Ampel Tomatoes - Cultivation in Suspended Caspo


    Good afternoon, my reader. To give preference to ampelny tomatoes, as these compact plants with long stems hanging out of the suspended pots, look very decorative. The aging fruits are not contaminated by the soil particles, less often affect infections and practically do not suffer from pests. The only drawback is a low yield, which, however, is compensated by the excellent taste of miniature tomatoes.

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    Ampel Tomatoes - Cultivation in Suspended Caspo Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Acquire a soil substrate, recommended for vegetable seedlings. If desired, it is easy to prepare it from a turf soil, combined in equal shares with a dismissed peat and humus. It is important that the soil is light, air and moisture permeable, loose.

    Poking is recommended in March. The seeds of tomatoes, especially prepared independently, are kept for disinfecting in a weak solution of manganese for an hour. Then they are rinsed with clean water and distributed in shallow grooves made in the ground, which is pre-filled with a seedlable container.

    By the growing tomatoes, it is necessary to provide a systematic watering, not allowing unnecessary soil drying. But there should be no fear that provokes the formation of a black leg.

    For feeding, practiced before picking, choose a mineral complex in which nitrogen and potassium prevails. Be sure to focus on the instructions.

    The movement of tomatoes in a permanent pot capacity of 3-5 liters is carried out in May. The soil is suitable for the same composition as for seedlings. To increase fertility, it is recommended for every 10 kg of soil substrate to pour a glass of a glass of wood ash dried through a large sieve and introduce superphosphate with potassium sulfate - 1 h.

    Tomatoes in the pot can be planted on a large depth compared with the seedle. On the stems immersed in the soil, the roots are quickly formed, providing good development of the above-ground part. Keep a transplant neatly with a lore earth. This will avoid root damage and provide quick adaptation of seedlings to new conditions.

    Potted decorative plants with long hanging stems usually serve as one of the options for vertical design. Original ampel tomatoes can be cultivated not only in the garden, but also on the balcony, loggia. They will decorate the gazebo, the veranda, homemade greenhouse. These plants in the ripening stage of multi-colored numerous fruits look especially decorative.

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    Ampel Tomatoes - Cultivation in Suspended Caspo Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Kashpo is important to hang out so that there are no problems in organizing the care of tomatoes. To prevent the root rotting due to excess moisture in the pots, drainage holes should be, and also stacked on the bottom of the broken brick, small cobblestones, pebbles, ceramzit 2-3-centimeter layer.

    Ampelny tomatoes are quite unpretentious. But to maintain active development, it is necessary to provide them with systematic care.

    To give the necessary aesthetic form, steaming unnecessary shoots. You can form a culture of 1-2 or more stems. Lower processes are most actively developing and fruiting. The more the stalks leave, the more lush and attractive there will be a tomatory bush.

    Ampelny tomatoes growing in a limited volume of soil requires systematic making of nutrient mixtures. Calculate that 3-5 g of finished complex fertilizers per 1 kg of soil are required. The interval between the feeders is 14-15 days. You can combine them with watering.

    A small volume of soil in pots dries, especially in the heat, faster compared to traditional ridges, so watering is required quite often. In this case, they control the excessive stagnation of water, destructive for the roots.

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    Ampel Tomatoes - Cultivation in Suspended Caspo Maria Verbilkova

    Watering. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Clean the juicy fruits intended for use immediately after full aging. If the goal is to decorate the room, then we leave tomatoes with a juicy bright color on the stems, while their decorative characteristics are preserved.

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