Today is pure Monday - the first day of the Great Post

Today is pure Monday - the first day of the Great Post 5951_1

Clean Monday is one of the most significant holidays for Orthodox Christians.

In this holiday, you can not deny anyone to help. It is impossible to spend the day at idleness and fun: it needs to be devoted to spiritual and physical cleansing, as well as cleaning at home. It is categorically forbidden to find out the relationship, to fool or swear in this holiday.

This is the first day of the 40-day Great Post, which continues the passionate week. This time, believers spend not only in abstinence from food, but also in prayer and repentance.

On this day, the post is particularly strict: the church recommends to completely refrain from eating food (you can drink only water). A little lean meal is allowed after sunset.

If you can't do without certain food or restrictions in food are too dangerous for your health, you can not comply with them. Also, restrictions do not apply to pregnant women and servicemen.

On the evening of March 14, for forbidden Sunday, Metropolitan Ryazan and Mikhailovsky Mark headed the evening with herself for forgiveness in the Christ Cathedral.

- From the first days of the post, we hear the chant "Let's post a pleasant post." Most often, people, having heard the question of what is for a nice post and what is his features, why he should be pleasant, answer so - to be joyful, so that everything is good and nice. That is, they perceive these words in the literal sense.

But we will watch us not only for yourself, but the fulfilling of God's commandment, and the post should be pleasant, favorable not for us, but for God! We should think about him that for him our post was enjoyable for him to accept him as a sacrifice of our heart, all of our creature.

Each person knows his sores, passions and affection. And the post, the Holy Great Father is a time when we must put the abstinence principle at the head of our extention. Like to sit in front of the TV - refrain. Like to settle his lads with exquisite disassemble - refrain, eat simple food. I like to spend time in dealing with your neighbors, condemning someone from them - refrain from it!

God expects our heart from us, and we, passing a lean field, should think if God will like what we do are our classes, leisure, ropot, sins. You need to think not only about how to thump your flesh, but, first of all, think about good deeds, to save your heart from the fuss so that it is with God, so that we think more about the Lord than yourself, So that we strive to have the mercy of the Savior in the face of our neighbors.

This is the task of the post - to abandon yourself, think about God and about your neighbor, that our lean time is pleased to be favorable to the Lord. These tasks are facing us in this holy and responsible period.

We will humbly ask God so that he helps us worthy of, without stumbling, to go through the great post and with a light heart to meet the glorious Resurrection of the Creator. And, of course, whenever, entering into this holy field, we will try to clear not only our heart with tears of repentance, but also to clean your heart, your soul through reconciliation with our neighbors. We will try to forgive the offenders, not to keep evil in the neighbor, because only the alms of one who has no evil in the near, takes the Lord God, - with these words, Metropolitan Mark appealed to parishioners and first asked for forgiveness from all those who gathered in the temple of the clergy, monastic . Those, in turn, also asked for forgiveness in response, reports.

In turn, doctors believe that the post is unloading the body, diet. It is especially good for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract just in the spring, when the most common exacerbations of chronic diseases occur.

"But it is very important that the transition to the Great post after the wide carnival was gradual. No need to drastically exclude prohibited products from the diet, "such a Council gave our colleagues from the Network Edition" Ivanovsky News "Therapist Irina Sirotkin.

Specialist recommends: First, go to a more sparing mode: remove roasted meat, fats, oils, milk, cook porridge. And the output from the post should be smooth. We should go to fractional meals: to eat 5 times a day in small portions. Otherwise, the aggravation of all chronic diseases will happen, and you can get to the hospital.

Children doctors do not recommend abide by the post.

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