20+ women after giving birth told about the things that they would like to know before they became pregnant


Pregnancy is not always a predictable and carefully planned stage in the life of a woman. Futive mothers often have to make such tights and deprivation, which are never told in romantic films, where the pinkish calm babies sleep in crots under lace blankets.

We in the adme.ru they gained courage and decided to write about some things that are sometimes tactfully silent or just forget.

  • When a child is born, everything that he plays, wash and hides boiling water. Time passes. The child begins to crawl, and the arsenal of his toys - it has long been not 2 rattles, but a whole "Ikeevsky" box, and a remote, telephone, spoons, pans, wires and a cat. And no one says that to do with all this! Always wash? Always go boiling water? And cat too? But the question itself disappears when the child first time licks the wheels at the stroller. © Notallowed / Pikabu
  • There are many things that I would like to know in advance. One of them is a feeling of the loss of an old "I" and the former lifestyle. I just want to draw attention to the fact that it is normal - to miss the old life, while you get used to a new one, where you mother. This is really wonderful, but certainly there are days when I want to just sleep until 10 am and idle all day. © rpdork / reddit
  • 2 trimesters of pregnancy went and boasted that there is no quiet. But on the period of 32 weeks I had an inexplicable and irresistible desire to sleep only in the bathroom. I can not fall asleep in bed at all! The husband laughs, and I have already slept in the bathroom for 2 weeks. That's how we live. © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • My legs increased by half the member after childbirth, and the hair became curious. Previously, they were just wavy, and now the curls appeared. I also had a disgust for beef, which did not disappear to this day, although my youngest will soon turn 10. It is like the second half ripening. What is generally happening to my body? © MargotFenring / Reddit
  • I could not imagine that a huge number of strangers, including men, will want to stroke my "pregnant" belly, and then also start control of my behavior. Since, in their opinion, they are also aware that it would be useful for my child. © Anonymous / Quora

20+ women after giving birth told about the things that they would like to know before they became pregnant 657_1
© Knocked Up / Netflix

  • After childbirth, I no longer suffer from the lack of makeup, I am no longer infuriated by the mess, and my husband and I have a great sleep on the detail of the designer, the cats can quickly eat and sit in the closet until the next feeding, children play yourself, and if they give them paints and exit Rooms, they will make cosmetic repairs in it. My nerves are stronger than steel cable. I just calmed down and took life in reality, and not in the movies. © akasha1366 / Pikabu
  • I would like to know in advance that the morning nausea is not just vomiting, but daily hellish ailments. During the first pregnancy, I was rushed about 4 times a day, this time the "morning nausea" was simply constant nausea without any relief for 4 weeks. Vomot, at least gave me a little time to come to my senses. © CrazycatfishLady / Reddit
  • It was on the 9th month of pregnancy, when I was getting into the head to paint the parquet of gouache. Crawled on all fours half an hour, crushed a quarter of the floor, very proud of his work and what picked up the gouache in the color of the parquet. By the way, the whole pregnancy was adequate. The floor was not laid out so far, and the baby is already 2.5 months old. © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • After the birth of the child, I lost a bunch of hair. During the soul, they just gotat on my palms and remained on them. I thought something was wrong with me, because I never heard about the like. But then I read on the forums what happens with many, and calmed down. In the end, the hair will grow and you will pass this awkward stage. © SM1020 / Reddit

20+ women after giving birth told about the things that they would like to know before they became pregnant 657_2
© Juno / Amazon Prime

  • During my pregnancy, I somehow discovered that I smell like gas. I sat in the next room and heard the Mother's Creek: "Lit!" Lay down. On the floor. Led. Mom comes to the room and wonders why I am lying on the floor in such a strange pose. It turns out that she heard that I said that I was not good. She advised to lie down. And with the stove everything was in order. © CatGanch / Pikabu
  • Before pregnancy, I could not assume that soon all familiar women will begin to talk about the difficulties that they themselves encountered when they were in position. Non-crude stories and tips were everywhere. It is rather strange that now I know something very intimate from their life. © Belinda Wong / Quora
  • During my pregnancy, Bzik happened to security. I've definitely fit me that we need a chain on the entrance door in the apartment so that I could open the door and be able to fight back if someone would break. We didn't put it in the end, but I needed it very much. Bore - how to spend. I remember, I stand next to the entrance door and I think, why did this chain surrendered to me at all. © Marinalu / Pikabu
  • I am no longer pregnant, but my sense of smell at first after giving birth was just insane. I thought that one night my husband and dog would kill me with their smells. © TheSavageBallet / Reddit
  • It was always difficult for me to grow hair, however, when I was pregnant, they began to grow as if it was algae. They were long, healthy and did not need special care. It was surprising, but, unfortunately, after the birth, this "action" ended, and my chapheluor returned to the "Dobanen" state. © Charita Johnson / Quora
  • Now I know that during childbirth there is a place to humor. My husband came to childbirth from work hours at 7 pm. I put my head at the door, I saw a calmly lying on me and, rotating my eyes, stated: "You still haven't born? Do "Glukhary" have time? " He received a negative response and passed into the ward, where in an hour he was included a favorite series. I was then it seemed that Maxim Averin I would wave for life. He scoffed from the screen, looking at my torment. © 2Ruki2Nogi / Pikabu

20+ women after giving birth told about the things that they would like to know before they became pregnant 657_3

  • From the hospital came and think that it would be nice back. I don't know anything and do not understand! The child is so fragile, I'll just break it, and in the maternity hospital everyone knows everything, they will not give to harm. At that time I was the most tired in my entire life. But the worst. © QueenPadme / Pikabu
  • Always wondered when he heard the bikes about pregnant women, they say, the taste changes and whims appear. My first and third pregnancy have passed calmly, but during the second pregnancy, I gnawed seeds and sniffed with a piece of soap. And not anyone, but went shopping and specifically chose something that smells delicious. © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • No one tells about how difficult it is to feed the breast. All just say that this is the "best" for a child. But in reality, breastfeeding can be extremely painful. For me it was even more traumatic than childbirth, although then I felt my fault for a long time because I threw a baby to breastfeed. © twoicedcofees / reddit
  • My first pregnancy was skull. 2 weeks before the birth went with a mother on shopping. We go, and for us a woman woves. And I decided that it was smoothed me to impact me or damage. Going behind us and goes. I turn and interested in what is happening. A woman suddenly shows a dog that is sitting next to me, and it is not visible at all for his belly. It was wild awkward. © Loveina / Pikabu

20+ women after giving birth told about the things that they would like to know before they became pregnant 657_4
© Where The Heart Is / Amazon Prime

  • I adore the smell of coffee and bacon, but during pregnancy they simply did not endure them. I also suddenly felt the smell of "Testosterone" of my husband - sharp and very strong. He had to take a shower three times a day so that I could be next to him. © sisternaomi / reddit
  • 1 Pregnant woman out of 200 faces a terrible itching rash, which is called "Papulse Upakius and Balax of Pregnancy." And I became this woman. The Degtyar soap was the only means that a couple of hours could stop itching. © QuidDitchSnitch *** / Reddit
  • Now, on the 5th month of pregnancy, I work in the office, terribly tired sitting all day. To at least somehow relax your back, I lie down in the toilet on the floor and lay for 5 minutes. It is ashamed to say someone, at least the floor there is clean. © "Overheard" / VK
  • Put me in the maternity hospital for saving. In the evening hearing noise, we go to see. The corridor runs pregnant in the operating gown, doctors and nurses run behind it. She needed to do Cesarean, and she did not want, was afraid that the child could replace. After giving birth, then went and apologized to all the staff. © Staisyana / Pikabu
  • As soon as the word "children's" is added to the name of the subject, its cost is doubled. © Boredomfalls / Reddit

And how did your pregnancy flow? What has become a surprise? Talk in the comments.

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