Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors

Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_1
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_2
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_3
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_4
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_5
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_6
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_7
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_8
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_9
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_10
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_11
Diary moved to Poland. How is quarantine in western neighbors 6298_12

A little more than a year ago, our planet was punished. Coronavirus has become a big common problem, but everyone belongs to this problem in different ways. Moreover, dissidents are among both people and among countries. There is almost no visible virus in Belarus. Remove with people masks - and you will not understand that dangerous infection flies in the air. Shopping centers work, in the cafes of the crowd who come to the country nobody does not verify. But the neighboring Poland because of "Kovida" can not know. Today, in the framework of the "diary moved", I will tell you how quarantine passes on the other side of the western border, which is happening there with gastronomy and trade.

Semi-empty aircraft

The fact that in Poland the authorities relate to Coronavirus seriously, you understand immediately upon arrival at the airport. In Warsaw "Chopin", all establishments work exclusively to the honeycomb. Even in McDonald's tables are sealed, and employees regulate the distance in the queue. In the waiting rooms, it is forbidden to sit next to other people. It contrasts the Minsk airport, where almost all passengers arrived to the gay of arrived, the distance between people was like in a queue in "Hippo" on December 31.

In Poland, at least until mid-February, there is a restriction on the occupancy rate of public transport. In particular, it is impossible that there are people in the cabin in the amount of more than 50% of the number of seats. It seems that this harsh rule applies to air transport: in the screw DHC-8, which delivered us from Warsaw to Gdansk, half of the salon was really empty. Do I need to say that the Belavia has a plane clogged?

In the cities, the occupancy of buses and trams is regulated formally: on half the seats placed signs not sit down, and still you can not approach the driver's site closer than one and a half meters (in Poland, tram and buses are not selling cards now. But no one considers standing passengers. In the peak hours it seems that public transport is scored by 60-70%.


More recently, all people arriving in Poland due to the external borders of the EU were required to pass 10-day quarantine. From January 23, instead of quarantine, you can show a negative test result on SARS-COV-2, which you have received no more than 48 hours before crossing the border. We had no such opportunity (we flew on January 15), so I had to stick together at home for 10 days. Even in the plane Minsk - Warsaw Stewardles distributed two large questionnaires in which it was necessary to specify the place where you will pass a quarantine, and answer a long number of questions. With filling, it is better to hurry: to fly only an hour, and collect profiles before landing.

On passport control, arriving asks the address where they intend to serve quarantine, and the phone number that should always be available and connected to the Internet. If you suddenly plan to buy a local SIM card after passing passport control, nothing terrible: you can specify your Belarusian number, and then change it in the database. Quarantine begins the day after arrival, so immediately after settling in the apartment we went to the store to connect to the local operator and buy food. No sense for 10 days. There is no sense: in Poland there is a great delivery of products (and even wines!).

And the next day, our semi-purule adventure began to "come up to do in the apartment." In general, 10 days do not go outside the street is not so scary. The first days stretch for a long time, and then you do not notice how the days are replacing the night. In the end, you are sitting in a comfortable apartment, you are preparing food and have access to the Internet. I worked all these days. I still have such a quarantine since March last year, when we went to the remote. The very fact of what you can not go outside, strains a bit, but now it is not the times when you can complain. We have limitations of freedom and worse.

Your stay is monitored through the Kwarantanna Domowa application. It you need to register and confirm your phone number. By geolocation, the program monitors that the phone is in one place - according to the address specified when customs control. You need to confirm that you are next to the phone, you need to perform tasks that occasionally come to this program. In principle, the tasks are only one type - to make selfie. The task is given 28 minutes. On some days we did six Selfie, did not come to other tasks at all.

You ask what prevents to go to walk for half an hour, leaving the phone at home? You can return and perform the task, once this is given for 28 minutes. This is very risky. At any time you can call the police and ask you, are you at home. Do not raise the phone or the phone will not be available - it can take for evading quarantine. Fine - up to 30 thousand zlotys ($ 8 thousand!). We called four times. Once the police arrived at home and asked to look out the window and me, and the spouse. As you can see, everything is serious. They say the police can be asked to bring basic necessities or food. We did not use this option, although police officers communicated very kindly.

Ten days of fresh air we received only on the balcony. Lisa resorted several times (and this is the very center of the city)

Due to the fact that you can not go outside, you can not bear garbage. We stored packages on the balcony. I know cases when people who are on quarantine frozen organic trash (in Poland a separate garbage collection) so that he does not stink. Separately, I note that the Kwarantanna Domowa application is terribly buggy: notifications are not always triggered, and you as a psycho open the program every five minutes to see if there is no new task. Even a few days later, after graduating from Quarantine, I climbed into a phone in a habit of habit to find out if Selfie does not require me. Even if you spend quarantine with your family, you can register to one mobile number. So it was with us. As a result, the tasks came simultaneously on two phones, and if some of us did Selfie, then the second program knocked out a mistake, and the task disappeared. Just in case, we decided to simply send a joint selfie in turns from different phones (so we will at least have a confirmation that we were both at home).

Closed institutions

January 25, when our quarantine seems to be over, the application still asked us to stay at home with the phone included. But by calling the support service (there are Russian operators), we learned that "free." I never thought that I would have a common walk in the fresh air. However, in Gdansk now there is nothing to do, except for a walk (in a mask and keeping from other passersby at a distance of at least one and a half meters). Restaurants and cafes in the city are closed or only work in the honeycomb or in delivery format.

Shopping centers are almost empty. Until today (February 1), in Poland, a ban on the work of most outlets was proof. Only grocery stores, pharmacies, construction supermarkets, pet stores, cosmetics points are open. Clothes can only be bought online, as well as electronics. There is nothing to do in large shopping shops: everything is closed. Cozy streets, on which it is frozen to coronavirus, froze, froze chairs from the halls. All Gdansk now resembles an abandoned amusement park. You understand that there is once a life buried here, the music played and the children had fun, and now people like zombies will join there, looking out, looking at any passers around from under the mask their infectious nose. Even on traffic lights, people keep a large distance.

All people, being on the street, are obliged to wear a mask. Exceptions are made only for performing jogging in parks or the beach. Meet people with whom you do not live is prohibited. Until the end of January, the rule in Poland, according to which, from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies and post offices, there may be only faces over 60 years.

In Poland, coronavirus is. It flies in the air and poisoning life as local residents, and come. To be honest, I do not know whether we should envy us to western neighbors that their authorities have so harsleered to fight "Cowid". Surely the Polish owners of restaurants and shops would gladly change places with Belarusian colleagues who continue to work quietly. On the other hand, in Poland, I had a feeling for the first time in my life that someone besides me to worry about my health.

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