What to look at leisure? 10 best films with Jim Kerry

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Frame from k / f "Ace Ventura: Pet Search", 1993 Photo: kinopoisk.ru

Jim Kerry is perhaps the most recognizable and highly paid comedian in the history of modern Hollywood. The peak of his popularity fell on the second half of the 90s. However, how suddenly he took off to the pedestal, as suddenly stopped "quoted" and switched to the cohort of the so-called "shot down pilots", whose new projects no longer wait and not wait.

We will remember the most successful appearance of Jim Kerry on the screen.

1. "Ace Ventura: Pet Search" (1993)

The eccentric comedy of the novice director of Tom Sedyaka was the world of a new Hollywood comedian, as ridiculous, how long.

In the center of the plot - the adventures of an ulcer private detective specializing in search of pets. Only this time I was not Murzik and not Tuzik, but the dolphin named Snowflake - the talisman of the football team.

The first major role brought Kerry world glory, insane fees, and the character himself became his visiting card for a long time, although afterwards Jim and tried to be more restrained in his escapades.

2. "Dumb and still dumber" (1994)

Another enjoyable funny and not so stupid, as it could seem out of the name, the comedy project in which Kerry continues to build "rural fool". With the only difference that now his character is Lloyd with Christmas Famillery, Christmas - the utter idiot, the crazy deeds of which make up no less idiotic anticipation of his best friend Harry (Jeff Daniels).

The picture of the brotherly directorial tandem Peter and Bobby Farrelli without any visible efforts went to the leaders of film distribution and later (though, after 20 years) even acquired a sequel.

3. "Mask" (1994)

The mid-90s in Hollywood is the beginning and most peak of an incredibly successful career of Jim Kerry. And Tolik Fantasy in the adventure comedy Chuck Russell only strengthened his position: after this tape, the comedian salary was 8-digit.

"Mask" - a typical film about the next loser, the will of the fate receiving incredible abilities (a modest clerk Stanley Ipkis finds an ancient relic - a mask of the Scandinavian God - and turns into a superhero), however, the Talent of Kerry made this plot to catch new paints. An important role in the success of the picture was also played by the works of Hollywood masters on special effects, who endowed the newly "Superman" funny cartoon features.

4. "Cabler" (1996)

The first attempt by Kerry go beyond his role and the first 20 million fee. Film fees set by another famous American comic - Ben Stiller ("Acquaintance with Parents") - clearly demonstrated that Kerry in a different image, rather than a sudentary balagen, is no longer so pleased with the audience. In the "cable engineer", the actor chose a character with sinister oddities and the viewer did not like it, although the ribbon earned its 100 million in the global box office.

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Poster to k / f "Cabler" 1996 Photo: kinopoisk.ru

5. "Liar, liar" (1997)

The second experience of cooperation with Tom Mesdiak after Eys Ventura differs sharply on the tonality: if the "venitual" was sparkling sketch, then the "liar, liar" is, rather, a family comedy, although Kerry's branded gaggie here are present in prosperity.

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Frame from k / f "Liar, liar", 1997 Photo: kinopoisk.ru

The film easily bypassed the "Cableman" in terms of fees, however, in the comic comic game, the fatigue and unwillingness to be the unrestrained Hokhamach, who was so loved by the public.

6. Show Trumanan (1998)

"Liar, liar" served as a kind of bridge to the first dramatic role of Kerry, but in drama, unlike a comedy, the plot plays a much greater role. And here the actor was lucky more than ever - the painting script was engaged in Andrew Nikolov, the author of such paintings as "Gattak" and "time".

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Frame from the movie "Show Truman", 1998 Photo: kinopoisk.ru

In the center of the narration - Truman Burbank, the whole life of which, from the very birth - is a reality show, and all friends, familiar, wife and even parents are just the actors. The Truman himself about it, of course, does not suspect, but any show should ever end ...

7. "Man on the Moon" (1999)

For the role of the Milos of Forman, the Creator "Amadeu" and "flying over the nest of the cuckoo", Kerry again received an 8-digit fee, but the biographical drama about comicing Andy Kaufman comedured at the box office, without paying and half of its 80 million budget.

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Frame from k / f "Man on the Moon", 1999 Photo: kinopoisk.ru

The audience did not like the frankly gloomy tape tone (remind, Kaufman died at the age of 35 from cancer), and critics justified the Kerry in the desire to "play on the Oscar" and repeat the success of his colleague Dustin Hoffman, also depicting famous Standap-comic comic in the picture "Lenny " However, unlike Hoffman, Kerry did not even nominate.

8. "Greench - Christmas Thief" (2000)

Apparently, desperate to change the image, the actor and at all "disappeared from the frame", hiding from the viewer for massive make-up in the Christmas family comedy about the green monster. Actually, the film Ron Howard's film and received a prize of the American Film Academy, while the actor's abilities of the chief executive were naked so skillfully, to recognize in the image of Greencha with all the beloved comicity was almost impossible.

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Frame from k / f "Greench - Church of Christmas", 2000 Photo: kinopoisk.ru

9. "Bruce Almighty" (2003)

The third and pilot of the last joint project of Kerry and the Mesdianka, in which Jim's hero again after the "mask" plays in God (now literally). A record 25 million fee was a tangible incentive to return to the Lono Comedy, besides, a couple of America, Jennifer Aniston, put a favorite of America. However, many it seemed that Kerry had already grew out of such images and his "Triumphal Return" was too obvious maneuver.

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Frame from k / f "Bruce Almighty", 2003 Photo: kinopoisk.ru

10. "Eternal radiance of pure mind" (2004)

Touching melodrama with fiction elements in which the hero Kerry "remembers everything," may not become financial success, but it is definitely one of the best works of the actor in the movies. This is the second of two ribbons involving the comedian comedom, which is part of the Top 250 of the Russian Site "Kinopoisk". Surprisingly, as director of Michelle Gondrei managed to combine two such different genres and at the same time not to lose the essence of the narrative. And Kerry for the first time in his career became like an ordinary person, and not on the walking circus-shapito.

At this moment, you can exclaim: "And that's all? And how did the famous comedian with eight-digit fees last 16 years old? " Alas, glory and recognition left Jim Kerry as easily as they came. Over the past year and a half decades, he never ceased to film, although there were constantly rumors in the media that an actor disappointed in life (Kerry had two marriages and both unsuccessful) ready at any time to "tie".

However, there were few real projects. To the latter, it is possible to rank more or less successful shielding of the children's book "Lemoni Snicette: 33 misfortunes" (2004) and the comedy "always say yes" (2008). Kerry's attempt to change the role and to play in the "fatal number 23" (2006) thriller (2006) was perceived cold, and the scandal around the provocative tape "I love you, Phillip Morris," in which Kerry played Gaya, and he could have buried his career once and for all .

And even 20 years later, Sequel "Dumb and even Dumber" could not heal the interest of the audience for the work of Jim: Over the past 5 years, he starred only 3 (!) Full-length paintings, the last of which is "Sonic in the Cinema" (2020) - Extreme mediocre screening of an ancient computer toy.

Today, Jim Carry is already 59, and, apparently, the time of eccentric escapad passed. It remains to hope that the film acter will come in spirit and will be able to return to the images more dramatic than comical, because the films "Show Truman" and "Man on the Moon" proved that we were not just "Mr. Rubber" before us, and a real big actor.

Author - Evgeny Zharkov

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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