20+ people on their experience learned that after 30 you can easily meet the love of life


People living alone, stronger others tend to experience longing, are more often encountered with anxiety and depression. Find the second half does not always work immediately. Someone meets their fate on dating sites, and others she lies in very unexpected places. For example, on an interview or online game.

All the heroes of today's selection of Adme.ru unites what they found love in adulthood, which with warmth remembered in one of the threads.

  • Posted by a girl a message on a dating site. She removed the account and without reading it. Restored an account after 2 years, I saw the same message at the top of the list. So it goes. © StanleyFord / Reddit
  • Usually I added you like guys to the "Favorites" and did not even suspect that someone could learn about it. Also did not load photo: Hope did not eat anyone. But he as if he felt something and wrote. © Unknown / Reddit
  • This is how dad got acquainted with a stepmother. At that time, the parents were divorced, dad met with a woman, whom we hated my sisters. Once I served a table, followed by 6 ladies. By the end of the evening, I asked if I could help with something. One of them asked: "Do you have high, swarthy, beautiful men?" I missed that everyone was already sold. The woman clarified: "Maybe there are low, thick, balders?" I replied: "No, but you can go somewhere with my father." They got married and lived together for 20 years. © WholyForkingShrtBall / Reddit

20+ people on their experience learned that after 30 you can easily meet the love of life 5850_1
© Dolgachov / EasyFotostock / Eastnews

  • I got acquainted through the announcement site, I was looking for someone with whom you can watch movies. My future chosen wanted something more. After several weeks, the correspondence finally met, flashed spark. The first date lasted 9 hours. After 11 years, we are still insanely in love, bring up 2 children, changed 4 states, 4 apartments, 2 homes, and in September we will celebrate the 10th anniversary. © kromm73 / Reddit
  • We both were just 30, and it was beautiful. In adulthood you already know what you want, and ready to be cooled. At 20, I was immature, awesome and did not even think about creating a family. © FurBall23 / Reddit
  • They met 8 years ago at the exhibition of retro factors and spent very little time together. We were trying to bring us something that I could have opposed. That guy lived in Texas, and I am in California. A year later, he called me to ask something, eventually told 3 hours. The same thing happened the next day. Soon invited a new acquaintance for a family holiday. Surprisingly he came. After a year and a half, 5 days before my 40th anniversary, our wedding took place. 15 months ago I gave birth to the first and only daughter. © ltls1976 / reddit

20+ people on their experience learned that after 30 you can easily meet the love of life 5850_2
© roop_dey / shutterstock

  • I would like us to meet before about 5. What older becomes, the more value the opportunity to spend a second, minute, hour or day with the best person in the world. In 1986 there were no mobile phones and the Internet, but we used faxes. We met in the old manner, in the restaurant through a common friend. A couple of months after acquaintance I had to work in another city, but on my return we quickly began to live together, and in 1990 I got married. © BABSISITINTHEHOUSE / Reddit
  • I got acquainted with the girl on Reddit in the online game discussion, began to correspond, convege and visit each other in reality. My girlfriend lives in 4 o'clock ride, and so far it is a distance relationship. But I did not love anyone as hard as her, waiting for it! © -edgar- / Reddit
  • I met her at the age of 30 in one institution, where he was with his brother and his friend. The latter was even a frame. Suddenly the future wife approached him and began to report. It turned out that these two work together. I was hooked by her speech and reasoning about people. That evening the girl rested with the company. I was nervous, but approached and asked her name. Since then, we are together. © TheDrugofanation / Reddit

20+ people on their experience learned that after 30 you can easily meet the love of life 5850_3
© Depositphotos.

  • I met a lot with whom, and at that time we were already familiar. He was in love with me from the day of dating. One day after my painful gap with a guy, we went a little to have a little. Only then realized that I really like this guy. © OverduDoughNut / Reddit
  • I got acquainted in the appendix when both were for 30. Already wanted to delete an account, but his profile suddenly opened. I decided to see who it was, and silent to the right. In October, finally get married. © Salcasms / Reddit
  • When I got acquainted with my husband in the online game, I was already knocking 35. Good 2 years played every day together. I thought it was some kind of 16-year-old boy, and he was sure that I am a man. After all, communication went only by correspondence, in addition I had a stupid nickname. One day I went to the local computer club, which told the old comrade. It turned out that we were peers, went to one club and both were without a pair. 21 years together. © Helly_BB / Reddit

20+ people on their experience learned that after 30 you can easily meet the love of life 5850_4
© Ponomarenko Anastasia / Shutterstock

  • The new neighbor moved to the apartment on the second floor and chatted with me from his balcony while I worked on an art project in the yard. I did not think about any kind of relationship, while some of the guests did not offer to acquaint with the other. A few weeks later he said that flirting, which I, as usual, did not understand. We spent 20 wonderful years. I would like to meet each other earlier to spend more even more time. © 907Puppetgirl / Reddit
  • I was 31 years old, and my wife then 24. In 20 years I was a complete idiot, behaved like a teenager. We met at the fountain in the gym - I have never got acquainted in such a place before. She helped me sort out myself. In May, there will be 20 years since the wedding, we have 2 teenage children. © Frick-You-Fricker / Reddit
  • Meet the train. I just rode for entertainment at the weekend, and she drove to work someone to replace. At some point just went to me, gave her business card and invited to coffee. Happily married for 7 years. © inaka_ / Reddit

20+ people on their experience learned that after 30 you can easily meet the love of life 5850_5
© Depositphotos.

  • At the age of 16 met with a friend of my current lover. In 19, we had a short relationship at a distance. In November last year, communication resumed. We are 34 years old, and I was not so good with anyone: just silence, talk or hug. © Southernoptimism / Reddit
  • I am 41 years old, and with all 3 husbands I met when it was older than 30. Double widow. The first husband met on a dating site, it was the love of the whole life - we got married after 3 days. The second husband was the best friend of the first, came out for him after loss. Well, the third was a music teacher at his son. © JustJenii / Reddit
  • I was 34, he was 30. Meets on the site dedicated to the musical festival. He was going there, I had tickets, but the company is not yet. Before making the 14-hour travel, decided to see on an hour. All weekends spent together and realized that they love one music and in general are in many ways. We regularly traveled to festivals for 10 years, and hopefully go soon again. © Burner423738 / Reddit

20+ people on their experience learned that after 30 you can easily meet the love of life 5850_6
© ND3000 / Easyfotostock / Eastnews

  • The partner got acquainted 3 years ago through general friends. After 2 unsuccessful marriages he swore that one remained alone. But 2 years ago we began to live together, and it's great. I am 66, he is 55. We are incredibly happy. © Susan_Werner / Reddit
  • She was a girlfriend of the bride at my first wedding. And if we met earlier, nothing would happen. Then my current spouse has not yet been ready for relationships. © Thejtlovecraft / Reddit
  • In the older school, my wife and I were in the same company and just friendly. After school somehow lost. 25 years later, they saw each other in a social network, began to communicate again, then - to meet, and after 8 years they got married. 9 years passed, but we are still happy in marriage. By the way, then, at school, nothing would not come out: we were absolutely different. © 122922 / Reddit
  • I was in Australia on a tourist visa and saw a vacancy, I decided to go to the interview. Came, Interviewer was late. I did not answer for any question, but suddenly he volunteered to take me home. And then the thought flashed in the head that we could fall in love with each other. Then it seemed to be delushed, but after 4.5 months it happened. And now we officially registered the relationship, however, we see nothing as often as I wanted. I have not seen my husband for a year and 15 days. © BoatsmoatsFloats / Reddit

How did you meet your soul mate? How many years have you been at that time?

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