Carrot Top: Medical Properties and Contraindications

Carrot Top: Medical Properties and Contraindications Domadeal

A good mistress will always find application not only the most rootproof, but also a terrestrial green part of the carrot. Vegetable culture that grown in its own garden will benefit not only by sweet and bright root roots, but also with her green tops.

Carrot tops are featured with a compatibility, as well as the content of large amounts of nutrients in it. So that the root quality and greens were good quality, vegetable need enough sun and watering.

In eating, carrot tops from his garden, without nitrates, pesticides, growth stimulants and heavy metal. The reason for the ability of the tops to accumulate all the "nastyness" in itself.

Methods of harvesting carrot tops

Collect the harvest of carrot tops begin at the end of June and until mid-July, depending on the growing region. But you should not completely deprive the carrots of the tops, it will affect the root. For the workpiece, young and juicy leaves are suitable.

Preparation of carrot tops can be as follows:

  • Frost. Picky wash and dry. Cut into pieces and send to the freezer.
  • Drying. The easiest way in which carrot tops is cut and dried either in the electric rig or at room temperature.
  • Soldering (marination): wash and remove excess moisture from greenery. After that, cut off arbitrarily topping and decompose it in pure banks layers, alternating with salt. In this form, carrot tops are stored fresh in the refrigerator 3-4 months.

The benefits of carrot hill

It is believed that the terrestrial part of the carrot in the content of vitamins and minerals in it is superior to the root of the root several times.

  1. Due to the combination of useful substances and vegetable matter called chlorophyll with anti-inflammatory activity. Chlorophyll has properties: blood purification, stimulation of regenerator processes, antibacterial effect.
  2. In the greenery of carrots contain fourocumary, with outer contact cause skin allergies. But with the internal use of the substance is completely safe, besides, Furokumarins protect the body from malignant tumors and suppress the growth of existing one.
  3. The high content of vitamin K and potassium has a positive effect on blood condition and blood vessels.
  4. Selenium and zinc in carrot tops are improving fertility and normalize the work of the genital system of men.
  5. Vitamin C slows the aging, has a prophylactic effect against cinggi and strengthens the vascular system.
  6. Food fibers are output from the intestines.

Contraindications to the use of carrot tops are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in acute phase, kidney disease.

How to apply carrot tops?

Of course, the greatest benefit will bring fresh greens. Add it in small portions in fresh vegetable salads. In soups, greens should be introduced at the very end of preparation. Carrot tops are used as a filling for pancakes and pies.

Cutting tea is prepared from carrot tops to strengthen immunity, removal of toxins from the body, improving the state of the skin and normalization of digestion. For this, the tops are poured with boiling water and insist 30-40 minutes preferably in the thermos. After that, drink infusion with honey.

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