Is there such a diet so that you can eat everything? We tell what intuitive nutrition is

Is there such a diet so that you can eat everything? We tell what intuitive nutrition is 6457_1
Is there such a diet so that you can eat everything? We tell what intuitive nutrition is 6457_2
Is there such a diet so that you can eat everything? We tell what intuitive nutrition is 6457_3
Is there such a diet so that you can eat everything? We tell what intuitive nutrition is 6457_4
Is there such a diet so that you can eat everything? We tell what intuitive nutrition is 6457_5

From the start, let's figure out what the essence of intuitive nutrition and how it is fundamentally different from the usual diets. Everything sounds very simple. This is an option in which we are without the help of weights and complex calculations intuitively choose products useful for our body (and in the right amount), based on your feelings of hunger and saturation. It sounds like the best outcome of the path to awareness, which will allow a person to be filled with knowledge and ease. Well, there is everything in the world. Sounds great. But everything is not so simple. Talked about this with Olga Ovchinnikova - a doctor of a dietsist-endocrinologist.

The principles of intuitive nutrition are as follows:

There is when the body says you are hungry, and stop when you are full. Do not do any product forbidden, as the forbidden fruit is sweet. That is, if I really want, you can eat any dish, enjoying it taste and without feeling the feelings of guilt. Do not strive to achieve everything to the end and leave a plate clean, listen to yourself. Enjoy meals, do not eat on the go, in the car, on the way to work, on the run, in front of the TV. Studies show that television viewing during meals contributes to an increase in the number of eaten. Respect yourself and your body. We are all different, much in our appearance is laid genetically, and not everyone is destined to weigh 55 kilograms throughout life. Regularly play sports, concentrating not at low reduction, but on your feelings, trying to love sports / fitness, choosing the direction for yourself that you like.

Adepts say it makes no sense to share food on PP and non-PP, meaning - in obtaining pleasure. Is there a reason?

- I would generally say that this division is very conditional and very often does not correspond to reality. Now there are too many myths about what to consider the right thing, and what is not. Take, for example, fashion on the products "without gluten", when people without celiac disease (gluten intolerance) begin to refuse the usual food: bread, pasta, porridge and in general, everything that contains gluten (wheat, rye, barley and all products they contain).

At the same time, they can use the sprouted sprouts of these very cereals. The absurd situation is obtained. From my point of view, there are products that are richer with useful substances (vitamins, minerals, indispensable amino acids and fatty acids, fiber) and which are less rich, however, however, others have the right to life, because our health is not determined by some a specific product or dish, and the patter power in general.

If we proceed from well-minded practices and research, the pros of intuitive power supplies are:

Does not impose on a person any restrictions. Does not lead to "swings" on the scales, unlike traditional diets. Does not lead to emotional lability and depression, again, in contrast to strict diets. Does not lead to disorders of food behavior, such as anorexia, compulsive overeating (episodes of eating a large number of food with a sense of loss of control over themselves) and bulimia.

Cons (in order to bring all this in harmony) in intuitive nutrition too:

Although studies show that young children know how to feel hunger and saturation, they will not deceive them, if they want to eat, and they will not make there if they do not want. However, not all adults can do it as virtuoso. There are many reasons for that: food habits laid since childhood, upbringing in such a way that it is impossible to leave anything overtone on the plate, constant stress, hurry and so on.

In the context of this, it is very important not to force children through force, not to tend to ensure that it is necessary to leave a plate clean. And a very important point: if a child has extra weight already in preschool age, the likelihood of kilograms is subsequently very high.

It is reasonable to understand how official medicine belongs to intuitive nutrition.

- Difficult question. I'm not sure that, voicing the principles of intuitive nutrition, I can, with a lot of probability, help them reduce weight. I believe that to reduce weight it is better to use the methods of accurate accounting for the number and quality of eaten food.

And those people who have a normal weight, and so intuitively feel perfectly that they need, therefore their weight has been stable for many years. The indicator that intuitive nutrition is suitable for you, is a stable, normal weight for a long time.

It should be understood that this type of food is suitable for people who know their organism well and feel that he needs at a particular moment. And there are few such people. As a rule, these guys have long been accustomed to give preference to useful products, they sincerely love them, sometimes can eat and cake with cake, but in general, the vegetable salad with a piece of fish can be preferred with a lot of pleasure, and when it is possible to choose between a bun and alder, vote for the second.

- I did not meet in practice examples that a person with a significant excess weight achieved his decline through the transition to intuitive nutrition. Probably, the explanation of this is the following: if the weight is already much higher than the recommended, it means that intuition does not work well.

Very unpleasant, but often intuitive nutrition is mistakenly interpreted as an opportunity to eat anything at any time of the day and night.

- It does not quite agree. It is important to understand that candy and pastries at 23:50 are not intuitive food, but overeating overnight.

Adepts of intuitive nutrition are expressed in the sense that people do not perceive adequately feeling of hunger with other diets.

- I think that a pronounced and unbearable feeling of hunger while following a diet is a clear sign that this diet does not suit you. The task of a nutritionist is to choose a power in such a way that a person felt comfortable on a reduced caloric content, as it is impossible to stick to any recommendations for a long time if they give you pronounced daily suffering.

They say that this is more about psychology. But, I think everything is together. Consciously refer to the choice of products, enjoying food, do not forbid any products - it is very good and psychologically comfortable. However, it is important to understand that this does not cancel the need to obtain basic knowledge about the work of our organism and the beneficial substances necessary for this.

I often meet two extremes: people, more often than 20-25 years old, who are simply obsessed with proper nutrition and build things familiar to humans, such as the choice and preparation of products, in a peculiar cult with a large number of rules that are completely unrealized by science.

There are both the second extreme when people simply do not think about what is eaten, and the basis of their diet is the most recycled and very calorie food (Baton, sausages, mayonnaise, fried potatoes, alcohol), while vegetables, greens and fruits are not used at all . In such a nutrition style, there is clearly little awareness.

An important question is: how to understand what you want this meal?

- Planning food intake or ordering anything in a cafe, I try to evaluate whether the desired protein dish is included in the desired dish (preferably not sausage, but a solid piece of meat, birds or fish), greens or vegetables (that is, vitamins and fiber), and Also useful carbohydrates (cereals, rye bread or non-folk white bread with bran), as, having received such a combination, I know that I will not only be delicious, but also satisfying, and useful.

For those who want to learn how to control their sense of saturation, there are three principles:

Do not rush while eating. Do not watch TV while eating. Not from sadness or boredom.

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