"Better than any contribution": Why do Russians carry money to insurers?


2020 has become a kind of test for all types of business, the financial sector is no exception. At the beginning of the year, the forecasts were very disappointing, but, despite this, according to the results of 9 months, it became obvious that the population remains the steady demand for the life insurance services in general and the program of cumulative life insurance, in particular. Thus, according to the first 9 months of 2020, life insurance premiums increased by 4%, if compared with the same period last year, and the NSH awards during the same time demonstrated an increase of 29%. Life Insurance is the leading segment of the insurance market, and the NSG, in turn, - the driver of life insurance, noted Sergey Perelygin, General Director of PPF Life Insurance LLC in a conversation with Bankiros.ru.


According to the speaker, the key factors of the popularity of the storage insurance policies were aware of the need for the need for financial reserves for an unforeseen case and the desire to ensure the safety of their savings in the conditions of economic instability caused by a pandemic.

However, speaking of the NSG segment, it should be borne in mind that today there are 2 types of programs of cumulative life insurance.

The first type is short-term programs with a one-time contribution, it is usually offered by employees of banks as an option to invest with protection options from several risks and additional income.

Second Type: Long-term NCJ policies with periodic contributions (mostly quarterly, semi-annual or annual). They are aimed primarily at financial assistance to the client in various healthy health situations, as well as to save its funds and the formation of savings. Such programs require an individual approach and constant attention to the client throughout the term of the contract (for several years), which is difficult to provide with limited resources and a wide product line of the mass banking.

For this reason, the implementation of these policies is mainly highly qualified employees of agency networks - financial consultants whose competences are in the field of these programs allow us to not only help determine the individual parameters of the contract (the planned amount of savings, the amount of the contribution, a set of risks, a contract term) based on the needs, The objectives and financial resources of a specific client, but also continuously accompany it until the end of the program: help adjust the terms of the policy, to receive support in a timely manner when risks occur, as well as advise on all issues.

Consequently, the NCG policy is an effective flexible tool that takes into account all the personal circumstances of the insured, promptly supporting it in difficult life moments and helping to maintain and achieve a financial goal for a certain period (at the end of the program, the client receives a planned amount of accumulations).


The expert believes that in 2021, the demand for such programs will continue to grow. The guarantee of this growth is the compliance of the policies of the long-term NSG needs of people, because they provide financial protection from a variety of risks from the first day of the contract. The ability to independently choose the available amount that the client is ready to invest in defense and future savings is also a significant advantage of such programs.

Opinion Bankiros.ru:

Despite the massive outflow of deposits, it is bank deposits that remain the most reliable way to save money. Yes, the rates are now left to desire the best, but the profitability of them is guaranteed. The latter cannot promise in investment products. Any product with the word investment speaks about risks. Even with the preservation of their investments in full, it is precisely an income component may simply be. Therefore, by investing money in any other product, a person must be aware of his risks.

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