Passive income ideas for those who are under 30

Passive income ideas for those who are under 30 6348_1

Sometimes I regret that I began to look for a passive income when I was already a thirty. I regret those guys who generally began to work only in 30 years and even later. For many years were lost completely wasted. Only today, after a long time, I realized that it was necessary to start at 14 years old. If today you received a passport, then your hour also struck - go and start working.

It is not worth spending time on some kind of classical education. In the future it will be extremely difficult to monetize. I made sure that digging trenches with young nails is much more profitable and more efficient than waiting for a good place by 50 years. And you will not wait. Assol also waited, you know what to wait.

We put that you are young, you no longer than 30 years old, but you are already working. Just great! At that moment, the temptation is great to live modestly, and surplus to burn rest and entertainment. I know-know, he himself was young and hot. Now it is clear to me that this is another life trap, which needs to be bypass.

Such a childhood can be allowed from 14 to 20 years, but not Next. After 20 years, you need to take the mind and start doing accumulation. This is no case to be accounts in the bank (although the option is also) and, moreover, not accumulation under the pillow (or in the sock). It is necessary to create a passive source of earnings on your income. And just about this, I want to talk to you.

After some time, you will start notify that earnings from a passive source of earnings exceed your salary you get to work. Sometimes it happens quite quickly (for a couple of years). Then you yourself can decide whether you should continue to build a career or you can quit and live as you like - travel, move to permanent permissions abroad, here you decide.

Passive income ideas for those who are under 30 6348_2
In such a house can only live the one who can handle money. For such houses, the workers do not dig, they own financial geniuses. I want you to become one of them and also lived beautifully

Three Ideas for Passive Income

And now I will tell you about the three ideas that I bring me a passive income for more than a year. What is generally "passive income." Under this phrase is understood as such a type of income, the receipt of which does not depend on the voltage of your strength, nor physical or emotional. Suppose you are tailor. When you sew clothes, then you earn money. Once the sewing machine turned off, your earning stopped. With passive income, everything is different - money will go to you even when you sleep, go to the sea or eat in the restaurant.

At this moment, my past remembered again. How I regret that I did not make passive income before. Now it's not to return time.

Idea number 1 - investment in real estate funds

Maybe only a few of you will be able to start your way to passive income through this kind of investment. But believe me to my personal experience, entry into this type of liabilities is much more liberal than you can imagine. Nesting millions to the real estate fund is not needed. It is enough to have a hundred thousand rubles - and you can start.

Real estate fund from money, which he attracted from investors, is looking for interesting options for redemption with subsequent surrender. That is, all operational activities and the head will take the fund. But you will receive your dividends, and they are very good. Attachments in real estate funds (or as they are also called "Riites" (from English Reit) are completely safe and carried out through Russian brokers, for example, Tinkoff or VTB).

If today you have a plan to buy an apartment with a subsequent rental delivery, then think, do you need it? Real estate fund will make all the hard work for you and every quarter will pay your income. I used to surrender apartments for rent. This type of liability compared to the funds is just heaven and earth. I do not know any problems, I just go and get my money to the bank every 3 months.

Idea number 2 - Create a website on the Internet

The magnificent liability version is your own website. Create your resource on the Internet and just start filling it with valuable information from your life. For example, you are a radio amateur. Excellent! Tell the Internet that you are repaired or designed, and then share interesting schemes, show your equipment. All this will attract the audience to your site, and any traffic on the Internet can be monetized.

Or another example. You can be a novice programmer. Share your knowledge with people, tell me what programs you wrote and in which projects participated. Over time, the loyal audience will grow around you and you can earn on advertising.

Recently, Yandex-Zen acquired very popular popularity. This is an advisory platform that herself will find an interested audience for you and deliver advertising on your articles. I personally have sites, and channels in Yandex-Zen. Earn at Dzen in general is a pleasure. I recommend you to start with him. And how to do it, I wrote in this article: "How to make money on Yandex Zen to a conventional person, step-by-step instruction."

Also do not forget that you can order articles from freelancers. A lot of good authors are waiting on the stock exchanges. Make a passive income passive to the maximum.

Idea number 3 - stock investments and other stock tools

I have already understood quite a long time that such a complex percentage and how to turn 500 rubles to turn 500 rubles from the course of considerable time. And help me in this promotion. Of course, you, as a novice investor, is better not to risk, but to invest in blue chips (stable and, mostly growing stocks). Laying a monthly 10% of your income and buying shares on them, you will quickly notice how your savings have increased. Selling shares with Navar, you will receive passive income.

You can also invest in less risky tools, such as bonds or currency. I will give an example just with currency. Before coronacrises, the dollar cost 60 rubles. By early 2021, he began to cost 80 rubles. All my dollar accumulations instantly flew by 40%. Am I glad about this? Of course! And I rose at the expense of those who still do not want to have passive income. Think.

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