexes: 6 most stylish celebrities Plus-Size 699_2

Hendrix always makes accents on the neckline and waist, additionally emphasizing their seductive outfits with large ornaments.

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Melissa McCarthy

The actress is considered one of the most witty in Hollywood. Non-standard for acting profession Appearance only helped McCarthy find his place in the film industry.

Stars without complexes: 6 most stylish celebrities Plus-Size 699_3

The celebrity was famous for the role of Megan Price in the movie "Bride's girlfriends". Since then, the actress is under the closuit of the cameras, like all other stars of the first magnitude.

But such attention does not confuse Melissa to himself - she carefully monitors the wardrobe and picks up very stylish outfits. Plus-size Beauty is not afraid to use non-standard fabrics or color solutions.

Oprah Winfrey

During the long years of his publicity, a business woman learned to love her body and not respond to Bodishimers. And recently, the public has become at all as much as the celebrity heights seems to seek.

Stars without complexes: 6 most stylish celebrities Plus-Size 699_4

OPRA has succeeded in creating their own style. She prefers dresses-cases, strict business costumes and fitting skirts-pencils. For evening exits, the secular lioness chooses bright and memorable dresses.

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Rebel Wilson

One of the most positive Hollywood actresses carefully picks out outfits. The celebrity loves bright images for carpet tracks and in ordinary life.

Stars without complexes: 6 most stylish celebrities Plus-Size 699_5

Actress For many years inspires women worldwide to love their body. In 2020, Wilson lost weight, which caused a huge delight of her numerous fans.

However, it is worth noting that despite the essential weight loss, the actress is still in the Plus-size category.

Ashley Gram.

One of the first models of the size of the "plus", which became known for the whole world. It participates in fashion shows, removed for gloss and looks always just amazing.

Stars without complexes: 6 most stylish celebrities Plus-Size 699_6

A lot of time Graham pays its own outfits. Celebrity loves tight short dresses, crop tops and leather products. The fact that for many lush girls is still taboo, present in the wardrobe model in large quantities.

See also: Stars without makeup: what celebrities look in ordinary life

Do you like the stars of the size of the "plus" from our selection? Share your opinion in the comments!

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