Why do you need customs and what should it be?

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Why do you need customs and what should it be? Photo: Depositphotos.

All who at least crossed the state border know what customs is. Border Guard and Customs appeared for a very long time - since the states arose, and will exist until the states exist. Where does this word come from and when did the first customs appear?

In Russian, the word "customs" occurred from the word "Tamga". This very word came to Russia during the times of the Golden Horde. It meant it brand, or print, a sign that was put on valuable property. The presence of Tamga meant that this thing belongs to such a family.

Customs and border guards - the protection of the state market. In recent decades, supporters of globalization seek to eliminate customs barriers between countries, trying to combine their markets, creating a single global market for goods and services. What is better and worse - it is necessary to solve according to circumstances.

If neighboring states produce better agricultural equipment, then they naturally try to negotiate with less developed neighbors about the duty-free tolerance of their products to the markets of near states. At the same time, it is quite possible to limit the access of those goods produced by neighbors, which are already better and cheaper.

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Silver Radot Silver With Prince Tamgi Photo: swordmaster.org

Since the 1950s, a common market has been created in Western European countries. First - for coal and steel, then, slowly, a list of goods freely moving between EU countries, began to expand. Visas disappeared for EU citizens when driving from one country of the Union to another. However, this did not eliminate some difficulties in commodity exchange between states. For example, cheap Spanish and Italian wines The rest of the EU countries allowed to market with tremendous labor and restrictions.

When too many products from the EU and Russia appeared on the steel and steel sheet of the United States, the American legislators introduced large duties on the import of products, to honestly compete with which America's metallurgical enterprises could no longer.

From 01/01/2021, the UK was disconnected from the EU - they were tired of fulfilling all the requirements of the European Union, did not like to be a sponsor of the undertakings of this association of countries. Moreover, the British promised to protect their marine fish, fish banks in the English economic zone from fishing vessels of the EU. It seems that the UK leadership believes that they will live on their own.

The events of the last 10-15 years show that borders and customs on the planet exist for no wonder and will disappear still not very soon.

What should be customs? Probably fast and incorruptible. And also - unobistant for ordinary passengers.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

In 1992, a group of engineers in which I was, for the first time crossed the state border: we flew on a business trip to Italy. To go to Sheremetyevo-2 customs control was not easy, although we, except for our clothes, did not take anything. Russian customs officers were very severe, each of us had all the junk, seeing something suspicious on X-ray. So italy we were waiting with horror. Especially since Italian did not know at all, only a little spoke in English.

In Milan to the exit after the passport check, we walked in advance, waiting for problems with some "prohibited to import" things. We, wandering leg legs, overtook the passenger at the exit from the airport of a passenger quite European appearance with a small portfolio in hand, who did not have any other baggage (I compared the ease of his baggage with our ancient "Chumadans" and completely fell in spirit). There was no queue at customs. People who did not want to declare nothing on the topic of fees, just walked past several customs officers. "Comrade" passed there for a couple of minutes before us ...

The Italian customs officer slid for us with a look - and moved the following for us. We involuntarily sighed from relief, but no leadership of the Customs did not lead.

When we were already at the exit, I suddenly found that a "confident comrade", which was just overtaken, customs officers are truly and quickly "walked." One led the protocol, the other clock was removed from Comrade. On the table lay a few more hours of hours, they were on hand under a spacious jacket. The portfolio was half open. It seems that there was also a "something" for a shock customs clearance, but with this they, apparently, decided to deal later, after the bombardment of the drummer labor hidden on the body. When meeting the income and professionalism, the incomingness usually loses.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

In Germany and Belgium in 1990-2000, I do not even remember customs. Passport control, a long crossing on foot, took things - and to the street. If something is, tranne and pay a duty. But the commander is - what things are there for presentation at customs? Passed many times without any comments of customs officers. Although, I am sure that it would probably be seized from the crowd and offered to spare honestly. I just did not violate the customs rules, because the customs officers did not see.

In China, in our time - also quite civilized customs. In the mid-2000s in Shanghai, our group of engineers from Russia expected transportation and meeting representatives of the company. The suitcases were donated with a bunch, next to us. Stood and chatted. The dog sang unobtrusively with us. Little such seems to be spaniel. I smelled the air, I fucked the tail ... then I tried a bunch of suitodas. Two times triggered. And ran to the owner, he stood rather far away. In the form, naturally ...

And then some of our company issued: "Eh, sorry, I didn't know what they would not be checked here, it was necessary to take some smallest smuggling." I showed him to the running dog and hinted that he had just been carefully checked into smuggling, and he did not even notice it.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

When the coronavirus epidemic ended, the customs on the passport control and in the "red" and "green" corridors will be a rather difficult watch for arriving passengers, trying to understand the sight of the passengers to understand - who is driving smuggling. And there will be cute little spaniels to run between the passengers, smiling in the entire mouth and waving tails. Sometimes they will make a rack on some of the passengers, after which they will take the police officers and officers of the customs under the white handles and invite a thorough luggage check in separate rooms, and perhaps a personal search in order to detect drugs and / or smuggling. something forbidden. Or just an attempt to carry some kind of goods without the payment of customs duty.

Good luck to everyone who flies abroad! Both advice: do not even try to violate the customs rules of the Russian Federation and the country where you are flying. It is best to learn these rules in advance and observe. Very difficult to deceive professionals.

Author - Igor Vadimov

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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