Russian nutritionist Moisenko warned about the dangers of soft fruits for a person


Fruits, despite the variety of beneficial properties, under certain conditions may cause harm to the body. This was told in an interview with Radio Sputnik Chief Doctor of Esthetic Medicine "Rimmarita", Candidate of Medical Sciences, Therapist, Moyssenko Rimma Nutrition

Russian nutritionist Moisenko warned about the dangers of soft fruits for a person 5988_1

According to a nutritionist, fruits can cause harm to the body if they are wrong.

The thing is that in sweet fruits in large quantities, fructose is a monosaccharide. And it is about two times sweetering glucose. It has been proven that the consumption of fructose in excessive quantities can lead to an increase in blood cholesterol, the formation of visceral fat, which is in itself toxic and impaired metabolism. Another possible consequence of the use of sweet fruit diabetes. Therefore, the use of fruits that have too sweet taste is better abandoned. - Rimma Moyssenko, nutritionist

Russian nutritionist Moisenko warned about the dangers of soft fruits for a person 5988_2

According to her, first of all, it is necessary to abandon overwhelmed and too soft fruits. It is they who contain the greatest amount of fructose. You need to use fruits having a rigid form and containing the smallest amount of juice, since juice is sweetness.

Another dangerous property of fruit noted a nutritionist, this is their ability to cause elevated fermentation in the body. In this regard, it is necessary to reduce the use of berries, primarily it concerns the gooseberry, black currant and grapes.

Russian nutritionist Moisenko warned about the dangers of soft fruits for a person 5988_3

The third feature of the fruit, which forcing them to relate to them with a special caution - the possible occurrence after eating allergic reactions. According to a nutritionist, it is undesirable to get involved in exotic fruits. These include Kiwi, pineapple, bananas, mangostes, mango and others.

And people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, from fruits and berries specialist advises at all to refuse. First of all, according to a specialist, first of all, citrus is not suitable. They are desirable to completely exclude from consuming people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Exceptions can be lemon and lime.

Russian nutritionist Moisenko warned about the dangers of soft fruits for a person 5988_4

Lemon is considered the most useful fruit. It has a sixcomponent vitamin C system, which has a huge amount of bioflavonoids and pectins. Lemon is the best remedy for raising the hydrochloric acid level necessary for better digestion of used animal proteins. As Moyssenko emphasized, it is impossible to use a lemon only to people prone to ulcerative disease and gastritis having increased acidity.

Russian nutritionist Moisenko warned about the dangers of soft fruits for a person 5988_5

In addition, the nutritionist recommends consuming a small amount of dates, since the dates do not enhance fermentation in the body, and instead of black currant, you can eat red. Two apples a week and a pear, and hard, you can also afford.

Earlier, the "Central News Service" reported that the doctor and TV host Alexander Butchers called dangerous foods, which should be refused. They entered home preservation and mushrooms.

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