Best varieties of black currant, resistant to mildew


    Good afternoon, my reader. Puffy dew is a serious threat to black currant bushes. The disease prevents the normal growing vegetation of infected plants. Fortunately, breeders are tirelessly working on this problem: more than more varieties of a berry bush, not susceptible to this fungal infection appear.

    Best varieties of black currant, resistant to mildew 6081_1
    The best varieties of black currant, resistant to mildew Maria Verbilkova

    Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Compact medium-grained bushes are suitable for cultivation not only in the middle strip, but also in the districts of the North and the Far East. Plant height reaches up to 1.7-1.9 m. Culture is not susceptible to many fungal diseases and some pests.

    Unpretentious low (0.9-1.1 m) plant needs standard care. In favorable conditions, the harvest, maturing in June, is 2-3 kg from each bush. The berries of the average value (1.2-1.5 g) have a thin, with the Sizem sickness.

    The fruits of universal destination do not have a strong aroma, but they have a pleasant and very sweet taste. Dachnitsa variety not susceptible to mildew and some harmful insects (glass, kidnogo tick).

    Best varieties of black currant, resistant to mildew 6081_2
    The best varieties of black currant, resistant to mildew Maria Verbilkova

    Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Sylopal bushes with strong shoots quite justify the name of the variety. The length of stopping shoots sometimes reaches up to 2 m. Winter-hardy plant, which is resistant to fungal diseases and harmful insects, is very popular among the gardeners of the middle strip.

    The magnificent medium-gray currant was derived thanks to cross-pollution of seedlings of three different varieties: a wonderland, Sunderbank and Belarusian sweet. High height bushes (1.2-1.5 m) have a thick, scattered crown.

    Fruits weighing 1.7-2.5 g and the correct round shape have dense glossy skin. Juicy and very pleasant pulp taste has characteristic of currant with acid and light aroma. Harvesting begins in the first days of July. From each plant, manual or mechanized method is removed from 1.3 to 2 kg of berries.

    Compact, mediterite bushes, contrary to all expectations, surprise high yields of 3-4 kg from each. The height of the shoots ranges from 1.7 to 1.9 m. The average mass of berries (1.4-1.8 g) with fine glossy skin has a high density.

    For the extraordinary taste of sour-sweet pulp, the Kupalinka grade received a high rating of tasters. And the immunity of the plant to the pulse dew made it popular among professionals and enthusiasts of gardening.

    High (1.5-1.8 m) bushes with reprehensive shoots were widespread in the central chernozem. Currant Charm stably gives yields of at least 1.4-1.5 kg from the bush. Ripe fruits are collected in the middle of summer.

    The plant is not afraid of winter cold and some pests (Kindergox). In addition, this variety rarely sick with mildew, anthracnose, septoriasis. Berries weighing 1.8-2.2 g have a sour-sweet, pleasant pulp taste. Black glossy fruits that have almost no seeds, found universal use.

    One of the most successful varieties for the climatic conditions of the middle strip of Russia. The lowered (1.2-1.5 m), compact, but very thick shrub is famous for high yields (from 2.5 to 3 kg).

    In addition, the Currantine Selechenskaya resistant tolerates the return spring frosts and winter cold. The plant has a strong immunity against pulse dew and the average resistance to other fungal infections.

    Best varieties of black currant, resistant to mildew 6081_3
    The best varieties of black currant, resistant to mildew Maria Verbilkova

    Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Very large, matte-black berries with dense skin have greenish colors flesh. The taste of this currant earned high tasting evaluations. The harvest matures in the first decade of July.

    This early, high-yielding grade is known for domestic gardeners for more than half a century. Since then, its popularity does not become less. The middle height (1.2-1.5 m) bushes with reprehensive shoots are not threatened with the heat or cold. In addition, the plant is well developed immunity against the majority of diseases characteristic of this culture.

    The harvest from each bush comes to 1.8-2 kg, the collection occurs at the beginning of the summer (June). The average magnitude of the berries (1.5-2.5 g) with a pleasant taste with a sweet-sweet greenish pulp, is perfectly stored and easily transferred to transport.

    The magnificent variety of currant, derived by the Belarusian breecisers, is great for cultivation in the middle strip. Compact bushes barely reach a height of 1-1.2 m. But it does not affect their yields. From each adult plant at the end of the summer, 3-4 kg of berries are removed.

    A successful selection of currant, resistant to mildew is the key to a good vegetation of a berry bush. The plant with a strong immunity will not have to deal with the disease, all its resources will be directed to the formation of a future harvest.

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