"Are you watching such films?": 10 paintings that can be viewed with mom and do not paint

"Are you watching such films?": 10 paintings that can be viewed with mom and not paint Anastasia Ageev

When you want to watch movies with parents, you need to conduct a whole study in advance. Will there be frank scenes in the movie? Suddenly the characters start swearing like shoemakers? Or maybe jokes like everyone? Time Out selected 10 films that can be turned on without fear.

"Maria-Antoinetta" (2006)

Mom reaction: admiration for the beauty of Versailles

Obscene absence: missing

Candid moments: only hints and an innocent scene in stockings

The historical film is a good genre for viewing in the company Mom, and "Maria-Antoinetta" - not the most boring representative of this rather genuine genre. Here, Versailles secular Rauta go under the songs of The Cure, and the Converse sneakers are found in the dressing room of the French princess. Although first of all, the innovative "Antoinette" of Sofia Coppola is immensely beautiful cinema with the types of real Versailles, breathtaking hairstyles, rich dresses and a clear conclusion about what the unrestrained absolutism leads to the example of France. For those who do not know the story, a true Maria Antointetta, such supercondition led to the guillotine, but this moment in the film, of course, no.

"Beauty" (1990)

Mom Reaction: Nostalgia

Obscene break: conditional, only for drawing the image of a prostitute

Frank moments: yes, but so competently removed that you don't have to blush

You watched the "beauty" for the first time, most likely, in the nineties, being a child, and did not give the importance to some phrases and actions. Your mother saw the film, understandable, being an adult. Now you can look at the comedy together, looking at things with the same look, repeating the phrases learned by heart from the film and the grimaces of the main characters. Needless to delve into the plot and tell that Edward is a financial tycoon, Vivien - a prostitute, and she is removed on Hollywood Boulevard, it makes sense. "Beauty" is such a special film for endless revision, the plot there has long been learned by heart. Most likely, this is not you suggest your mom to look at it once again, but simply join the process.

"What do women want" (2000)

Mom reaction: laughter

Obscene absence: missing

Candidy moments: Is that an innocent kiss and a little semi-nailed chalk gibson

Classic already comedy from the beginning of zero from director Nancy Myers. The strong floor represents in her then still not at all night Mel Gibson, weak - charming Helen Hunt. Mad Max here does not chase along the roads of Valgaly, but calmly creative in the advertising agency. It is about to increase, but a bitch appears from another company, which received a cherished position. At the same time, the main character from nowhere appears the ability to hear all the thoughts of women. At first, the man is crazy (still, imagine what is happening in the head of the woman), but then he understands that this is the key to world domination.

"Chocolate" (2000)

Mom Reaction: Templement

Obscene absence: missing

Frank points: In stock One bed scene, leave the room at this point

"Chocolate" is, above all, the magnificent book of Joan Harris. The film from the Scandinavian artisan Lasse Challstrama works a little differently: he is just comic, funny, mil and kind, nothing more. But Mom will accurately appreciate, especially when Johnny Depp appears. Though it is not so much, but it looks great (thanks for without a grima). Such fragrant and beautiful cinema needs to be looked, pending on the sofa with a warm cocoa circle.

"Puzzle" (2015)

Mom reaction: joy, sadness, fear, anger, squeamishness

Ozinstable Branch: Where does she get in the Pixar cartoon?

Frank Moments: The top of the frankness for the "puzzle" is when the pilot of the aircraft offers a woman to pick it up in the "Heaven of Love"

The best animated film of 2016 (and on Oscar, and simply for a general opinion) is the perfect option for viewing with mom. The director Pete Doctor, who gave us up, invented a "puzzle" after his daughter passed through the teenage period. Apparently, it was hard for the doater with her daughter, because the main character in the head is also a mess: the sorrow and joy had anchored emotion and joy somewhere, and the ball right anger, squeamishness and fear. One of the psychology axis is played in the cartoon that the suppression of certain emotions certainly leads to depression and stress. Interestingly, Mom will remember about your publishes while watching.

"Language of tenderness" (1983)

Mom reaction: empathy

Obscene absenteeism: everything is harmless

Candidy moments: Only hints are alone, and in one of the episodes, heroes are discussed, what sounds they are publishing in the gusts of passion

Now this film, which in 1983 was the Oscar leader (as many as five statues), several subsidizes. But this archaic evil melodrama still remains a classic family film for adult children with parents. The action covers 30 years of life Mom with daughter. In their relationship there is a detachment when a caring mother decides to fall in love with an insanely charismatic man who plays, by the way, Jack Nicholson.

"Acquaintance with parents" (2000)

Mom's response: maybe shame (if she also led)

Sneiseless Brand: If your mother knows English, it will understand that the name itself of the main character itself is cursing

Candidy moments: You, from where - de Niro forbade

When a comedy script was brought to the studio, everyone liked bosses. They laughed from the soul and gave Jay Roach green light with one "but": to use the name Gaylord Foft in the plot, he needed to find a real person with that last name. The fact is that the real Gailaord could sue. However, with one of the people by the name Foker managed to agree, and the project went to work. Not the most intricate plot about how the girl brings a guy to get acquainted with his parents, became a favorite many comedy, and Robert de Niro after his role of a picky family of the family finally switched to the category of age actors.

"Real Love" (2003)

Mom reaction: laughter

Obscene brand: there is, but mom will not notice

Frank Moments: One of the stories is devoted to sex dubler, but all the frankness in this episode is expressed in the rhythm of their movements

Long before any domestic epigal type "Christmas trees" in the UK came out almanac from ten Christmas stories called Love, Actually. Large Cinema Debutant Richard Curtisu managed to collect the constellation of the actors, which he perfectly used, creating a festive, kind and inspiring film. By the way, the stories could be more, but two of them Curtis decided to cut in the course of the installation.

"Impossible" (2012)

Mom reaction: may even cry

Obscene absence: missing

Frank moments: missing

The film of the Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayona was founded on the real history of the former Dr. Mary Belen Alvarese, which in December 2004 rested in Thailand with her husband Enrique (Kika) and Sons Lucas (12 years old), Simon (8 years old) and Thomas (5 years). The family at the resort covered the tsunami. A wave of dirt, water, chips and garbage divided the family. They came apart, not knowing about each other's fate.

"Moulin Rouge" (2001)

Mom reaction: "Soot well"

Ozinstable Bran: Once in the film they say "Damn!", Once called whore. You can suffer

Frank scenes: Moulin Rouge is, if that, cabaret, so do not judge

No show "Voice", which usually likes Russian mothers, will not compare with the musical show that suits the outstanding director-stylist Baz Lurman on the screen. The film takes place in 1899 in the famous Paris nightclub Moulin Rouge. From other musicals, it features an eclectic selection of songs, for example, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or "Like a Virgin" Madonna sounds there. So this is definitely one of the most stylish musicals published in the newest time.

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