Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo

Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_1
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_2
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_3
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_4
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_5
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_6
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_7
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_8
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_9
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_10
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_11
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_12
Sell ​​a car to buy a camel. Family moved to the village and opened a contact zoo 6414_13

Igor and Svetlana Buynyakov were typical "urban". Together with the three children lived in an ordinary Soligorskaya apartment, worked by trade representatives of private companies. Probably, it would be continued to exist in Small City Life mode if Igor didn't care ... Horse. It all started here ... And it ended in that for four years the family has been holding a contact zoo in the village with hundreds of animals and managed to earn it.

From the apartment - to the abandoned hut

- I had health problems, doctors advised to ride. I rented from the familiar barn, bought a horse ... People around thought, I was choking. And I acquired a wedding carriage and began to carry the grooms and brides on it. I thought, I was thinking about this good money, but there was no big demand: for two years only 10-15 celebrations rolled out, "the head of the family scrolls into the head of the head.

A man thought about what to do next: albeit not the most profitable, but still his business gave him a feeling of freedom, which did not want to refuse. Yes, and another one, then a pony and donkey were added to the company to the horse ... They were clearly lacked someone else's shed, and their move to the balcony did not seriously consider. Together with Svetlana, they decided: it is necessary to open a contact zoo. Immediately and the name was invented - "Dores" - in honor of sons: 5-year-old Dobryni, 10-year-old Renata and 15-year-old Nikita.

- At that time, we practically completed the house near Soligorsk. They sold it and moved to the village of Chapeli, where I spent all my childhood, Igor continues. - They gave about $ 7,000 for a plot and an old hut, from which only walls and a holey roof are preserved. Neither windows, nor gender ... my grandmother, seeing it, signed: "Well, where did you get, granddaughters? Will disappear. Her life on her village has been associated with exhausting work from morning to evening, for which you will get a kilogram of gingerbread.

In general, no one, except for his wife, did not believe in the jet. Together with her, the house was slowly repaired, all new and new animals were seized in the yard. They recognize that many saved from death.

- Chairman of the neighboring collective farm wanted to pass on the meat of 12 stallions. It was not enough for all the money, bought only four ... Oskiha in a terrible state was taken from the closed agriculture, no one looked after it, "Svetlana sighs.

About the spent it is better not to think

How many animals are now in the zoo, the spouses do not know: stopped counting after the first hundred. In the enclosures and the pens, they shimmed the livestock known to any decent Belarusian. Such is the tolerance.

The most expensive inhabitant is the camel Isabella. They brought her here from Surgut. Buynyakov do not disclose the exact amount that they posted for it, but it clearly exceeds the average salary in the country. To purchase an animal, the family had to sell his old peugeot. Even wanted to insure such an expensive purchase, but there was no such option in any company.

The camel got used to new owners for a very long time.

- At first, we went to the heads to the head of glance: when the animal splashes saliva (and it does it very much), it is impossible to run away, otherwise it will continue. It is good that the previous owners advised to wear a hat with wide fields, which from all this stream protected. But one of our guest was unlucky - Izabella spit on his glasses, - Svetlana laughs.

This is what happens if not follow the rules and tease the animal with the Dagestan temperament ... By the way, about these regulations. The zoo is open only on weekends (the rest of the time the owners are engaged in cleaning, grazing, and just with their own everyday life), you can walk on its territory. Stroking allowed everyone except the hood, ferrets and other predators:

- They are very stressful when foreign sneakers touch them. And I love my animals very much, so I will not give them to touch someone else's people. Some zoos in pursuit of money allow guests to do this. Well, we just want our pets to live longer.

For the same reason, the "Dorenie" is forbidden to feed the beasts with something, except for specially harvested vegetables and fruits, which are distributed in place.

- Previously, people brought carrots with them, apples with whole bags and certainly wanted to mourn all, not understanding that animals could simply die from overeating.

Before such extremes have not yet reached. Igor and Svetlana carefully follow the health of the wards, even vaccinations can make themselves if necessary. Why there are vaccinations - childbirth take! All these zoological things studied themselves, on Youtube video tutorials: a lawyer's veterinary education and an economist.

From 0 to 1000

The mainstream of the zoo is the most part of the family budget.

- For the winter you need 100 bales of straw, 5 tons of grain, offal. If you count each spent a penny, you can be afraid of the total amount. Of course, the state's support is not enough - for example, a preferential loan on agricultural equipment to harvest the food itself ... But without this, we will somehow cope. And even rest can afford once or twice a year, - Igor shrugs.

Of course, it was not always. But if the buynyakov thought too much about the upcoming difficulties, maybe I would never have opened our work. "We are from those people who first buy a horse, and then they will build a shed for her," this is the secret of success.

- The first two years were given very hard, sometimes no one came at all. If you managed to earn 25 rubles, we sighed with relief: "Well, at least something!" At first, even the price was not called, they asked for someone how much. Consider at donations existed. However, they quickly understood that we could not survive. And they began to take a fixed 5 rubles for the entrance, as much - for riding in a harness, "Svetlana says.

Cause a little has improved. Over time, the sarafined radio caught the desired wave, and in the zoo were gained, and from all Belarus. In the summer, about 50 families were called every weekend for the beasts. Sometimes Buynyakov managed to earn in two days 500-1000 rubles, sometimes only 100, and if it was not lucky with the weather, then in general 0.

And then unexpectedly shot the social network.

- Producers from the Russian TV broadcasting "Exchange of houses" came across our Instagram and offered to participate in it. Three days we lived in the forest near Ekaterinburg in a modular glass house. Without a curtain, without fence - imagine? Around the construction, Tajiks constantly in the windows look ... it was dumb. We left your farm on another family - the husband's restaurant, the wife's wife, also three children ... They were clearly not ready for this! It is good that our relatives were behind the scenes and in all of them helped, - Igor nods.

After the broadcast of the show about the zoo learned even more people. The spouses have already prepared to convert their home under the agriculture to take guests, as the pandemic suddenly stood. The flow of guests dropped sharply. But here Igor and Svetlana did not even think to give up: there are products of their own production!

- There are milk, cottage cheese, cheese, fat, meat and even ostrich eggs - they often buy them as a gift, one cost 40-50 rubles. For all products we try not to climb prices, make them lower than in stores. So it turns out to help a couple more hundred. But, first of all, we do all this for yourself, and most pleases that even if our zoo at all will not attend, we will still survive. It remains only the bread to learn the stove, - Laugh Svetlana.

About moving to the village of Spouses, I have never regretted.

- All young families advise to raise their children in the village. Here is true freedom. Away from all these gadgets that act on the psyche of the child as a drug. My sons have push-button phones and no internet. Instead of stupid sticking, they ride after school on horseback, help us at the farm - it is in the buzz. Middle goats can milk, elder - cow. And the bees breed, he has two of his hive. Last year, such delicious honey fed us ... - Igor smiles. - And pocket money spend not for any nonsense, but to buy new animals. In general, we have wonderful guys.

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