How to plant an apple tree


    Good afternoon, my reader. The novice gardener may have difficulty planting an apple tree. But over time, experience comes, and in this case there is no problem anymore. It is only necessary to follow the landing rules.

    How to plant an apple tree 6263_1
    How to plant an apple tree Maria Verbilkova

    Of the varieties you like, you need to choose suitable for your site. It is necessary to take into account the level of groundwater and free space. If you want to grow a large tree 7-8 m in height, it will fit the plot with deep groundwater (from 3 m) and it is necessary to plant them at a distance of 5-6 m from the other.

    The average value of an apple tree (up to 4 m and with a crown diameter up to 3 m) will grow well on the section with a depth of groundwater from 2.5 m, and small dwarfs (height up to 3 m and the crown diameter to 2 m) from the depth of water from 1.5 m. This is due to the fact that the roots should not reach groundwater so that the tree does not hurt.

    You need to choose seedlings, they are easier to take root. It will be optimal if the seedling is 1-2 years old. The annual seedling is usually no twigs, and in 2-year-old 2-3 sprigs.

    When examined, it is necessary to check that the seedling does not have signs of diseases, there were no damage and blossomed leaves. If the Craer is a little pushing the nail or something sharp, the greenish wood should be discovered. Roots should not be dry and fragile. To transport the roots of the seedling, it is necessary to wind up a damp cloth and put into the film, pull the branches to the trunk.

    In the northern regions it is desirable to plant an apple tree in spring time, and in the south it is better in the fall. Apple tree planted in the fall and will have to root and in the spring will actively grow. She will begin to be fruit. The landing must be done a month before the first frosts. If time to miss, then the tree will die in the winter.

    How to plant an apple tree 6263_2
    How to plant an apple tree Maria Verbilkova

    If you did not have time to put on time, it is better to place a seedling for the winter in a touch. It is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 60-70 cm and under the tilt to lay saplings with the tops to the south. The roots should be covered with sand and pour, and with the arrival of frosts to fall asleep all the trees so that only the crown remains outside.

    In the springtime, in the south and in the middle strip, the apple trees are planting in April, and in Siberia in May.

    For a good yield, the plot must be sunny and, if possible, windless. From soils, loam will be the best option for the apple orchard. Clay soil must be mixed with sand 2: 1, and sandy with peat or humus 2: 1.

    The depth of the landing pit should be from 60 to 70 cm. The diameter should be done so that the roots are freely placed. The way of vaccinating a seedliness affects the depth.

    Saplings, grafted by the root neck, can not be plugged. It is necessary that the vaccination place is slightly towered above the ground, otherwise the seedling may not take care. In another case, the own roots can be brought, and the seedling will lose all the advantages of vaccination.

    The minimum distance between the rows of apple trees must be done:

    • for dwarf apple trees 4 m;
    • medium sized 5 m;
    • Tall trees 5-6 m.

    Then the crowns of adult trees will not interfere with one another, and everyone will have enough sun.

    Mix the soil with fertilizers from the pit:

    • Potassium chloride 70 g;
    • Superphosphate 100 g

    If the soil is acidic, add 700-800 g of dolomite flour.

    The pits are breaking and laying the gravel layer, rubble or other similar material. Put a small hilly of the prepared earthy mixture. Not far from the center of Jama, pocket the height of the meter is two for support. Saplot put on a hilmik, straighten the roots and float the mixture to the top, leaving the root neck for 3-5 cm above the ground level. Then it is necessary to pour 2-3 water buckets under the seedling and climb the soil.

    How to plant an apple tree 6263_3
    How to plant an apple tree Maria Verbilkova

    For better growth and proper development, cut a seedling at an altitude of 75-90 cm and shorten the side twigs, leaving ⅓ lengths.

    Watering this apple tree will have more often and every year to plunge the land on the hill.

    The seedling should not have leaves - they pull the nutrients from the roots and the roots weaken.

    It is advisable to dug the roots before planting for an hour - one and a half in a nutrient bolt from the ground, manure and "corneser" with a consistency of thick sour cream.

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