Jysk for Ecoscious

Jysk for Ecoscious 6601_1
JYSK for the Equalization of PRSPB

In the organic chain of brands that work hard on an existentitude, Jysk confidently holds positions. Worldwide, the company supports Sustainabiliy Initiatives - Sustainable Development Projects, trying to minimize a negative impact on the environment.

In Jysk's stores, customers are offered a product line of textile for home in green by oeko-tex, which means no toxic impurities in materials; The company has moved to a monophonic crafting packaging; And many offices locally conduct shares on falling trees. This list can be continued.

The Jysk's garden furniture collections regularly undergo certification of the FSC organization, which works in the scope of responsible forest resources consumption all over the world, and also controls the use of pesticides and chemistry in the production of forests related to the use of forests. In Russia, the brand is not so long ago, but as an existentitude for Jysk is not just a trend, but a lifestyle, he is configured to continue.

Jysk Eco-Promotions

From January 28-31, in Moscow, the first eco-action will be held in Jysk stores aimed at reducing the consumption of plastic bags.

Recently, the problem of plastic pollution is especially acute.

In order to reduce its consumption as much as possible, the brands not only completely refuse to use its use in favor of recycled materials, but also all sorts of events constantly launch.

Making a purchase in any of Jysk's shops with its multi-sized bag, not acquiring a package, for buyers a 10% discount will be operated for all goods that have been on the brought bag. This campaign in Jysk stores will be regularly regularly.

"Sleep & Recycle"

In February, a campaign called "Sleep & Recycle", aimed at the secondary use of textiles - bed linen.

Cotton is the most favorite and used material in the modern industry for the manufacture of clothes and bed linen. However, cotton fibers wear out very quickly, and it is quite expensive to recycle such a fabric, and sometimes it is almost impossible if it is made of mixtures with other materials.

Therefore, Jysk proposes to give bed linen "second life" by handing it into the shelter for animals. Buyers will be able to bring an unnecessary set of linen into any store, and in return to get a discount on the purchase of new.

Battery collection points will be launched in all stores.

According to preliminary estimates, 1 billion batteries are consumed in Russia per year. More than 50% of all toxic waste is accounted for by the separated disposable power elements. The exhaust batteries include very toxic elements that cause irreparable damage - both human health and the environment. Therefore, at the moment Jysk is working on campaign, which will be timed to the battery collection and their disposal. Very soon, buyers and any wishing will be prompted to pass the batteries right in the store.

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