Where smells disappeared: Ugra is trying to restore the smell after COVID-19

Where smells disappeared: Ugra is trying to restore the smell after COVID-19 6865_1
Where smells disappeared: Ugra is trying to restore the smell after COVID-19

Today marks the day of searching odors. In the current realities, this is especially true. After all, many who have surpassed the Cake, still can not restore the sense of smell. And in front of spring with its dizzying flavors and will not be insulting to feel.

The leading information programs on the District TV channel "Ugra" for several months now is trying to restore one of the main human feelings - smell. Elena Kilaan suffered coronavirus last year. The first two weeks of her hospital went without odors and tastes.

Elena Kilar, journalist of the district television and radio company "Ugra", Khanty-Mansiysk: "Garlic, onions, coffee - all this was completely unavailable for me. That is, I could feel sharpness, burns like garlic, but did not feel his taste and smell at the same time. At that moment I was very afraid that I could eat some stupid food, because I also did not feel that I could blame a little food, so I tried to eat only fresh food. "

A couple of times the lack of sense of smell played leading on hand. For example, during the disease, her toaster burned down, the smell of Gary was held in the house for a whole week, but he brought suffering only to relatives.

To say reliably, why the Covide takes away the sense of sense and the taste of scientists can not yet. However, there is information that with a coronavirus in humans, saliva is disturbed. Therefore, tasteings are faster than destroying, not having time to walk to receptors. Smells can return both for one week and absent up to 3 months.

Elena Tashbulatova, a otolaryngologist of the center of Profitology of Ugra: "There is a defeat of an olfactory nerve. From the side of the ENT doctor, assistance is to treat the main disease, that is, drugs that remove the edema and reduce the secretion of mucus in the nose, thereby freeing the access of fragile substances to the olfactory zone in the nose. And if by the part of the doctor everything is fulfilled and access is carried out, but at the same time the smell is not refundable, here, of course, ENT is powerless. " In such cases, the patient needs to contact a neurologist. According to these professionals, people suffering from the consequences of Covid will help certain exercises. You need to perform them every day. For example, for 20 seconds to try to teach a sharp smell of garlic, and then switches to cinnamon. Also during training, you can connect vitamins - omega-3 and vitamin A in the form of drops for the nose.

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