It became sad. How to help yourself?

It became sad. How to help yourself? 6868_1
Stably sad photo: Paul Schlemmer,

Probably, you know the condition when rushes sadness-longing. Nothing around is not happy: behind the window is a vile endless rain, no one wants to see and hear, boring work is characterized. At such a moment you are covered by an overwhelming desire to climb into bed and hide with a blanket with a blanket to hide from around the world.

In such sad moments it seems that the "black strip" has come in life, which will never end. Homemade climb with some requests and tips, calls annoyingly. And you want to stay alone with you ...

Do you know that you can send your sadness to a positive direction? How? Let's try to figure it out.

What is sadness?

Wikipedia gives such a definition:"Sadness - negatively painted emotion. It occurs in the case of significant human dissatisfaction in any aspects of his life. "

We are not so sad. If there is sadness to us on tiptoe, it means that our life is not much like that we would like. This is a sign that it's time to change something to eliminate the cause of sadness. She acts as a motive, forcing a person to actively act to correct the situation that does not satisfy his situation.

What to do with sadness?

Few of us think about the nature of your sadness and trying to listen to your inner voice. What to do with it: somehow fight or leave everything as it is?

Suppose you decided to reconcile with your sadness. To do this, there were reasonable, from your point, explanations: "It happened, I didn't take it this time, it is necessary to survive this situation, you should not hurry the events. I'm better than a train. " Instead of acting, you exacerbate your condition of sadness and melancholy, which will eventually grow into depression over time.

By and large, you do not want to understand what caused you a sad mood. When sad, then all the circle is bad: he quarreled with the boss, they were checked in the store, for some reason, the personal life does not develop, etc. Familiar situation?

Sadness - source of creative inspiration

When sadness flew, try to express your feelings by writing, for example, a poem. If you are not verses in Lada, then write about your experiences in prose. You write only for yourself. Without your knowledge, no one reads these lines written when you were bad. When life turns to you with your sunny side, reread what was written in the minutes of sadness.

Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised how hard you managed to transfer your emotional mood, what exact and talked words and expressions you found for this. The explanation of this is very simple - any experience, a shock or even a small sadness is sources for creativity.

Maybe in a minute of sorrow you will want to compose a melody that will be consonant with your mood. Quickly sit down for the tool. The music in which you have told about yourself can draw stunning paintings in your imagination and make rethink your life.

Or maybe you are friendly with easel. Then it's time to take paints and brushes and start creating. And it doesn't matter much that it will be depicted in your future picture, the main thing is that it reflects your condition: in the color scheme, in a special direction of lines and in some mysterious plot.

Ultimately, when you swung, start doing what you love. It is worth transfering your experiences from the sphere emotional to physical, i.e. create what you can see, hear or touch. Thus, you become the owner of your experiences: they do not own you, and you start to manage them.

Look in the family album

If you are sad, it's time to get an album with old photos and ponostalgate. Here are your grandparents - graduates of Moscow State University - photographed on the sparrow mountains. They are so young, laugh, they have a whole life ahead!

Photography of your parents, they met in a carpatam turcom. Sit from the fire and sing something under the guitar. And who is it small with a big bow and in school uniform? Very funny look at yourself in childhood.

Your sadness gradually leaves, giving way to pleasant memories ...

Love yourself

When I do not want to see anyone - it means, it's time to go.

Treat your body. Light candles in the bathroom, turn on relaxing music, add an aromatic oil to warm water, relax and enjoy.

Change your image. Change the hair color, make a new hairstyle, pick up a new makeup for yourself, make a manicure.

Spend the revision of your wardrobe. Prefer clothing bright tones. Know that orange and red color are instigated optimism, yellow attaches confidence, purple and blue colors soothe. Hide away the clothes of gray, black and brown tones. She in the near future it is hardly useful.

Enjoy your loneliness. In a vulnerable life, we are not so often possible to be alone with yourself. If this happened, the useful advice will turn off from everything that it was so annoyed: it's time to bring order in his soul and hear the voice of your heart.

You worked well on the Nive self-help. Clouds of sadness have already left your horizon, and the soul was freed from her tomging melancholy.

Questions requiring your answer

You remember that sadness settles in our heart when we experience some dissatisfaction in life. This feeling accumulates in consciousness gradually. When the "bowl is filled with dissatisfaction," it is poured, filling our thoughts and changing the globality. So we get a signal: it's time to change something in our lives.

Each person has its own problem. To understand it, you need to answer two questions.

  • What exactly does not satisfy you?
  • What can you do to turn the situation?

If you can answer, it will become clear to you, in which direction you need to make the first steps. If the direction is chosen correctly, then you will be surprised how your globility has changed straightening: everything will become around blue and green. And in your heart the world and peace is set!

Author - Rita Rosh

Source -

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