Cuscification will control the construction of a new LDS in Novosibirsk

Cuscification will control the construction of a new LDS in Novosibirsk 6498_1

The Construction Committee, Housing and Communal Complex and the Tariffs of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region reviewed the Act of the Charter Chamber dedicated to the interim results of the construction of a new ice arena in Novosibirsk. The deputies expressed their concern about the readiness of the arena and the accompanying infrastructure, because before the start of the control games before the youth world hockey championship remains only a year and a half.

Only numbers

As the auditor of the KSP region Valery Alekhin said, the project consists of 10 objects that include both the ice arena and the road to it, a new metro station, storm sewer, landscaping around the territory around, etc.

The total planning volume of the project costs is 20.6 billion rubles, of which 13 billion rubles - the funds of the regional budget, 7.4 billion rubles - federal money, and almost 100 million rubles spend the budget of Novosibirsk and 105 million rubles - extra-budgetary sources. According to data for December 2020, the project is financed by 35%.

At the same time, the budget law is laid on 677 million rubles less project needs. As expected, the amount of costs for a number of objects will be adjusted. At the same time, the "Sportivnaya" station under construction is experiencing a shortage of funds in almost half a billion rubles. This question is planned to be resolved when forming a budget for 2022-2024.

According to Valery Alekhina, this year, work should be completed on the upper driveway to the ice arena, Lyschinsky Square and a pedestrian crossing through the daub of the October Bridge. All other objects must be handed over in 2022.

Critical situation, but solved

The director of the Arena GKU, Andrei Kokorin, specially created for the construction of the new LDS, assured that in the "heavy 2020" the construction of ice arena did not cease, the number of workers at the facility will soon be increased, by October of this year, the heat outline will be closed and the air will be closed on time.

In response, the deputy Ilya Polyakov led an example of Omsk, where part of the matches of the championship-2023 will also be held. There, according to the deputy, only "monolithic workers" 850 people. According to Kokorina, in Novosibirsk now 250 such workers, and will soon be 400.

Deputy Vyacheslav Ilyukhin asked the current readiness of the arena. The KSP auditor clarified that on December 1, it was 25.5%. According to the deputy, the situation is critical - time to the championship remains less and less. The Minister of Construction of the Region Ivan Schmidt acknowledged that there is a lag, but they do not see unreserved problems in the government. And now the degree of readiness is assessed significantly higher, taking into account the purchased materials and equipment.

The deputy Ashot Rafalayan agreed with his colleagues - the report of the KSP is alarming. "In October 2022, test competitions will be held. The reference point is autumn 2021. When it remains exactly a year before the test competitions, it will be clear - there is a serious concern there, or not, "he said.

According to the Chairman of the Committee on the construction of Alexander Morozov, Novosibirsk and the area should receive a powerful sports cluster: in addition to LDS there is already a skiing complex, the Institute of Physical Culture, a trampoline center is created. Minister Ivan Schmidt also spoke about the prospects of a football stadium on this site.

In the meantime, the deputies are "anxiety for the construction of construction, because today the graphics of the creation of ice arena are not exactly accurate."

"The Committee decided to systematically monitor the course of construction. We plan to get a very clear public schedule for the creation of the Arena, so that citizens see - where the funds of the regional and federal budgets are spent. This is a special construction, a special object and special money - 20 billion rubles. I would like everything to be on time, on time, and most importantly for the benefits of the residents of the Novosibirsk region, "concluded Alexander Morozov.

He also added that while the CTP auditors have only conducted an external examination of the Arena construction process, now during the year they will take place for a full check.

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